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Super nude patch self installer
Fantastic fuck mod
Multi sex pack
Group sex pack
Jack of all trades pack
Outdoor SEX pack
Climax SEX pack
Milk N cookies with  cream pies pack

Sex toy pack
Supernatural pack
Teasing pack
Intimate pack Masturbation pack
S & M
Bondage pack
Rough and Rowdy pack
BDSM pack

Fetish pack
Foot fetish pack
Dreams Of Surrender
Kinky expansions mod
Body files
Sex parts
Porn star cock
Intimate piercing pack
Penis piercing pack
Slutty outfits pack
Alluring accessory pack
Misc files
Tantalizing tattoo pack
Fantastic Fuck Network porn TV
Paint your own hentai
Positively Perverted pack

Warning VERY VERY naughty stuff and bad words are in these sections continue at your own risk...oh it's just you? Glad you could make it! Never mind than continue below!

The super nude patch is a self installing program that installs all the necessary mods to make your sims game fully XXX and 18+ there is no other mod out there like it! if your just looking to remove the blurs in the game than you can download the normal nude patch FREE by clicking here.

Only subscribers can download the super nude patch check out it's list of features below each be be chosen to be installed or not. Select a category to view on the left with full details, complete list of animations and screenshots!


  • Remove the blurs from the game when sims are naked or on the toilet.
  • Your sims males and females can walk around in the nude. Includes clothing for topless and full body nude for both males, females and teens.
  • The f-word mod Changes all the WooHoo text in the game to FUCK,  1st woohoo to lose virginity, ALL flirty text to horny and all non flirty text to flaccid.
  • Better nude skins for male and female and better female nipples and 3d clit added. Males have 3d nipples also. Also installed skin overlays to give females pink nipples OR real cleavage. Click the X next to top or bottom clothing to make sims naked. As well as invisible top and bottom clothing also included if you don't want other sims glaring at your naked sims.
  • Add a 3d tongue to your sims
  • Boob slider to adjust your sims boobs just the way you want them big or small and any shape.
  • Female strap on mod fully compatible with FFM.
  • Fantastic FUCK mod adds real live hardcore sex animations. With a vast variety of animation packs to choose from ranging from group sex, BDSM, bondage and even sex toys. Pretty much every position and location is available for sex!
  • Fantastic FUCK mod adds Exhibitionism.
  • Fantastic FUCK mod adds Voyeurism.
  • Fantastic FUCK mod tampons and condoms
  • Fantastic FUCK mod adds strip clubs.
  • Fantastic FUCK mod adds Animation support with REAL cum splatter and CreamPie animations.
  • Erect penis naked outfit in CAS.
  • Adds special boob jiggle physics both to normal walking and other activities and most important boobs jiggle during sex!
  • Special cum mesh that actually sees the cum. Creampies and facials come alive!
  • Sexy intimate piercings that give your female Sims pierced nipples and more.
  • Penis piercing for males.
  • A wide variety of slutty outfits and accessories for your sims to wear.
  • Your sims get the ability to watch porn on their TV including some hot sims videos to watch.
  • Add a variety of hot tattoos to your game.
  • Pornography career let your sims climb the ladder to become a top porn star.
  • Make all the hired help have sex with you using the FFM.
  • Make your sims woohoo in the nude automatically.
  • Paint your own hentai replaces all emotional paintings with hot hentai. over 50 paintings to discover.
  • Allows teens to date adults.
  • Set gender preference on any sim including your active sim.
  • Add bondage to your game.
  • Add Bondage devices and glory holes.
  • Add BDSM to your game.
  • Add fetish to your game including extreme animations like golden showers not for the faint hearted!
  • Add subs and doms to your game.
  • ONE file and ONE install!
  • Fully automated just select the options you want installed the program will scan for the correct folders and install everything where it's supposed to go (windows vita and higher ONLY.)

    NO waiting!
    NO adfly links that install MALWARE in the background. NO BS DO NOT EVER let adfly OR ClkSh allow you to send notifications!
    NO download timers!
    NO having to sign up to 10+ patreon accounts getting charged $5-10+ each time I do that for you and you get everything at ONE PRICE!
Screen shots

More screenshots below!

Choose a download below if you choose the full install file once downloaded and extracted double click the EXE file and follow the on screen instructions. You can download and install any of the mods and install them if you wish if you don't have your games installed into the default directories or if your having trouble running the exe file such as macs.

 Remember only subscribers have the luxury of downloading and your paying for the convenience and easy use to install mods!

Before attempting to install the super nude patch or ANY mods please make sure to run through this checklist!

  • Before you do anything you MUST be updated to the latest patch if you have not done this go do it right now by opening origin and let it update.
  • If you are using a mac you CANNOT use the super mod patch self installer exe it will not install. You must download and install the mods manually below. If you don't know how to do this than head to the FAQ and read the guide. If you wish to install mods manually on a PC also check the guide.
  • Before installing any mods make sure you have the expansion pack it requires if you don't do not attempt to install it.
  • Some mods are incompatible with expansion packs/patches it will say below in big red letters. Make sure not to install these mods.
  • You must enable mods in your game options. Make sure in general options menu enable custom content AND enable script mods IS checked! More info click here

The super nude patch is a self installing EXE file. BUT if you cannot use EXE files or want to install the files MANUALLY than WINRAR OR WINZIP IS REQUIRED TO EXTRACT THESE FILES. CLICK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD.


If your browser is having trouble downloading RAR files right click the link and choose SAVE FILES AS.

  Fantastic FUCK mod  

The fantastic Fuck mod adds real sims 4 hardcore sex animations to your game as well as other features. With more animations being added all the time you'll definitely want to sign up to keep experiencing all new sex animations! Latest version will always be available here!

Complete list of features

  • Real hardcore sex animations!
  • Condom use
  • STD's
  • Medical Specialist Services
  • Starting sex interactions with one or two sims
  • Inviting any amount of sims to the sex interaction (group sex)
  • Changing sex type and position
  • Swapping actors in the sex interactions
  • Undressing actors in the sex interaction
  • Making sims go away from watching sex of your sims by using the F OFF interaction
  • Blocking of objects used for sex to avoid other sims using them
  • Needs are affected accordingly while in sex.
  • Customization of sex positions
  • Modify sex position duration and genders
  • Set which clothing should be removed for sex position
  • Create stages of sex positions to play them one by one
  • Female sims can use strap-ons
  • Incest reward trait
  • Strapon parts are now present in the CAS Parts config file so if there will be anybody else that wants to make strapon clothing, WW will detect them and unlock the strapon interaction in the dresser.
  • sex whims Sex with partner, sex with new romantic interest, sex with someone, sex with your date, sex with someone in public.
  • support for exclusive NPC sex interaction.
  • ability to start NPC sex interactions.
  • sex autonomy trigger from romance related chatter
  • Question dialog when NPC Sim wants to ask for sex a player Sim
  • Player Sims Autonomy Settings' to allow player Sims sex autonomy (enabled by default)
  • Next' button in the Wicked menu to quickly progress to the next sex animation.
  • Jiggle boob physics (available when enabled in some animations)
  • Compatible with drug mod.
  • Hypersexual' Lot Trait.
  • Sexually Alluring' Sim Reward Trait for 3000 Satisfaction Points.
  • Asexual' Sim Reward Trait for 500 Satisfaction Points.
  • Eternally Faithful' Wicked Attribute (trait)
  • Casual Romantic' Wicked Attribute (trait)
  • Gender Recognition
  • Attractiveness
  • Joining Sex Autonomy
  • integration with Drugs mod
  • Menstrual Cycles
  • Wicked Sex Shop available on any computer in the game now offers a box of birth control pills and a box of condoms. Order them, receive them in your mailbox, and unpack them to get birth control pills and condoms.
  • solo sex autonomy (masturbation)
  • plumbob hide automatically during sex
  • Talk about Fantasies' romantic social interaction to increase sexual satisfaction
  • elders get "dangerously tired" from a lot of sex
  • Get Together Expansion clubs support (expansion is not required to use FFM)
  • Have Sex' club activity
  • Have Sex (Swinging)' club activity
  • Pee on the Spot interactions allowed indoors
  • Sims can watch porn on computers
  • Sex Autonomy Signs
  • Nudity Autonomy Signs
  • Strip clubs
  • Pubic hair
  • Sex Satisfaction
  • Porcelain Dolls
  • New traits
  • Randomize Wicked Attributes' interaction
  • Sexual Role Recognition' pie menu
  • Selfish Lover' Wicked Attribute
  • Penis Size Manipulation
  • Wicked Store' rabbit hole for a convenient way of purchasing items
  • Sex Animations Overrides
  • Sex Context Tags
  • Maximum Sex Actors Limit' Autonomy Specifics setting
  • Casual Sex Partners' relationship type
  • Become Casual Sex Partners' social interaction
  • booty calls with multiple unique phone messages
  • ability to shower together
  • Sex Party Social Event
  • TV Porn / Masturbation
  • Creep NPC
  • Sims Protocols
  • ability to undress clothing with multiple undressing stages
  • [Discover University] Sims can have sex with their professor to improve their grades
  • [Get to Work]  ability to make Sims Promiscuous with the SimRay
  • [Realm of Magic] 'Promiscuoso' Untamed spell to make Sims crazy about sex
  • [Get to Work] ability to undress Sims with the SimRay
  • [Realm of Magic] 'Nudellio' Untamed spell to introduce Sims to Naturism and get naked
  • [Spa Day] 'Enable/Disable Nude Yoga' on yoga mats
  • Wicked Notebook (Wicked Memories)
  • tongue functionality
  • FFM Secrets' tutorials
    Some functions are not so obvious to everybody or are simply hidden in places that not everyone looks into. Maybe even you don't know everything about this mod, so check out the Secrets Lessons category.
  • female Sims stimulation orgasms
  • cheating sex outcome moodlets
  • Invite sims to Bed
  • Showering Together
  • Sim Tuner
  • Floor Sex Marker object
  • Adult Filmmaking
  • Sims can watch porn on the tv
  • Encountering Sims masturbating to porn on TV will now display a proposition to join


  • Settings
    • Ability to change sex interaction progression: category progression (random animations), stage progression, disabled
    • Ability to start sex interaction (alone or with partner.) Teasing, Handjob, Footjob, Oraljob, Vaginal, Anal.
    • Ability to end the sex interaction with climax (if available in that animation.)
    • Ability to disable gender restrictions and use any animation for any gender
    • Ability to enable 'Always Accept' setting which makes every sim accept every sex proposition
    • Ability to enable/disable selected animations
    • Ability to change sex initiation and make sims instantly teleport to the sex location (requires Always Accept setting to be enabled)
    • Ability to disable taking off shoes when in sex interaction
    • Ability to enable auto full outfit undressing when in sex interaction
    • Ability to disable undressing when in sex interaction
    • Objects get locked when using them for sex (with ability to disable that.)
    • Relationship checks can be turned on or off if you don't want anyone to accept all the time.
    • Autonomy Question Dialog Settings.
    • Teens Nudity Switch' setting to enable/disable nudity for teen Sims
    • Teens Sex Switch' setting to enable/disable sex for teen Sims
    • Animations Disabler menu
    • Autonomy Animations Disabler menu to disable animations just for autonomy sex
    • Asking for Sex Dialogs Settings' menu
    • setting to disable base game interactions during sex
    •  Respect Children's Eyes Setting
    • Respect Undressing to Underwear Setting
    • Menstrual Cycle Fertility Level' setting
    • Pregnancy Duration' setting
    • Sims Types to Pre-Select' menu when Selecting or Generating Sims Preferences
    • Copy Preferences from Other Sim' functionality
    • Preferences Generator Modes
    • Categorize Animation Authors' setting
    • Slow Down Time During Player Sex' advanced sex setting. You can find this setting in Sex Settings -> Sex Interaction -> Advanced Sex Interaction Settings.
    • Ability to allow individual Sims for "Any Gender Role" in sex. Instead of enabling in setting "Recognition of Male/Female as Both" or "Anything Goes", you can now simply allow a Sim to be able to fit into any gender role. This enables the Sim to play both the Male and the Female role in sex at the same time, which is especially useful for same-sex pairs, without altering all Sims behavior in the world via settings.

      Click on a
      Sim and go into Wicked -> Personalization -> Role Assignment -> Gender Role and "Allow Any Gender Role".
    • Asking to Join Sex Dialog now includes an option to prevent anybody from attempting to join
    • Dynamic Autonomy Animations Disabler'

      Are you tired of disabling individual animations you don't want? With the Dynamic Animations Disabler you can simply select a sex category, tag, orientation, number of participants, or location category and all animations that fit the criteria will be disabled.

      Located under Wicked -> Settings -> Sex Settings -> Dynamic Animations Disabler and Wicked -> Settings -> Sex Settings -> Autonomy Settings -> Dynamic Autonomy Animations Disabler.
    • ability to exclude individuals Sims from a Protocol
    • Undress All Accessories' to Instant Undress during sex
      • ww.uninstall' command

      If you decided to remove FFM from your game, firstly, what the fuck, and secondly, that's understandable and you should use the 'ww.uninstall' command. At this moment the command will clean off custom royalties from Sims if you published any sex videos and will delete premade peeping Sims.

  • Penis settings
    • ability to set soft and hard penis for every sim in the game
    • ability to randomize penis for every sim in the game (including the option to exclude default penis mesh)
    • you get a full menu to manipulate The Penis Overworld
    • setting soft and hard penis globally will apply selected penis to every sim that has a penis in the game and every new sim that appears in the world.
    • The randomized option allows to randomly pick a penis for every sim that has a penis in the game with the ability to exclude the default penis mesh and every new sim that appears in the world will have a random penis too.
    • Extra_Skin_Tones' package with 80 extra skin tones.
    • manipulation of testicles size
  • CUM
    • Cum is applied after sex interaction is finished. Face, Chest, Back, Vagina, Butt, Feet.
    • Ability to clean Cum by performing cleaning interactions.
    • Affects NPC autonomy to clean the Cum off.
    • Cum outside or inside affects pregnancy chance.
    • cum interactions in sex to allow applying cum manually when sims are ready to climax
    • 'Cum Slut' satisfaction reward trait
    • positive and negative cum moodlets
    • when a sim receives cum, there are three reactions. A sim can either get a positive (flirty) cum moodlet if that sim is a cum slut or romantic, have no reaction at all if the sim is a slob or hates children or be uncomfortable in any other situation
    • Limitless Cum Switch' setting
    • Cum Auto Apply Switch' setting
    • Multi-Level Cum Layers
    • Multi-Level Cum Layers system comes with 24 unique textures on 8 different body parts.
    • You can apply these manually on Sims, encounter them during sex, or if the animator decided to use a little more than usual.
    • Kaya Wipette' object now offers the function of wiping off cum
  • PMS & Period
    • first period warning notification
    • Sims period delayed after giving birth
    • Sims Premenstrual Syndrome and Period itself now share a collection of symptom moodlets that indicate Sim current Menstrual Cycle situation.
    • PMS/Period Symptom moodlets: 'Nauseous' , 'Irritated' , 'Dizziness' , 'Oversensitive' , 'Cramping' , 'Anxious' , 'Aroused' , 'Neutral' .
    • Check Period Tracker' interaction to Sim phone
      With a simple app, Sims can now check their current menstrual cycle information, which includes their PMS, Period, and fertility data.
    • Wicked Chill Pills' to help suppress menstrual mood swings
      Wicked Chill Pills will suppress mood swings during Sim PMS/Period for 24 hours. They do not help with menstrual bleeding and do not affect fertility in any way. You can purchase them via computer or via Build/Buy.
  • Tampons & Pads
    • Menstrual Bleeding with different bleeding strengths.
    • Tampons and Pads to the Computer Sex Store.
    • Tampons And Pads absorb blood and leak when overused
    • PMS/Period Symptom moodlets: 'Nauseous' , 'Irritated' , 'Dizziness' , 'Oversensitive' , 'Cramping' , 'Anxious' , 'Aroused' , 'Neutral'
    • Menstrual Cycle Tampon/Pad Absorbency' settings.
    • Extra Absorbency' trait to improve tampons/pads absorbency.
    • Ask for a Tampon or Pad' social interaction.
    • Menstrual Bleeding cause clothes to get filthy.
    • sex, masturbation, and cleaning interactions temporarily suppress menstrual bleeding.
    • used pads start smelling after a few hours.
    • Sims around react to smelling used pads.
    • Sims automatically remove their used pad when undressing pants to nude.
    • Menstrual Cycle Tampon/Pad Auto Use' settings.
    • vampires desire increase be affected by the menstrual blood flow strength.
    • Using a Pad or Tampon is done with a toilet, toilet stall, or public bathroom.
    • Bleeding without a tampon or pad takes 1 in-game hour before it stains Sim clothes
  • Pregnancy
    • Usable condom object buy it from Activities and Skills category.
    • Condoms Box comes with 21 multi-colored condoms for the cost of 85 Simoleons
    • Ability to order condoms using a computer.
    • Ability to use the condom while in sex interaction to prevent pregnancy (can be used on a group.)
    • Pregnancy from vaginal sex interaction (with ability to disable that.)
    • Trait 'Hates Children' makes use of condoms automatically.
    • Trait 'Hates Children' refuses vaginal sex without protection (Always Accept or disabled pregnancy ignores this rule.)
    • Traits 'Lazy' and 'Clumsy' increase the chance of pregnancy in some situations.
    • Ability to terminate pregnancy using smartphone.
    • Incest pregnancy possible.
    • notification after Sim got possibly pregnant
    • Birth Control Mode' setting with 'Perfect' and 'Realistic' options
    • Perfect Birth Control will always prevent pregnancy with a 100% success rate.
    • Realistic Birth Control has a small chance to fail and cause pregnancy. Condoms are 95% effective and incoming birth control pills will be 91% effective.
    • Birth Control Automatic Use' setting
    • Auto use of condoms during any sex that can cause pregnancy
    • Auto use of birth control pills once a day
    • Teens can get pregnant
    • cramps pain animation
    • Fertility Treatment service accessible through phone to temporarily increase pregnancy chances
    • NPC Sims will now own and use birth control (condoms and pills) on their own. You can adjust this by changing the 'NPC Birth Control Mode' setting. By default.
    • ability to disable birth control for individual Sims
    • Talk about Fertility' interaction
    • Potential Pregnancy notification includes if the condom broke during sex
    • Ask to Stop Using Birth Control' social interaction
    • male+male anal pregnancy
    • social interaction to 'Ask to Consider Terminating Pregnancy
    • Impregnated Sims will let you know they got pregnant
  • Desire system
    • Sims gain desire from romantic interactions, seeing nudity and other flirt related actions.
    • Sims lose desire on some unsuccessful interactions.
    • Sim with high enough desire level will gain positive sex desire buff.
    • Sim with too high desire level will get a negative buff, feeling uncomfortable without releasing the tension.
    • Sims with active positive desire buff will have better sex experience.
    • Sex resets desire level and removes desire buffs from sims.
    • Sims with Alluring trait help gaining more desire.
    • Sims with Romantic trait gain more desire.
    • Sims with Unflirty trait gain less desire.
    • Attractiveness Hypo-Opposites to add variation to Sims view on attraction
    • Sims Attractiveness Traits be only based on their Everyday outfits
    • Player-made Sims Attractive Traits are valued higher
    • Attractiveness Feedback that can show up after talking to a Sim for a while
    • Attractiveness Frozen World View' as the new default behavior
    • Attractiveness Dynamic World View Switch' setting
  • Lewd Dreams
    • Sims can now have lewd dreams involving other Sims they know
    • Morning Wood / Morning Dew' moodlets
    • Lewd Dreaming Switch' setting to Relationship Settings

      All Sims in the world will now have lewd dreams about other Sims they know and find attractive. The Sims that are around and currently sleeping will display a thought balloon above their head with the Sim they are having a dream about.

      Successful lewd dreams come with a temporary relationship boost towards the Sim they dreamed about that makes them more willing to agree to sex. This can be really useful if a Sim you find attractive just had a lewd dream involving you.
    • Tell About Lewd Dream' social interaction
  • Nudity system
    • Sims with high exhibitionism skill level will not react.
    • Sims with equal or more nude outfit will not react.
    • setting to disable sims reacting to nudity (not included in exhibitionism switch)
    • After sex short buff when having sex outdoors in public.
    • Pregnancy occur per sim rather than per sex interaction.
    • Sex increase romantic affection (makes romantic sims happy)
    • Sims with high enough desire get an erection.
    • Romantic social interactions give more desire.
    • Social exhibitionism interactions increase sims desire.
    • Seeing sims in sleepwear/swimwear give a little bit of desire.
    • Nudist lot trait should help you make nudity oriented lots, where Sims feel comfortable being naked.
    • Embrace Nudity' club activity
    • Flash' club activity
    • Nudity Enthusiast' Wicked Attribute (trait)
    • All Sims Nudity Enthusiasts' Nudity Setting
    • Fears Nudity' Wicked Attribute (trait)
    • Nudist Hangout' Lot Trait
    • ability to Take and Send a Nude Selfie to other Sims
    • Genitals Personalization interactions
    • ability to make specific Sims always sleep naked
    • ability to dress into a towel after bathing
    • Accomplished Nudist' Aspiration
    • Born Nudist' Aspiration Bonus Trait
    • Nudist Leader' Aspiration Reward Trait
    • Pay Maid Sims to clean your place naked
  • Sex  reaction system
    • Sims will react with 6 different jealousy ways (base on relationship, respects Player trait.)
    • Sims will react with 9 different general ways (base on mood, relationship and family relations.)
    • setting to disable sims reacting to sex (includes jealousy reaction.)
    • child sims always react to nude adult sims.
    • Cuckold sims.
    • Body attraction sex moodlets
    • Sweaty sex moodlet
  • Sex Satisfaction
    • 40 new Sex Satisfaction moodlets
    • 'Sexpertise' skill for becoming an expert in sexual knowledge
    • 3 Sexpertise skill books to help level up the new skill
  • Polygamy/polyamory support.
    • Allows for multiple marriages (limited by one engagement at once.)
    • Allows for multiple boyfriends/girlfriends.
    • Polyamory and polygamy relationships are now supported and possible with FFM after you enable them in the Relationship Settings.
    • You should now be able to create relationships with multiple sims at once but be careful, that doesn't exclude jealousy (unless you disable it), you have to deal with it differently.
    • Polyamorous' reward trait: These Sims are open to having multiple romantic or sexual committed relationships and don't get jealous about their loved ones having more than one partner.
    • The polyamorous trait is pretty much required to create working polyamory/polygamy relationships. Nothing stops you from trying to do them without it, but you will have to be careful with inevitable jealousy of other sims. This trait is pretty much the opposite of the 'Player' trait.
  • Sims reactions to sex now have just a little more depth with new moodlets.
    • Neutral, for sims that just simply didn't expect to encounter other sims having sex
    • Excited, for sims that maybe didn't expect it, but are pretty happy to see it
    • Funny, for sims who are simply childish or think it's funny.. for some reason
    • Flirty, for sims who get hot right away from a view like that
    • Sad, for sims seeing their past loved ones
    • Angry, for stressed sims and seeing sims that you just don't like
    • Horrified, for sims that should not see what they saw.
    • sims with 'Bro' trait react excitedly only when the target sim has the 'Bro' trait too
    • underage sims get the embarrassed moodlet when seeing nudity
  • Autonomy Awareness and new Autonomy Specifics settings
    • Setting 'Risk Roll Switch' allows to disable Sims testing for risk of having sex
    • Setting 'Random Sex Frequency Modifier' allows to speed up or slow down random sex autonomy
    • Setting 'Random Solo Sex Probability' allows to change the chance of random Sims performing solo sex
    • Setting 'Random Club Sex Probability' allows to change the chance of Sims performing sex in sex clubs
    • Setting 'Watching Sex Random Solo Probability' allows to change the chance of Sims performing solo sex while watching sex
    • Setting 'Romance Sex Probability' allows to change the chance of Sims initiating sex from romantic conversations
    • Setting 'Trigger Attempts Count' allows to change how many times autonomy attempts to initiate
    • Setting 'Sims Sex Pairs Sample Size' allows to change how many sex pairs are considered for autonomy
    • Setting 'Sex Locations Sample Size' allows to change how many sex locations are considered for autonomy
    • Setting 'Minimum Sex Actors Limit' allows to change the minimum number of Sims that can join sex
    • Setting 'NPC Sims Relationship Modifier' allows to add extra points to NPC Sims relationships
    • Setting 'Player to NPC Sims Relationship Modifier' allows to add extra points to relationships between Player and NPC Sims
    • Setting 'Outside Lots Style Locations' allows to enable sex locations in public
    • Setting 'Outdoors Style Locations' allows to disable sex locations outdoors
    • Setting 'Risky Style Locations' allows to disable risky sex locations
    • Setting 'Comfort Style Locations' allows to disable comfortable sex locations
    • Setting 'Private Style Locations' allows to disable private sex locations
    • Setting 'Sims Risky Factor' allows to increase the riskiness of sex around Sims
    • Setting 'NPC Household Relationship Modifier' allows to add extra points to relationship towards visited household Sims
    • Setting 'Random Sex Minimum/Maximum Cooldown Time' allows to change the range of time of how long Sims would wait between sex interactions
    • Setting 'Club Sex Minimum/Maximum Cooldown Time' allows to change the range of time of how long Sims would wait between club sex interactions
  • Sex Animations Playlists
    • Sex Animations Playlists
    • Create, Name, and Delete your playlists
    • Add, Remove, and Reorder any sex animation
    • Modify your playlists behavior
    • One-Time or Looping
    • Ordered or Shuffled
    • Ends Sex or not
    • Build playlists by adding animations during sex or manually
  • Sex Animations Favorites
    • Added Favorite Sex Animations playlist
    • Marks animations with a red heart
    • Makes animations more likely to be picked by autonomy
  • Sex Sentiments
    • Satisfying and Unsatisfying sex can now come with Sentiments!
    • Sims can acquire the positive sex sentiment if they both had a very positive experience and they haven't already gained it with anybody else. It's meant to be rare. And once a Sim has this sentiment, they will get a flirty moodlet when around their sexual partner.
    • In the same way, Sims can acquire the negative sex sentiment if they let down their partner by failing to satisfy them. This one is meant to be rare as well. And once a Sim has this sentiment, they will get an embarrassed moodlet when around their disappointed sexual partner.
    • Both of the sentiments are short-term and only give an hour-long moodlet. The "Relationship Impact from Sex" setting has to be enabled for these to show up.
  • Sex Servo [Discover University]
    • Servo Sims are now available for sex interactions
    • Added a default Servo Penis for Male Servo
      The penis itself still needs some adjusting before it's fully ready, but you can already give it a ride.
  • Strip clubs
    • Strip Club employees earn money per hour (in addition to tips)
    • Club Quirks and Quirk Points
    • Manage Business Quirks' interaction on the Sim phone
  • Panties Collecting
    • ability to sniff panties
      new Wicked Attribute Weirdo
      new Lot Trait Weirdos Hangout
  • Sex Party Social Event
    • 5 Sex Party Behaviors (Regular, Swingers, Watchers, Impregnation, Masturbation)
  • New traits [traits below are only available in the Satisfaction Rewards Store]
    • Cuckold/Cuckquean trait gives Sims a positive moodlet from watching their partner having sex and automatically makes Sims watch others sex.
    • Cum Slut trait gives Sims a positive moodlet from having cum on their body. Sims with the Romantic trait will have the same effect.

    • Sexually Alluring trait gives Sims a huge boost to the result of asking for sex, allowing them to have sex with almost any Sim they want.

    • Sexually Abstinent trait makes Sims never agree to sex and stop gaining desire.

    • Infertile trait prevents Sims from getting pregnant or impregnating Sims.

    • Extra Absorbency trait improves Sims tampons/pads absorbency.

    • Hypersexual lot trait increases the base sex autonomy chance to 100% and is capable of triggering multiple sex interactions at once for all the Sims that are on the lot.

    • Generous Lover Sims with the Generous Lover Wicked Attribute will ensure their partner positive sexual satisfaction but sometimes at the cost of their own satisfaction. These Sims can't receive the negative sex sentiment and aren't affected by Selfish Lovers. It's all about making them enjoy it.

    • Lustful Want to be annoyed with your Sim being overly flirty and constantly looking to have sex with someone? That's what the Lustful attribute will provide. At this moment Lustful Sims aren't that assertive with their approach, but they do come with needs that will make them miserable if not fulfilled. Lack of sex will continuously make them more and more uncomfortable and lack of variety or trying will reduce satisfaction and introduce boredom. Although masturbation won't reduce the need for sex, it will slow it down. Additionally, the Lustful attribute comes with new social interactions that have special behavior when performed by NPC Sims.

    • Shy Most Sims are very open and exceptionally confident, which allows for easy storytelling, but what if you want the limit some things? That's the goal of the Shy attribute. Shy Sims like the same thing as everybody else, but in moderation, which limits their nudity confidence in public, sex location selection outside the home, and even being flirty around others. To include some technical details. The Shy attribute prevents autonomous flirting around other Sims (but it's poly compatible), prevents situational nudity from happening, greatly limits nudity confidence, and prevents public/outdoor/risky sex locations from being picked.

    • Hyperfertile To keep things fair, the Hypofertile attribute now has a counterpart which is the Hyperfertile attribute. As one might expect, it increases the chances of getting pregnant or impregnating by a lot. But that's what the Fertile trait does already too, so Hyperfertility additionally increases the menstrual cycle fertility window chances to be all equally high.

  • Bump & Grind
    • Bump and Grind on each other's bodies to the pulsating beats of the music with the new six sensual paired dances for Sims.
    • Visit any place with Sims dancing to see them bumping and grinding or do it yourself by clicking on stereos or dance floors with music playing.



  • Nude Sims will gain a +2 Happiness moodlet
  • Nude Sims will lose 16% less hygiene for each skill level
  • Sims gain more skill progress around family and friends
  • Sims require less skill to undress around family and friends
  • Child Sims will gain influence from seeing nude family members and will gain progress faster when they grow up


  • Requires the Exhibitionist Reward Trait for 500 Satisfaction Points
  • Nude Sims will gain a +1 Happiness moodlet
  • Sims require less skill to undress in general
  • Flashing and Streaking interactions
  • Sims will have increased chance to pick open spaces for autonomy sex
  • Undressing top and/or bottom underwear parts
  • Undressing top and/or bottom outfit parts
  • Flashing naked body parts
  • Auto-applying penis mesh cas part for males when naked
  • Auto-undressing pants when using a toilet
  • Modification of privacy system to avoid uncomfortable situations when naked with high exhibitionism level
  • Male sims get erect when seeing other naked sims
  • Exhibitionism Skill: Gain more confidence with every level and unlock more possibilities
  • Sim mood and traits affect how quick you progress
  • Higher levels of skill will not make you embarrassed and shoo other sims when taking shower, using toilet or just being nude
  • Improve your skill using additional special interactions
  • Story Progression: Sims learn exhibitionism skill
  • Ask to Dress Up' exhibitionism social interaction
  • exhibitionism activity - Peeing On The Spot. Available for all Sims with the Exhibitionism trait when the bladder is below 75. Available for all Sims when the bladder is below 40%
  • reaction to seeing Sims peeing on the spot
  • embarrassment moodlet for being seen peeing when not an Exhibitionist
  • Settings
    • Ability to disable exhibitionism checks (skill, autonomy, story progression)
    • Change autonomy settings
    • Change notifications settings
    • Change household only notifications settings
    • Change story progression settings
  • Reactions
    • Positive reaction to nudity
    • Sims won't react to underwear outfit as if it's nudity
    • Sims that are close in terms of relationship will not react with shock all the time and some Sims, in general, will be happy rather than shocked to see nudity


Window Peeping

No one knows what you will see when peeking through a window into your neighbor’s house. Any Sim can do it, through any reachable window, at any house, or even public venue.

Peeping at others can get really boring when nothing is happening, or overly exciting when some naked bodies enter the view. Sex Autonomy and Nudity Autonomy are thankfully on your side, encouraging action to take place when you’re expecting it.

To expand on the fun of peeping and make things more dynamic, you can now tap on the window to get purposely caught. If you don't know, getting caught isn't always a bad thing, as some Sims will instead invite you inside. Window Peeping increases the Mischief skill.

Showtime & Risk

When naked bodies present themselves in the window, especially through sexual activities, the showtime begins.

Be careful, getting caught can ruin your reputation, especially when the owner of the house sees you. If a Sim is not quick enough, they will easily get beat up and feel the consequences of peeping for the next few days.

Sometimes getting caught isn’t so bad. You never know, maybe the Sim on the other side of the window is into it. Exhibitionist Sims can get pretty thrilled about having an admirer and even invite them inside for some fun.

Shady Business

Why rely on the memories themselves when you can take pictures. Save the rare occasion of peeping on Sims having sex. Beside Sims taking pictures automatically, at any point, you can snap a photo yourself and add it to your collection.

Pictures of naked Sims and Sims having sex hold a lot of value, especially if they involve celebrities. When you feel particularly mischievous, consider selling them on the dark side of the web. Each picture taken automatically is worth some money, but don't overdo it, as flooding the internet with pictures of the same Sims will eventually lower the interest.

Peeping Tom & Tina

Do you sense the feeling of someone looking at you? Could they be peeping through the window? Enjoy the thrill, or not, of being observed by neighbors creeping around your house, trying to catch you naked.

Peeping Sims will sometimes appear near your house and look for an opportunity to have some fun. The Sim that shows up is always picked based on the gender preference of the household residents.

FFM comes with two creepy premade Sims to peep on you, but you're welcome to delete them, remake them, or add your own.

Technical Details

Peeping NPC Sims can be either disabled or the probability of them showing up can be altered in the Nudity Settings.

Any Sim can be assigned as a Peeping NPC by giving them the 'Trait_Peeping_NPC_Sim_Hidden' trait.

Autonomy of NPC Sims inviting player peeping Sims inside can be disabled and the probability of it occurring can be altered in the Sex Autonomy Settings.

Window Peeping Enthusiast' Wicked Attribute

Simply assign this attribute to any Sim you like and they will randomly spawn at residential lots to peep on naked Sims.


It takes just a few seconds to start making a good impression, but it can take a while to impress someone with your personality.

Good looks, proper manners, appearing optimistic, and being respectful isn't what you focus on when trying to build chemistry.

Impressing someone with your personality goes a lot deeper, and typically requires some level of compatibility... unless you're hiding who you really are. Establishing a relationship doesn't depend on compatibility, but it certainly helps to speed up the process.

So are you willing to fake who you truly are, just so you can quickly get closer to someone?

Personality Archetypes

Although people's personality matures with time, it stays fairly consistent, and with that in mind, every Sim is assigned one or two Personality Archetypes that match their traits. These personality archetypes identify who Sims really are, but it doesn't force them to be seen as such.

Matching Personality Archetypes help Sims to determine if they are compatible and allow to impress with their similar view of the world. Appearing as compatible allows building chemistry, which subsequently allows to impress and instantly boost the relationship.

Sage Sims seek wisdom and focus on finding the truth in every situation. However, their knowledge-seeking nature causes them to think too much and not act enough.

Sims that are interested and focused on knowledge will most likely end up being a Sage.

Artist Sims strive to create things of enduring value and achieve their vision. In many cases, however, the fear of not being exceptional prevents their growth.

Sims that are creative and interested in crafting will most likely end up being an Artist.

Hero Sims are eager to demonstrate the courage to prove their worth and confidence. Subsequently, they might end up appearing arrogant by looking for faults in others to feel good about themselves or pick fights.

Sims that are sure of themselves and always ready to fight will most likely end up being a Hero.

Caregiver Sims are driven by their empathy and compassion to protect and care. Unfortunately, others can exploit their good nature for their own ends.

Sims that are focused on building a family and caring for others will most likely end up being a Caregiver.

Innocent Sims positivity and happiness has a great power to uplift others. But they can appear very childish and their optimistic perspective causes them to be too naive.

Sims that are cheerful, kind, or good in nature will most likely end up being Innocent.

Lover Sims crave intimacy, live to experience pleasure, and are very passionate. Nonetheless, with their desire to evoke love in others, they risk losing their own identity and appear shallow.

Sims that are very romantic, loving, or pleasure seeking, will most likely end up being a Lover.

Greedy Sims focus on generating as much revenue as possible and saving as much capital as possible, no matter the consequences. But their stingy approach to reality makes them appear selfish, envious, and villainous.

Sims that are only focused on earning money, appear snobby, or are simply evil will most likely end up being Greedy.

Everyman Sims just want to belong and feel like a part of something. They lack any distinctive identity and rarely stand out.

Sims that do not fit into any specific Personality Archetype end up being just an Everyman. This occurs when Sim has no personality defining traits or has conflicting personality traits.

Sims personality can change with new traits they gain throughout their life, but that's a fairly rare occurrence.

Social Interactions

Knowing what is significant in someone's life and learning their personality is the key to impressing. Get to know them, discuss interests, get into deep conversations, and try to find topics that resonate with their personality.

Every Personality Archetype is associated with matching conversation topics and comes with extra social interactions. Discussing things that are related to certain personalities allows recognizing them in Sims and builds up chemistry. That chemistry directly affects Sim impression.

Good impression instantly improves the relationship and makes it easier to connect without deeply knowing the other person. That is a great foundation for building the relationship faster.

Social Skills

Diverse conversations with various people immensely improve your social experience, which is reflected in gained charisma and persuasion skills.

The Charisma skill helps a lot when trying to learn Sims personality and speeds up the process of impressing. It's recommended to improve your Charisma before attempting to impress anybody, especially when thinking of faking a personality.

The Persuasion skill has a major effect on impressing Sims and decreases the chance of being found out when faking. Successful impressions will make it easier and easier to be more persuasive. Learning good persuasion skills is tough but definitely worth it.

Faking Personality

Unfortunately, only around 15% to 20% of Sims population is compatible, which means that if you want to impress someone, you might need to fake it. That isn't as bad as it might sound since impressing is only a temporary element of building the relationship, not to sustain it.

When deciding to fake it, the focus is on learning Sim personality by getting to know them, discussing interests, and simply talking. Improving the Charisma skill speeds up the process as well. Brute forcing your fake personality will only make you appear as a poser and ruin the relationship.

As long as you prepare and learn the Sim personality, there is no immediate downside to attempting a fake out.

Social Penalty

Social connections are a delicate matter which can be easily disturbed when a deceitful person joins in.

Attempting to try every personality on a Sim to see what clicks is going to quickly fail. Sims aren't that stupid and can tell when you're brute forcing your way into the relationship. What you will end up with is a ruined relationship and being seen as a poser.

In the future, faking your personality with a high number of Sims will be met with a lost reputation. Lying to everyone eventually fails and makes you appear as a poser in everybody's eyes.


Attractiveness is the pure attraction to Sim outside appearance. Every detail matters, from the clothing type and style, the colors, accessories, hair, eyes, including body shape, and even voice and the way they move.

Everybody is attractive and unattractive in their own way, seen through the eyes of others. But appearance can be altered to fit the needs of your chosen one.

Refined Taste

Everyone has some sort of style, if you like it or not, the way you look defines your attractive attributes. Any visual elements that Sims represent themselves with are taken into account when measuring how attractive they are. Any distinct element of a Sim is quantified, including Custom Content, and compared with preferences of others.

Everyone has their preferences. Maybe you like long hair, or the color green, or fancy dresses, or maybe you dislike glasses or hate facial hair. Whatever you like or dislike is important in finding the match of your dreams. All of your Sims’ preferences are compared with others, and if someone posses everything you desire, that makes a perfect match for a partner.

But opinions change, and so do preferences. At any point, any Sim, or group of Sims, can get their preferences adjusted. Anything can be liked, dislike, or simply ignored - to fit what seems to be correct with Sims personality.

In most cases, figuring out what fits isn’t necessary. Any Sim with a romantic partner will automatically adjust to be attracted to them. Sims with still alive parents will learn from their style and know its value. Others will try to fit with what is the most popular or just like whatever they are already into. And obviously, you can decide what is better and regenerate preferences based on one of these rules.

Unique World

Every world is different, populated with varied looking Sims, and many opportunities to find a match. If your game has mostly similar looking Sims, that will establish a very strong common style, making Sims that stand out that much more unique. But if your game is filled with very distinct looking Sims, standing out isn’t enough to get noticed.

Each and every attractive attribute has its value. If everybody has long beautiful hair, then there isn’t much value in having long beautiful hair. That creates a great opportunity for any Sim that is bald, making being bald so much more rare. Having rare style means that you stand out, and if someone likes your bald Sim then they will be so much more special for them.


When spending time at a public venue or at a house party, you get an occasion to look at other Sims. Maybe you will notice someone new at the other side of the bar, or walk right by them - a particularly attractive individual. It’s pretty rare, but when someone so extremely attractive shows up, you will remember them. Or take action on the spot.

Still, a missed opportunity to interact is nothing to cry about. Sims will remember every hottie they encountered and think or dream about them. It’s easy to idealize someone through daydreaming, so getting to meet them again makes it that much more special as if they got even more attractive in your eyes.

Don’t ignore the desires of your Sim. You don’t meet someone that fits your type so perfectly every day. Let the heart speak.

Magnetic Relationships

While looking around for someone to socialize with, it’s easy for your eyes to lock on the most attractive face. Sims are encouraged to interact with anyone they found the most alluring. It’s not a rule, and with how random Sims can behave, it’s not even so obvious… but they try.

And when they get to socializing, being attractive makes it so much easier. Your every word creates an aura of romance, and your jokes seem to be a little bit funnier. Building a relationship becomes a lot easier, although it’s the opposite if you’re seen as unattractive. Being seen as ugly in someone’s eyes isn’t the end of the world, you still have a chance if you try hard enough.

  • The ‘Sims Attractiveness Switch‘ setting allows the user to globally disable attractiveness in the entire world.
  • The ‘Attractiveness Relationship Scoring Switch‘ setting allows the user to globally disable attractiveness from influencing relationships building.
  • The ‘Attractiveness Storytelling Switch‘ setting allows the user to globally disable attractiveness storytelling notifications and moodlets.

Suggestive Looks

Ever felt like a Sim visits you all the time because they have a crush on you, but never act on it in any way? That should change with Suggestive Looks. An opportunity for some action.

Sims that find others attractive can now catch their attention with Suggestive Looks that have a pretty obvious meaning. They know they want you and this is them initiating a possibility for an intimate encounter.

Sometimes it's tiring to initiate everything yourself. With Suggestive Looks, if Sims know each other, interacted with each other, and are around each other, there's a possibility of the NPC Sim moving things forward.

Accepting their advances allows you to do whatever you want with them, whether that's just limitless romancing or nudity and sex. Both of you want to have some fun and all you needed is them to give you some kind of hint.

Some limitations are in place for this to not be too common, prevent unwanted cheating, or not happen between two Sims that definitely shouldn't be looking at each other. Otherwise, it can happen anywhere and at any time.

Hair color preferences

You can now adjust Sims Attractiveness Preferences in CAS using the Likes & Dislikes interface! As you might notice, not everything that's possible to configure in regular Attractiveness is available in Simple Attractiveness.
Certain preference options have been simplified to correspond to multiple preferences in regular Attractiveness. For example, liking "Brown Hair Color" will simultaneously like all 5 different types of Brown Hair Color. This should help with the limited number of likes/dislikes and make selecting things more efficient.

Your selections in CAS Attractiveness will automatically synchronize with in-game Attractiveness choices. This does not work the other way around, meaning that your choices of Attractiveness in-game won't synchronize with choices in CAS. That's because of the process of simplification and because of the limit of likes and dislikes. CAS choices take priority and will always take precedence over your in-game choices.

You can still adjust preferences of Sims in-game along with CAS Likes & Dislikes or even completely ignore the ability to adjust preferences in CAS. Note that because choices in CAS take precedence, changing a preference of something in-game that is an established choice in CAS will not work and that change will be overridden by the CAS selection. Not selecting anything in CAS will not remove your choices in-game.

Body attraction social moodlets

Sims will react to the attractive body of their conversation partner. This will give your played Sim an idea if they like what they see and you the idea if you want to see them together.

These moodlets do not always appear during a conversation and stop showing up once a certain level of friendship or romance is reached.

If you don't like these moodlets showing up during conversations, disable them by going into Relationship Settings -> Attractiveness Settings and uncheck the Attractiveness Social Attraction Switch setting.


Nudity Pressure. Sims gradually begin to feel the pressure of being naked in an uncomfortable situation. Sims get embarrassed if pushed to their limit of being naked in an uncomfortable situation
'Nudity Pressure Switch' setting to disable the pressure behavior.

Sims can now undress in a lot more situations instead of immediately claiming they aren't ready for it. This of course comes with a cost, as undressing in a setting that causes a Sim to get uncomfortable will still result in them dressing up and a bit of embarrassment.

Sim Naturism or Exhibitionism skill still defines the limit of how much they are comfortable with undressing outdoors or around others. They can still attempt undressing in risky situations with a low skill level, but that can end up getting uncomfortable and embarrassing.

Revealing and Underwear outfits not contribute to Sim nudity skills

With the new ability to push Sims into uncomfortable situations, they get a lot more chances to get used to nudity. This makes gaining skill from revealing or underwear outfits somewhat obsolete and removes random skill gain when unwanted. Mirror usage is an exception to this, as you can still use it to level up.

Nudity Proximity

With Nudity Proximity moodlets, Sims will have a constant reaction to their bare surroundings.

The type of Nudity Proximity moodlet depends on the Attractiveness towards the Sims around. If an attractive Sim is nearby, you will receive a positive moodlet, but otherwise it will be negative. For users with Attractiveness disabled, there is no negative moodlet, and a positive one depends on Sim gender preference. It takes around 10 in-game minutes for these to show up and disappear, as this is using the base game proximity implementation. Regular reactions to nudity are untouched.

Nudist Hangout' Lot Trait

Introducing Nudity Enthusiasts is cool and all, but how do Sims become one in regular gameplay? Easy! Social interactions and the 'Nudist Hangout' lot trait!

Make any lot a Nudist Hangout and Sims visiting it will slowly convert to Nudity Enthusiasts, either by hanging out at the place or from talking to others about it. This can be a perfect fit for a nudist beach if you want it to affect Sims and get them to enjoy the naked life.

Oh, and the previously named "Nudist" lot trait is now a "Casual Nudity" lot trait to reflect its purpose better. Sims at lots that allow for Casual Nudity will simply not mind being naked but won't develop any interest in the matter on their own.

Everyone But Nudity Enthusiasts' door lock

If you're interested in making locations that only allow Nudity Enthusiasts or Exhibitionists you can use the new door lock! This way entire buildings or specific areas can be made exclusively for nudity lovers.

Pay Maid Sims to clean your place naked

Sims Protocols

Select Sims to alter, set new rules for them to obey, and watch the game work the way you want it.

1. First step is to create a Protocol and add Sims to it. You can either add Sims individually or add them in groups using categories. Simply select which Sims you want to alter or/and categories of Sims you want to alter.

2. Next step is to set the rules of the Protocol. Currently, they are focused on preventing things from happening, but more rules can be added that do the opposite or modify behavior rather than just banning it.

Tip: Rules that specify "Sims Inside Protocol" mean Sims that are added to the Protocol in the first step. The rule will only apply to the Sims you selected and this is the default state when the rule does not specify which Sims are affected. Rules that specify "Sims Outside Protocol" mean all of the Sims that were not added to the Protocol in the first step. The rule will only apply to the Sims that aren't selected.

3. Included in this step is setting restrictions of the Protocol, but that's optional. Does it only apply during the day? Does it only happen outdoors? Should it only matter at a specific venue? Or maybe even at a specific location in the game? You can adjust all of these things using restrictions.

4. Last step is to name it and give it a pretty icon. All of the Protocols you create are saved and ready to be modified or deleted. To remember which is which and what they do, giving them a good name or icon is essential. So consider doing that.

Penis Size Manipulation

This setting is disabled by default. Why? Due to some technical limitations, some sex animations will end up displaying effects and props incorrectly. Some geometry clipping might occur as well. These are not game-breaking issues, but the user should be warned about it for the sake of animators sanity.

With the Penis Adjustments menu under Anatomy & Clothing you can change any Sim penis size to a predefined value, custom value, or randomize it.

This feature is still in an early stable, so you might notice that some comfort options are lacking, but they will come later.

The type of Nudity Proximity moodlet depends on the Attractiveness towards the Sims around. If an attractive Sim is nearby, you will receive a positive moodlet, but otherwise it will be negative. For users with Attractiveness disabled, there is no negative moodlet, and a positive one depends on Sim gender preference. It takes around 10 in-game minutes for these to show up and disappear, as this is using the base game proximity implementation. Regular reactions to nudity are untouched.


Sims will now sweat from some good sex, or a hard workout, and their wet bodies will glisten in the sun.

Everybody sweats, even Sims, although that wasn’t very visible until now. Giving your Sims a workout will result in a gradually increasing layer of sweat on their body. With that, you can easily tell how much effort they put into trying to stay healthy and fit.

Hot Activities

Anything that increases Sims body heat is going to make them sweat. Jogging, push ups, sit ups, stretching, running on a treadmill, climbing, boxing, practicing fighting, using a workout machine, playing basketball, skating, doing yoga, using a steam room, working out in front of a TV, fighting or sparring with someone, having sex, or taking an angry poop.

On hot sunny days, Sims will be sweating a lot more when performing actions outdoors. And sweating as much as a Sim possibly can, will make them uncomfortable. Still, pushing yourself to the limit isn’t so bad as you can just take a shower and feel completely refreshed.

Cool Relief

When Sim is done with their sweaty activities, all it takes to remove sweat is to gain hygiene back. Take a shower, a bath, go swimming, or use the sleeping pod. Simply waiting will gradually remove sweat as well.

Sims with the ‘Gym Rat’ trait sweat a lot less, and purchasing the 'No Sweat’ reward trait completely prevents sweating. Obviously, the entire feature can be disabled with 'Sweating Overlay Switch’ setting located in Nudity Settings.

Technical Details

The ‘Sweating Overlay Switch‘ setting allows the user to globally disable sweating in the entire world.

The ‘ww.clear_sweat [<first_name> <last_name>]‘ command allows to clear the sweat layer from the active Sim or the Sim of provided name.

The ‘ww.apply_sweat [<first_name> <last_name>]‘ command allows to apply a high level sweat layer for the active Sim or the Sim of provided name.

Pubic hair

A patch of hair growing in your pants is a foreign concept for Sims, but with a little bit of effort, it’s not so foreign anymore. Watch your Sim pubic hair grow (or not), stylize it, and dye it. Additionally, if you’re unlucky, that patch of hair might become inhabited by tiny strange-looking crab-like creatures. How odd.

Styles & Colors
Comes with 5 female hairstyles and 2 male hairstyles by default, but creators are open to add as many new hairstyles as they want to. Every default available style supports 8 natural hair colors, but any color or combination of colors is supported.

Female pubic hair features: Thin Landing Strip, Thick Landing Strip, Triangle Shape, Trimmed Natural Bush, and Fully Grown Natural Bush.

Male pubic hair features: Trimmed Natural Bush and Fully Grown Natural Bush.

When first using a random style is picked for every Sim. You can change the style at any time using any mirror object, or simply by clicking on any NPC Sim.

All of these styles are available in Gray, Black, Light Brown, Brown, Blonde, Dirty Blonde, Auburn, and Orange. Additionally, a Rainbow color combination is included as an example of a custom color combination.

When first using the color of pubic hair is based on Sim hair color, eyebrows color, or facial hair color. If none provides a natural hair color, a random one is picked. You can change the color at any time using any mirror object, or simply by clicking on any NPC Sim.

Tip: By enabling the ‘Pubic Hair Instant Interactions‘ setting in Pubic Hair Settings you can change any Sim pubic hairstyle and color without the need of using a mirror object. For your convenience.

To sum up, every adult Sim is given random pubic hair of a color that fits their natural hair color. If you find that any of the Sims pubic hairstyle or hair color doesn’t fit, you can simply change it at any time. Or you can straight up disable pubic hair for any Sim.

Randomizing & Antiquity Respect
When you’re tired of manually selecting pubic hair for each Sim, use the randomization functionality available on any mirror object. With it, you can select Sims from the world and which pubic hairstyles should be included in the randomization process. If you don’t like a specific style, randomize it for all Sims without including it.

The internet is already providing users with pubic hair that can be manually applied in CAS. Don’t worry, you can continue using it if you so desire. WickedWhims pubic hair system will automatically detect that a Sim is using manually applied pubic hair and disable itself for these Sims. You can easily have some Sims using manually applied in CAS pubic hair and some using dynamic pubic hair. It’s up to you.

Tip: If you decide to stop using manually applied pubic hair and remove it from your game, use the ‘ww.reenable_sims_pubic_hair‘ command to re-enable all Sims that were automatically excluded from the system.

Growing & Maintaining
Guess what, hair can grow! Default styles come only with up to 3 growth stages, but that’s just to save time on development.

When you decide to give a Sim fancy trimming, that hair will eventually regrow. To stylize it back to the original, simply click on any mirror object and use the ‘Restylize’ option.

By default, Sims pubic hair growth is dependent on their lifespan. Sims with ‘Short’ lifespan grow pubic hair fully in 5 days, ‘Normal’ lifespan takes 7 days, and ‘Long’ lifespan takes 12 days. Additionally, this system supports custom lifespan provided by external mods like MCCC, so days vary depending on your configuration. Optionally, you can enable ‘Pubic Hair Manual Growth Rate‘ in Pubic Hair Settings and set any number of days you want. Or disable growth completely. Or disable growth per Sim. So many options!

Technical Details
All Pubic Hair settings are located under Nudity Settings -> Pubic Hair Settings menu.

The “Pubic Hair Instant Interactions” setting, when enabled, removes the requirement of using a mirror object to dye or stylize pubic hair. Instead, Sims pubic hair can be changed by simply clicking on them directly.

The “Pubic Hair Growth“ setting, when disabled, prevents pubic hair from growing and keeps it at the perfect state of the style that was selected for that Sim. If hair growing is not your thing, this is the setting you want to disable.

The “Pubic Hair Manual Growth Rate“ and “Pubic Hair Growth Rate“ settings allow you to set a specific number of days it takes for pubic hair to fully grow. If you want pubic hair to take 10 days to fully grow, simply enter “10″ into the “Pubic Hair Growth Rate” setting.

Crab Lice
Crab Lice are parasitic insects that typically infest the human genital area and cause intense itching. They are separate from the Pubic Hair implementation and do not require Sims to have dynamic pubic hair to get infected.

Crabs are typically contracted through sexual intercourse with infected Sims or from sleeping in infested beds of other non-household Sims. By default, 18% of the, mostly single, adult population is a potential source of Crab Lice.

Once a Sim has any contact with Crab Lice, the parasites begin to acclimate to your body. After around 12 hours the itching begins, but it’s not guaranteed that Crab Lice are the culprit, it can be just random itching. The itching may pass, or turn into intense itching that won’t leave unless medicated. Pubic Lice do not voluntarily leave, so proper treatment with specialized medication is required.

Any Sim can be asked about their health, assuming they are friendly enough to trust their judgment. This is the best indicator if they might be infected with some disease. But if it happens that you contract Crab Lice, it’s necessary to medicate it.

Lice Killing Shampoo is available in the Sex Store at any computer (or in Build/Buy). Purchase this special shampoo and use it from your Sim inventory while showering or in a bath. Its effects are instantaneous and last for a day, protecting you from catching Crabs again. Non-Playable Sims who were infected will eventually understand what happened and medicate themselves as well, but it can take them around 3 days to deal with it.

To completely protect yourself from Crabs, purchase the ‘Crabs Immune’ trait from the Rewards Store. That’s the ultimate solution to never catch Crab Lice.

Trim Pubic Hair' interaction available directly on the mirror

To make keeping Sims pubic hair neat and stylized at all times, the "Trim Pubic Hair" interaction has been added to quickly access that function instead of clicking through three or more menu categories.

custom animation for stylizing pubic hair at the mirror
Stylizing pubic hair at the mirror will now actually involve the usage of scissors instead of just spinning.

Get Bikini Wax' phone interaction

Sims who want to stop the growth of their pubic hair now have to get a bikini wax. It's a one-time service that costs §100, but be careful, choosing a new pubic hairstyle will remove the waxed effect and you will have to get it again.

Strip clubs

Start a new business of managing a Strip Club! Prepare the stage, hire alluring dancers, turn up the music, and watch the money flow!

Create a Business

Create an entirely new business - Strip Club. Just like retail stores, restaurants, and veterinary clinics, assign a lot for your Strip Club business and build it up from scratch. Simply take out your phone and buy a club!

Build a Strip Club

Strip Club businesses come with the same requirements as a Nightclub venue but offer so much more. Place the usual objects required by the venue and remember to include some extra seats and at least a Dancing Pole.

You are free to build your club however you want, but the Dancing Pole and the Dancing Spot objects require some extra attention. After you decide where you want your dancers to dance and placed a Dancing Pole or a Dancing Spot there, remember about the clients’ comfort as well. Every client looks for a seat to occupy once they begin watching dancers, so make sure to place multiple seats around every Dancing Pole and Dancing Spot.

It’s not necessary to purchase a Dancing Pole or a Dancing Spot for every hired dancer, as they will be busy with other tasks like

Bartending and Charming.

Tip: If you have built a stage for your dancers, it’s recommended to isolate it within its own “block”. This is not required, but it can help you greatly when clients begin to climb up the stage instead of looking for a seat. After enabling the “Force Routing Restrictions Switch“ setting (explained at the end), clients will be blocked from entering the “block” that contains a Dancing Pole or a Dancing Spot.

The “block” is the white outline that shows up after you click on the floor or the wall in the Build Mode.

Manage a Strip Club

All of the managing functions are controlled from the special club managing category on your phone. Including designing dancers outfits, handling open hours, and viewing financial reports.

Your club is configured by default to open at 7PM (19:00) and close at 4AM (04:00), as these are the busiest hours for strip clubs. You can configure the open hours by using your phone and clicking on the “Manage Open Hours“ option under the Strip Club category. You can make your club open at all times by selecting the same open hour and close hour.

Dancers hired in your club will perform one of the three main tasks: Stage Dancing, Bartending, or Charming Clients. Each task can be assigned manually or you can let the dancers decide on their own depending on the current situation in the club. Micromanaging or helping out yourself will improve the performance of your club, but the dancers are fully capable of doing everything themselves.

To assign a task, click on a Dancer Employee and select the ‘Assign Task’ option under the ‘Strip Club’ category.

When hiring a dancer, pay attention to their skills. Dancers with good Charisma skill will be better at charming clients. Dancers with high Mixology skill will be able to offer better drinks which increases profits. And Dancers with high Fitness skill, one of the Nudity skills, and the Dancing skill will be better at Stage Dancing.

All of the hired dancers define the type of your club with their gender and preference, allowing you to make a regular club, a gay club, or a mixed club. This affects what kind of clients will visit your venue. Carefully selecting your employees will prevent certain clients from showing up.

Stage Dancing & Watching

Dancers with the Stage Dancing task will look for the nearest or specifically assigned Dancing Pole or Dancing Spot to dance at. Each dance routine is randomly generated and can be altered at any moment by clicking on the dancer. Stage Dancers are one of the biggest reasons for clients to visit the club, so make sure you always have at least one on the stage.

Every dancer on the stage brings attention to clients that are willing to pay to watch some impressive moves. Dancing performance is the main factor that decides about the attention span of clients and the number of tips the dancer receives. The main elements that contribute to the dancing performance are dancing skills, relationships with certain clients, and currently playing music.

The better the skills and relationships with clients, the higher the performance, which directly affects how high and frequent are the tips. The more tips a dancer receives, the fewer clothes are on their body.

Tip: The Dancing Spot Marker is used as an alternative to the Dancing Pole. It offers a whole new set of dances that do not involve a dancing pole. Dancers dancing on the Dancing Spot Marker are free to move their bodies however they want. Additionally, the Dancing Spot Marker comes with an invisible swatch that hides in Live Mode but is still clickable.

Bartending & Drinking

Dancers with the Bartending task will focus on preparing and serving drinks as well as cleaning up the bar area. Selling drinks is the most profitable source of revenue for the club, so having someone tending the bar is a must.

The process is simple enough, a client enters the club, orders a drink, finishes it… and leaves an empty glass behind. Wait a few hours and your entire club will be filled with empty glasses. To manage this chaos, assign a second bartender or let some dancer figure it out on their own, and watch it be cleaned. Leaving empty glasses around doesn’t only take up space, it makes everybody quite uncomfortable as well.

Although the bartending dancers are handling the process of selling drinks and cleaning up, managing the bar prices and supplies is left for the owner.

Each prepared drink consumes Bar Supplies which are required for the bar to function. Drinks cannot be sold when your club runs out of supplies. It’s wise to order Bar Supplies beforehand so they can arrive the next day. Additionally, fewer Bar Supplies mean fewer types of drinks that can be prepared. Clients that cannot order what they want will be very unhappy about it.

You can order supplies by clicking on any Bar to access the Strip Club ‘Order Supplies’ menu. Purchased supplies add up to the total of ordered supplies that will be delivered the next day at around noon. The cost of supplies depends on the base price of the drinks ordered by clients. Selling expensive drinks requires purchasing expensive supplies.

Selling drinks for the base price and buying supplies to refill the bar isn’t the most profitable loop. As the owner, you should adjust the Price Markup of drinks so each sold drink comes with profit. Although selling drinks with a 100% price markup sounds great, it will very quickly fail when clients are left with buying drinks that they do not want.

High Price Markup and Low Bar Supplies decrease the likeliness of clients purchasing drinks. Shortage of supplies means fewer drinks to offer, and increased price makes them less appealing for purchase. When you can’t sell the client’s favorite drinks, lower the Price Markup to make other drinks an attractive offer… at least until the Bar Supplies arrive.

You can adjust the Price Markup by clicking on any Bar to access the Strip Club ‘Price Markup’ menu. Don’t feel discouraged from setting the markup as high as you want. Unless someone complains, what’s the harm.

Strip Clubs come with a special feature that extends the number of drinks Sims can order from 4 to 39, New drinks and recipes have also been added And if you’re using Stoned AF mod that’s fully compatible.

Charming & Lap Dancing

Dancers with the Charming task focus on looking for clients who are interested in socializing or getting a lap dance. Lap Dancing is the biggest source of revenue for dancers and the most commonly occupied role in the club. In most situations, a socializing client will seek an available dancer and ask her for a lap dance.

When clients are not eager to ask for a lap dance, the dancer has to take the initiative. After greeting a client, 6 New Charming Social Interactions become available. Using a Charming interaction works like romancing, without actually creating a romantic connection between the dancer and the client. Instead Charming increases the level of Charm that affects how much a client likes a dancer and the club itself. The higher the charm, the higher the tips.

Charming clients affects all aspects of the club. High charm with a dancer doesn’t only increase the tips they receive. When a client orders a drink, they are more willing to pay a higher price. And when a dancer fails to charm a client, they might not be so willing to come back to the club.

During a lap dance, the same rules apply as for Stage Dancing. The better the skills and relationship with the client, the higher the performance, which directly affects how much will the dancer earn besides the usual pay.


When you start a Strip Club business and play for a while, it becomes obvious that something is missing. Nobody seems to care about the sanitary standards at your facility. Are you supposed to hire a repairman every time a toilet breaks? Why are the dancers cleaning the empty glasses? Who is going to take the trash out? It's clear that you need a Janitor, or two if you like.

Anyway, no time to waste, open your Strip Club Employee Management menu and switch to the 'Janitor' tab. There you can hire anybody without an active career as your janitor. You can hire your household members as well, as long as they are not currently present in the zone.

There is no direct way to hire yourself as a janitor, but you can already clean your own club without that exclusive job title.

As your janitors roam the club, you might notice that they are randomly slacking off or missing things. There's no need to get angry, simply click on anything that can be considered trash, dirty, or broken and direct your janitor to it. With a simple act of 'Instructing a Janitor to Clean or Repair' you will have your place pristine-looking in no time.

But oh no! These filthy Sims, that is your clients, walking in as if they own the place can now leave trash around! Little piles of trashlets will appear on the floor, making the place look like some kind of dump. No worries though, your janitors were definitely trained to deal with that kind of challenge. Just remember to place a trash bin somewhere on the lot.

Wait, do you think a Janitor is not necessary? Who is going to clean all of the dishes, fix all of the toilets and sinks, take all of the trash out, mop up all of the puddles, and walk your dog out when you're busy? Appreciate your janitor, they keep the place clean.

Club Quirks and Quirk Points

Simply running your business will earn you Quirk Points! Every time a drink is purchased, a bunch of money is thrown at a dancer, a lap dance is finished, a janitor cleans up something or repairs something, a dancer charms a client or kicks out a loiterer client, your business earns points. And you can use these points to activate Strip Club Quirks!

After clicking the 'Manage Business Quirks' interaction on your Sim phone, you will see a new window where you can select which quirks you want to activate or deactivate. These quirks will change how your business behaves, by limiting or changing certain behavior.

With "Men's Club", "Women's Club", and "Only Known Faces" quirks you can adjust who visits your business. This will adjust dynamically depending on the gender preference of your dancers as well!
With the "Never/Always Undress Dancers" quirks you can adjust if dancers should always dance naked or never undress.
And especially for the dedicated male strip clubs, activating "Erection Affection" will make your dancers always erect while dancing.

The "Cheaper Bar Supplies" quirk allows to save some money... but risks making drinker clients a little sick, which might require some extra cleaning after they vomit on the floor. Worth it though, right?

The "Rhythm Catcher" quirk makes dancers earn more money, but they do get tired faster from performing to the music so much. Make sure to have a DJ or a Stereo playing for this one to work!

The "Less Trashy" quirk removes trash showing up everywhere, but be careful, that sets the standard for a clean establishment really high, and having water puddles, vomit, or dirty glasses around will make clients leave in disgust.
Drinker Clients have a very low chance to vomit after having a drink
Clients will now complain about a messy club and leave

Although rare, clients will now be able to vomit on the floor and complain about a messy club even without any Strip Club Quirks enabled.
Clients now gain fun from simply hanging out at the club
Playable dancers needs/motives are no longer locked

When playing as a dancer you will now have to deal with the usual needs of a Sim, but their decay is slowed down to not be too distracting.
Added a Click-The-Spot game for playable dancers
Added 'Click-The-Spot Game Switch' setting to Strip Club settings

When dancing as a dancer you will notice a magical floating glowing spot around your Sim. Clicking that spot will decrease Sim's tiredness and increase tips. It's a simple mini-game for fun, but if you find it annoying or distracting, you can disable it in Nudity Settings -> Strip Club Settings.
Sims using the dancing pole or dancing spot now gain fun
Bartending dancers will finally clean the bar when it gets dirty
Shooing loiterer clients will now temporarily decrease the chance of spawning trash around the club
Using a Stereo is now a valid alternative to having a DJ Booth
Supply deliveries now happen twice a day, at 12PM and 12AM
Multiple supply orders are no longer bunched together and instead every order counts as individual

Ordering supplies for the bar should now be a lot less confusing and a lot more consistent. Every order is scheduled either for 12PM or 12AM, depending on which one is further ahead in time. Ordering before 12AM will schedule a delivery for 12PM, and ordering after 12AM will schedule an order for 12AM the next day. So in short, your order can be delivered after between 13 hours to 24 hours, depending on how well you plan it.
Blocked most of Eco Living NAPs interactions when at the Strip Club
The 'Buy a Strip Club' interaction now says it requires the 'Get to Work' expansion pack when you don't have it



How long a dancer can dance depends on their skills, the stronger and skilled they are, the longer they can perform. This cheat permanently disables dancers from getting tired from dancing which prevents them from ending dances on stage. Using this command can have consequences if you plan on playing the Strip Club like a proper business.
Fixed tuning errors related to Strip Club content

Included are strip club animations below

Sensual Dance - Lap Dance with Female Dancer, Sofa/Loveseat/Armchair. 1 Stage of "Sensual Dance" animations
Sensual Dance 2 - Lap Dance with Female Dancer, Sofa/Loveseat/Armchair. 2 Stage of "Sensual Dance" animations
Sensual Dance 3 - Lap Dance with Female Dancer, Sofa/Loveseat/Armchair. 3 Stage of "Sensual Dance" animations
Sensual Dance 4 - Lap Dance with Female Dancer, Sofa/Loveseat/Armchair. 4 Stage of "Sensual Dance" animations
Show Time - Spot Dance with Female Dancer. 1 Stage of "Show Time" animations
Show Time 2 - Spot Dance with Female Dancer. 2 Stage of "Show Time" animations
Show Time 3 - Spot Dance with Female Dancer. 3 Stage of "Show Time" animations
Dance of Desire - Lap Dance with Female Dancer, Sofa/Loveseat/Armchair. 1 Stage of "Dance of Desire" animations
Dance of Desire 2 - Lap Dance with Female Dancer, Sofa/Loveseat/Armchair. 2 Stage of "Dance of Desire" animations
Dance of Desire 3 - Lap Dance with Female Dancer, Sofa/Loveseat/Armchair. 3 Stage of "Dance of Desire" animations

Sex Party Social Event

You can now organize a Sex Party social event and invite whoever you want to participate! Just open your Sim phone, select 'Plan a Social Event' and pick the 'Sex Party' event from the list. Participating Sims will autonomously begin to have sex and follow the rules you set for them.

No matter how you start the event, at any moment you can change its behavior by clicking on a Sex Party participant and navigating to the 'Change Sex Party Behavior to...' category.

The "Regular" Sex Party behavior makes Sims follow the usual standard rules of sex autonomy where they select a suitable partner and location to have sex at.

The "Swingers" Sex Party behavior requires Sims to pick a partner that is not their significant other or spouse and have sex with them. Sims that don't have a significant other/spouse can still participate like usual.

The "Watchers" Sex Party behavior prevents Sims from engaging in sex and will instead make them watch any currently ongoing sex. If nobody is having sex... well... that will be a bad sex party.

The "Impregnation" Sex Party behavior is a lot like the Regular one except Sims will avoid using any birth control methods and their chances to become pregnant are increased.

The "Masturbation" Sex Party behavior requires Sims to masturbate without the ability to join or invite other Sims.

Switching the "Allow/Disallow Joining to Sex" option lets you control if Sims are supposed to group up in one big sex instance or form individual sex instances. This setting is by default set to disallow joining so sex in a group won't occur unless allowed.

Porcelain dolls

Inspect the oddly huge Porcelain Vase and stare deeply into its intriguing patterns that seem swirl around when observed.
Make a decision, a conscious decision, if you're willing to give away your mortal form and become a manifestation of joy and pleasure.
Enchanted into the form of a Porcelain Doll, Sims in this form are bound by the constraints of being a toy for humans, seeking attention and pleasures from others to avoid feeling neglected and useless.
Have fun and socialize with others, keep away the filth, and enjoy existence without the need to eat or drink.
Find an owner to be claimed by and take pleasure in playing together. As a doll, your purpose is to make others happy which makes you happy as well.


To make Sims sexual experiences smoother, apply some lube for pleasure. Doing so will increase Sims satisfaction from sex. The same effect can be achieved by applying lube to the entire body with the bonus of shiny skin.
Lube will dissolve on its own after a couple of hours or a Sim can take a shower or bath to clean it off.
Due to made-up time constraints, some planned content, like vaginal dryness and improved anal mechanics, has been delayed. Buy it from the wicked store.

SimHub and private pictures

Taking pictures? Sexy pictures? Don’t hesitate, the opportunity is awaiting, share them on SimHub, and earn some money. Many excited Sims in your area are waiting for you to join and show them what you got.

Try out the new easy to use picture taking interactions and experience the SimHub service and its benefits.

trending photo topics decay instead of immediately change. uploading a picture only decreases the worth of the recent trending topics, which still lets you use them in addition to new trending topics. Handling trending topics became a lot easier, as you don't have to constantly verify what's trending or just guess.

Taking Pictures
Sims come with three new picture-taking interactions that are available when undressed or during sexual intercourse. These new pictures don’t require owning a photo camera and are only shareable on the SimHub platform.

Simply change Sim outfit to a partially-nude one, undress using Naturism/Exhibitionism interactions, or being a sex interaction to be able to access the ‘Take Photo’ actions under the ‘Wicked’ pie category.

Using the ‘Take Naked Photo’ interaction allows you to take a picture of the Sim during any action they are currently performing, like swimming or yoga.

Using the ‘Take Naked Photo (Posed)’ interaction allows you to take a picture of the Sim with a mood pose, which is only available if you own the Moschino Stuff Pack.

Using the ‘Take Sex Photo’ interaction allows you to take a picture of the Sim during sex.

The picture taking interface comes with the ability to rotate around the Sim, zoom in and zoom out, change the pose (during a Posed picture), and freely move the camera around with the WASD keys after pressing Tab

Prepare to put some effort into taking pictures as each and every one saves the information contained within the frame and sharing what’s currently interesting is the key to getting popular and successful on SimHub.

Welcome to SimHub, the world’s leading porn site… well at least in the Sims world. SimHub is a platform to share all of your sexy pictures, gain fans, and earn money from anybody interested in seeing more of your Sims.

Begin by creating a SimHub account using any computer or phone. From there you can Check Analytics, Read and Like Comments, or Shut Down the account.

Uploading pictures to public and private is done directly on the photo object, either from the inventory or the world.

What kind of pictures you send, what’s in them, how often you send them, whether you make them public or private, and how far you’re willing to push it affects your SimHub account progress. Sims around the world that use SimHub have varied interests, so keeping up with them and taking appropriate pictures is important.

Whether to upload a picture to Public or Private depends on your intention. Uploading pictures to the Public will help you gain new fans (popularity), and uploading pictures to the Private will keep your current fans satisfied. Not uploading pictures to the Public will result in no growth, meanwhile not uploading pictures to the Private will mean losing fans and a decrease in profitability.

Remember to not be mindless about uploading pictures. Spamming them to the Public will make supporting you less desirable (a lot of supply results in little demand). And uploading the same pictures will simply not count as uploading something new and will not result in growth.

The more good pictures you upload, the more supporters you have, the more profit you make.

The key to learning what to share on SimHub is knowing what’s currently popular. Check SimHub Analytics and give some time for one of the site representatives to reply. They will provide you with the most valuable information needed to grow your account. You can receive a tip from a representative once an hour. Additionally, you will receive a tip once a day as long as you keep using SimHub.

Sharing pictures to the Private and Reading & Liking Comments will help you satisfy your supporters, as these two actions decrease the Distress levels. Not interacting with your SimHub fans will slowly increase the Distress level which will decrease the number of fans you have faster and faster. Growing popularity by sharing pictures to the Public is one thing, but keeping the gained popularity by sharing pictures to the Private is another. You don’t want to lose and regain popularity every day.

With the increasing number of supporters, the amount of money gained daily grows as well. Earnings from SimHub are tuned to be an additional source of revenue along with a typical job a Sim might have, but you can adjust it in settings if you feel like it’s too little or too much. All of the profit you make stays on the SimHub until the Payout interaction is used.

SimHub Earning Multiplier Setting
Earnings from SimHub are tuned to be an additional source of revenue along with a typical job a Sim might have. By changing this setting you can adjust the earnings multiplier to make more or less money from SimHub. The multiplier is represented in full percentage numbers, entering a number like “200″ will double the profit, meanwhile, a number like “50″ will half the profit.
Introduced SimHub benefits
What is your popularity useful for if it doesn't get you money AND power. With Benefits you can make being a SimHub creator easier, boost your performance, and get extra opportunities for more money.

Uploading every day to SimHub gets you Benefit Points that can be spent on... benefits.

Being a creator is difficult when the automated system constantly flags your content and gets you banned. No worries though, just use your Insider SimHub Contact and remove that suspension as if it didn't happen.

Sometimes it's difficult to snap a picture with a high rating, but why worry about that, just pull some strings and influence the content algorithm to Boost Ratings for your account. Nobody will even notice.

Payout feels a little low? There's no better way to boost your earnings than by doing a sponsored deal. Plenty of venues are looking to attract new customers, even by advertising on adult websites, so pick up a Sponsored Bounty and go out to snap pictures.
l mechanics, has been delayed. Buy it from the wicked store.

Adult Filmmaking

Organize Sex Scene Shoot social events
Hosting a Sex Scene Shoot social event is a free-form way of bringing Sims together to film a sex video and profit from doing so. Hire Sims to have sex on camera and someone to hold the camera or do most of it yourself.

Hiring performers and camera operators costs a bit, but if you're looking to save money or you're driven by a passion for this kind of work, you can perform or operate the camera as the host for free.

Regardless if you're hiring Sims, bringing them from your household, or doing some of it yourself, you are always directing the sex scene. As the host you can tell Sims where to go, where to have sex, and what kind of sex to have. But don't worry about micromanaging, hired Sims will still do most of it on their own.

Filming sex creates a video file that can be edited and published, participating Sims gain skills that improve the quality of the recorded scene, and as you continue more options for filming, editing, and publishing unlock.

Edit & Publish recorded sex videos
The sex scene video file you receive from recording Sims having sex can be edited and then published for profit. It's recommended you at least edit the recorded material using a computer as editing increases quality which can bring more money. With a high enough Adult Filmmaking skill you can combine multiple sex scenes together to multiply profits with each additional scene you add.

Once you're happy with the sex video you have produced, it's time to publish it. Consider releasing your video for free to earn slowly and reliably with advertisement revenue or try to paywall the video and hope that people are interested enough to pay for it which can bring in more money faster. With each released video you become more popular and with high enough Adult Filmmaking skill you might get contacted by bigger brands that will offer you money upfront for full publishing rights.

Are you thinking editing might get a bit boring? No worries, the upcoming careers feature explained in the preview section at the bottom of this post are all about gaining contacts in the adult industry, like a professional adult editor who will handle it for you so you can focus on the fun parts instead.

Learn the Adult Filmmaking skill
Adult Filmmaking is all about filming and editing to get the best out of actors sex performance. Whether your Sims are filming or editing, the skill will develop and improve filming quality, speed up editing, and unlock new editing options and publishing options.

Follow the Adult Filmmaking Aspiration
If you feel like the whole thing is a bit too much then give the Adult Filmmaking aspiration a try. It has 5 stages that teach you step by step about everything with explanations and at the end you get the Adult Market Specialist reward trait that increases profits from publishing any kind of adult work. If you choose to make a new Sim with this aspiration then they start with the Fortune's Touch bonus trait that makes any adult production involving them instantly better.

Both Adult Market Specialist and Fortune's Touch traits apply to SimHub and Strip Club profits.
Improved controlling of non-playable Sims sex (Directed Sex)
"NPC Sex" has been renamed to "Directed Sex" as it's now available during Sex Scene Shoots and Sex Parties regardless of your sex cheat settings. Along with the new name the entire functionality has been improved to be more powerful, have better accessibility, and look cleaner. Oh and Sims from outside of sex can give condoms to NPC Sims having sex in case that's necessary during a shoot.

Added 'Aspiring Adult Star' Wicked Attribute
Keeping track of Sims that you might want to be involved in any sex business is easy with the Aspiring Adult Star Wicked Attribute. Any current and future jobs and hiring lists will always include Aspiring Adult Star Sims and display them on the top.

Sex Party / Sex Scene Shoot Social Event
Added 'Event NPC Sex Duration' sex setting
Non-Playable Sims participating in a Sex Party or Sex Scene Shoot will now follow the 'Event NPC Sex Duration' that is by default 6 real-time minutes. At least for sex shoots this should allow you to record everything you want in one go.

Sex Settings ➜ Sex Interaction ➜ Sex Duration.
Added ability to Direct Sex of non-playable Sims
If you missed this information above, you can now control NPC Sims during Sex Party social events if you like to... control Sims.
Added behavior option to disallow Sims from starting sex on their own
Added behavior option to disallow Sims from reacting to sex
To make sex parties more controllable and to allow sex shoots to have more intricate public sex scenarios, you can now prevent sex party participants from starting sex on their own and you can prevent all Sims from reacting to sex.

The ability to prevent starting sex is of course useful when you want to Direct Sims. Disabling reactions will let you stage Sims having sex in locations that have a lot of other Sims around but you don't want them to get spooked and leave.

TV Porn / Masturbation

Sit down on your comfy sofa, turn on your TV, and select a video you want to watch. Just make sure nobody is home when you do this or things can change from relaxing to embarrassing.
What is the point in watching smut on TV if you can't relieve some stress with it. Sims watching pörn on TV can now masturbate to it by simply clicking on them and selecting the "Masturbate to TV Porn".

And if there is some stress to relieve, Sims are more likely to watch porn on TV than on their computer. After all, it would be a shame not to use the Ultra High Definition display of your television.
Encountering Sims masturbating to porn on TV will now display a proposition to join

Sex instructions

Sex interactions are based on animations which you can install. Every animation has a different location it can be used at. Look around, probably your bed offers few animations.

If you want to start a sex interaction with other sims then make sure they are nearby when doing it. You can disable gender restrictions and use every animation for every sim and remember that you can swap positions of sims in the interaction. If you want to have a threesome or more, invite other sims to the interaction, but remember that you need animations that support more than two sims.

Cum is being applied on sims after the sex interaction is finished and the type of cum is depended on the animation and it's specified by the creator of the animations. For example, if you stop the sex interaction with running blowjob, the cum will be applied on the sim face.

Climax is another type of animations that are being unlocked while in sex interaction. Not every sims combination and location have climax animations. If climax is available the option will be visible. Climax is not directly connected with cum and it's not required for cum.

Condoms can only be used in already running sex interaction by clicking on them in sim inventory.

To initiate sex select naked options you can do this by clicking your sims and changing the settings listed in FFM OR use the supplied get naked mod to speed things up. 1st click your sims and choose change outfit and select nude (easiest way.)

  1. Now select a location and click and choose wicked, than sex. Make sure you have animations installed that can be used in that location.
  2. Choose a partner than select which position you would like.
  3. To change positions/animations during sex click on the sim that initiated the sex and select wicked, whims than choose a different animation. You can do this during sex or pause and set up each animation to be played so all you have to do is sit back and fap watch the show! Animations are pretty long at the moment so sims might take a while.
  4. You can even do this with multiple sims in the same location for group sex!
  5. For group sex 1st you have to initiate any animation with two actors on the location which you want to use for 3p anims. And then ask somebody to join by clicking sim choose wicked, whim, join in. Not all animations support group sex it will say in the pack if it does.

Sims during sex will react to their sex partner's body. If they are really into their partner's cute butt, large breasts, or impressive muscles, they will gain these contextual moodlets to indicate how much they are enjoying it.

Social Context Sex Questions

Tired of constantly seeing the same "Do you want to have sex?" message? It's no longer there.

Social Context Sex Questions recognize Sims relationship status and pick from 80 different question variants to keep things interesting. Whether Sims are enemies, friends, strangers or married, a fitting contextually question will be selected. And with it, a few answers that provide special effects changing the sex dynamic, outcome, or simply making Sims embarrassed for asking weird things.

And if for some reason you want the old plain question, you can go to Sex Settings -> Autonomy Settings -> Asking for Sex Dialogs Settings and disable the 'Social Context Sex Questions Dialogs' setting.

Sex Animations Context

What is Context? It is what gives words and actions their meaning. How can sex be more meaningful and reactive? With the addition of Context! It's a simple equation that was needed to solve the problem of sex not going anywhere new for quite a while.

Animators and Players can now introduce context to sex animations by adding contextual tags to them. This is done either directly by animators when new animations are added or by players using the Animation Overrides implementation. Don't worry though, you don't have to spend time adding tags yourself, it's optional, as right now other things are happening that will help this feature grow.

Currently, there are over 70 contextual tags that you can pick from and more are most likely coming as people expose their preferences. You can start or manipulate sex using the Context interactions by simply clicking on Sims and going into the Sex->Context pie category. Just take a look at how many there are...

Contextual Tags currently don't have any major usage... because they need to be added to animations, and there's a lot of animations out there, around 10000 in fact. Each animation most likely needs multiple contextual tags added from the list of over 70 tags. This means that the process of adding tags can take over a month before it's properly done, verified, and tested.

How can you get involved? Simply start tagging animations that you like, it's really simple. While Sims are having sex, hold the Shift key and click on them to get access to the special interactions and under the 'Wicked' category you will find the 'Modify Currently Playing Animation Tags' interaction. All of your modifications are saved.

As of this release, you can start and manipulate sex using contextual tags. This will help you find new animations of particular types, themes, or fetishes. It's an entirely new way of managing sex animations. If you don't like it, you can disable it in the 'Sex Context Settings' menu or you can adjust which contextual tags are displayed so you only see the ones you like.


Sex satisfaction

The entire Sex Satisfaction implementation has been redone and all that was present before has now been replaced by new content. Every sex interaction can now result in one of the 40 new moodlets, both positive and negative.

Romance-focused moodlets (6), Group Sex moodlets (4), Masturbation moodlets (4), Status and Age moodlets (14), Situational and Location moodlets (8), and Generic moodlets (4).

Sims Sexpertise reflects their knowledge about sexuality, intimacy, sexual desires, and how to be a better lover in bed. With the new Sexpertise skill books you can fairly quickly reach the third level, learning about all of the basics, and the rest is left to practice. And of course, high Sexpertise level has a substantial impact on the sex satisfaction of your partners.

Sims 'Bro', 'Romantic', 'Active', 'Good', 'Cheerful', 'Evil', 'Mean', 'Loves Outdoors', 'Exhibitionist', 'Family Oriented', 'Compassionate' traits affect satisfaction
Sims 'Sexpertise', 'Fitness', 'Wellness' skills affect satisfaction
Sims reacting to sex affect satisfaction of Sims in sex

There are a bunch of factors that contribute to sex satisfaction and these are the more noticeable ones. Overall Sims sex life is fairly positive and most will have good experiences unless in a really bad state.

Sex Positioning

Sex Positioning is a feature allowing you to reposition sex participants and sex objects within the 3D space however you like.

To access the positioning functionality, click on one of the sex participants and 'Enable Positioning' under Sex -> Actions. This will display all of the controls.

The Sex Positioning controls consists of:

The Purple Disco Ball, which allows you to adjust position and rotation increments, select which elements should be adjusted, and reset the positioning.
The Green Arrows, which allow you to move things on the horizontal axis in four directions.
The Blue Arrows, which allow you to move things on the vertical axis, up and down.
The Red Arrows, which allow you to rotate things clockwise or counterclockwise.

Clicking on the Purple Disco Ball reveals more manipulation options. There you can...
Adjust Position Increment to 0.01, 0.05, 0.5, and 1.0 distance units or any custom value you want.
Adjust Rotation Increment to 0.5, 1.0, 5.0, and 45.0 degrees or any custom value you want.
Select Positioning Participants, which includes all Sims, the object used for sex, and all used props. You can select elements in groups or individually. All participating Sims are selected by default.
Reset Positioning, which brings everything back to its original state. This is especially important as your positioning alterations persist between animations in case they are a sequence.

As of right now, anybody who is interested in taking screenshots or recording videos to share will have a lot more control over things.

Exhibitionism/Naturism instructions

FFM has fully implemented exhibitionism skill that decides what your can do. Every level unlocks new possibilities as your sim gains more confidence. Sims have to start as a Naturist. After gaining few levels, Sims can convert their Naturism skill into Exhibitionism skill if they want to and unlock few more options, but lose on benefits that the Naturism skill was giving them. To start just change into more revealing outfit or admire yourself in a mirror. Because Sims 4 doesn't have anything that defines revealing of given outfit part the revealing outfits are swimwear and sleepwear (both don't include underwear). The more sims see you in revealing outfit, the more you gain to your skill and this rule applies to anything you do in the future. With every level you get a small notification explaining new things you can do, so from that point everything should be clear.

Additional readme can be found by clicking here

Panties Collecting

Collecting panties is a new activity any Sim can participate in for fun, trying to complete the collection like any other collectible in the game. If you so desire, collected panties can be sniffed, for fun too of course. And then there's Weirdos involved in all of this.

Be on the lookout! Whenever NPC Sims are having sex, you might just see one of them drop their underwear onto the floor as they undress. Don't waste that opportunity! Sneak up on them and snatch their panties for your own pleasures... of collecting that is.

Or you can try searching through dressers, lockers, or laundry to find panties that way too. But be careful to not get caught doing it!

Collect Them All
There are 10 unique underwear designs to find and complete the collection! Depending on your approach it might be easy to collect them all.

Personalized Possessions
All collected panties that end up in your Sim inventory were owned by another Sim, and depending on how you obtained them, they come as clean, worn, or worse. But what's the point of keeping all of the collected panties?

The reason panties were made for, sniffing. Don't be ashamed, I know you thought of doing it. You thought of doing it a lot actually. Maybe too much. Sniff panties of past sexual partners to reminisce or sniff panties of strangers to help develop new sexual fantasies.

Weirdo Sims Sightings
Do I mean weird? No, find me a Sim that isn't weird. I mean weirdo, like... an enthusiast of something. That could be anyone, smelly Sims that like hanging out at a garbage dump, a bunch of snarky thick glasses nerd Sims at an arcade, some quirky homeless Sims, or just your neighbor.

The Weirdo Wicked Attribute is intended for Non-Playable Sims.
Set up a lot with the 'Weirdos Hangout' Lot Trait and give distinct Sims in your world the 'Weirdo' Wicked Attribute for them to show up on that lot. It works really well when it's a Generic venue lot so only Weirdo Sims show up.

What do you do with these Weirdos? That's up to you, but I've heard they like trading stolen panties with each other. You might even encounter them doing it at night somewhere in any of the worlds.

Creep NPC

Which is what will happen when naked Sims are present at some public venues. Random Sims from the world will sometimes show up and have a good look at the naked bodies present at the place. It's hard not to bring attention to yourself when you're constantly flashing everybody.

Creep NPC Sims will usually show up once a day at some public venues when a naked Sims is present and follow them. And if they get too annoying, you can ask them politely to leave or threaten them if being nice doesn't work. Or if you're happy to have their attention, you can give them a better angle too.

If you don't like Sims creeping around, disable them by going into Nudity Settings -> Occurrence & Autonomy Settings -> Creep NPC Settings.


Name Description  
Super nude patch FULL self installer Super nude patch full installer file if you choose this file you do not need to download any of the files below in the custom install sections they are included in it. Choose which ones to install and it will put them automatically into the correct folder to be active in the game. PC INSTALLER ONLY. 6+ GB file!

Already installed? NO PROBLEM! Simply re download than run the setup again and select the new added/updated files and install and they will automatically replace installed files!

Before downloading READ FIRST BELOW!

Installer has a size limit so it needed to be split into multiple files. ALL FOUR FILES MUST BE DOWNLOADED AND EXTRACTED TO THE SAME LOCATION/FOLDER. THAN RUN SETUP.EXE file ONLY! winzip/winrar required.

These are very large files 1.8 GB each! They make take some time to download depending on your connection speed. Also some browsers may have trouble downloading large files if you experience any problems try a download manager such as FREE DOWNLOAD MANAGER (click here)

this software is ABSOLUTELY SAFE, it DOES NOT include any Viruses, Trojans, and Plug-ins, and this software DOES NOT collect any the Personal Information. Please feel free to download and install it.

If your virus scanner detects the installer as a virus It does this because windows and virus scanners will say any unknown EXE files they have never seen or have in their database will be classified as a virus. The EXE files on this site are all self installer files created by the program setup factory. They are 100% virus free. You may need to disable your virus scanner or tell windows to just install it regardless to run the installers.

Click files to download below (ALL FIVE!)
Super nude patch LITE is also now available on patreon for just $7 with a much smaller installer file!! Click below
Custom/manual install files
If you are unable to use the SNP than you will need to install the mods manually. Download and extract all mods to:
C:\Users\yourname\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods folder. If you wish to see what animations are available in each pack along with screenshots also scroll down or select quick jump to the right (after scrolling back up.)
Fantastic Fuck Mod
Name Description Click to D/L
FFM/WW main mod
This is the one that does it all it MUST be installed 1st! Contains cowgirl and masturbation animations. Make sure to install a nude skin default replacement AND sex parts too for the full effect! The latest version will ALWAYS be available here!
NO censor mods Click to D/L
No mosaic (remove the blurs only FREE to download)
Removes the blurs from the game for all ages when sims use the toilet, shower etc whenever they are nude. If you are using the no appropriate unlock mod below you do not need this as it's included with it.

Fantastic Fuck animation packs
These are the animation packs needed to add real sex animation to the game. You can choose which packs you want installed be sure to check out the screenshots and also the list of animation available in each pack.

If this is your first time here It is recommended to start off with a small pack first than gradually add more. It's not recommended to install them all for beginners otherwise the amount of animations available to you can be overwhelming! For beginners I recommend to start with the multi sex pack right below until you get the hang of how animations work.
Name Animations of interest Click to D/L
Multi SEX pack Multiple positions and locations (good pack for beginners)
Full animations list
TOO many to list here. Click here to see FULL list!

Name Animations of interest Click to D/L
Jack of all trades pack FUGE animation pack! Orgies XMAS tree sex Group sex lap dances Pole dancing supernatural sex Twerking Squirting bondage (requires bondage pack) Bukkake Triple Penetration Alien sex Group sex Creampies ghosts vampires
Full animations list
TOO many to list here. Click here to see FULL list!
Name Animations of interest Click to D/L
Group SEX pack FUGE PACK! Group sex Orgies Female dildo sex Femdom sex Hot tub group sex DJ booth sex Podium sex massage table sex exercise equipment sex MM sex KAMASUTRA animations Golden showers Squirting Lesbians
Full animations list
TOO many to list! Click here to see FULL list
Name Animations of interest Click to D/L
Outdoor SEX pack FUGE PACK! Outdoor sex cop station sex BDSM piano and snowman LOL library sex bowling alley sex (requires bowling pack.) Fridge sex Orgies Hospital sex Femdom sex Cage sex zombie sex collage sex Dildo sword Succubus sex
Full animations list
TOO many to list! Click here to see FULL list
Name Animations of interest Click to D/L
Climax SEX pack Climax (cumming) great Cum shots FUTA animations Facials group sex
Full animations list
TOO many to list! Click here to see FULL list
Name Animations of interest Click to D/L
Milk N Cookies With Cream Pies Pack FUGE PACK Milking cream pies game controller masturbation FUTA Tentacle sex Love milker 2200 Thicc Milker 2 Strange Sprout Cum Milker NAUGHTY TV
Full animations list
FAR too many to list. CLICK HERE FOR FULL LIST!
Name Animations of interest Click to D/L
Sex toy pack
Sex toy animations fountain sex Photo studio sex Pee animations squirting

Sex toys are located in deco - clutter and entertainment - party.

Double dong and whip must be equipped in CAS before use. located in accessory - rings.

Adult comics, you can buy these from any bookshelf Also help level up in charisma.
adult DVD's both porn and hentai.

slut bag accessory found in CAS
Alpha-Lich Double Ended Strap-On Hot Fus Stallion Style Strap On Easy-Rider Leg Strap
Naughty back pack (found in hat category)
Female-Round shape (Metal and plastic)
Female-Heart shape (Metal, plastic and gold)
Female-Plastic with vibrator
Female-Ring shape
Female-Rectangle shape
Male-Round shape (Metal and plastic)
Male-Plastic with vibrator
Male-Prostate massager
Male-Prostate massager with vibrator
lionel naughty decor
Thick Sex Doll
Male Torso Doll
Electric Penis Maturbator
Realistic Handcuffs
Clit Vibrator

Huge dildo set found in deco - clutter
chrome dildo mesh ( 3 colours ) lying chrome dildo ( 3 colours ) anal toy ( 3 colours ) lying anal toy ( 3 colours ) double dildo ( 3 colour ) long anal plug ( 3 colours ) realistic dildo ( 7 colours ) realistic dildo v.2 ( 3 colours ) realistic dildo v.3 ( 4 colours ) screwed dildo

To have the MF animation available for FF, you must go in Gender Settings and choose "Female as Both".

That way, females can have MF animations by equipping the strapon

Full animations list
TOO many to list! Click here to see FULL list

Dildo | Cowgirl - Solo - Floor - Vaginal (M/F)
Name Animations of interest Click to D/L
Supernatural pack Vampire sex ghost sex Demons devils Hot supernatural outfits and accessories

Check out some of the following outfits and accessories included (see screenshots for more)

Devil Tail Kinked
found in: Tattoos (upper arm right)
Takes up the left wrist texture space


devil wings (found in hats)
Sethos Wings (found in rings) accessories
Bat Lace Mask for Males and Females.
Bite Mark for Males and Females. [Tattoo]
X Nipple Pasties for Males [Tattoos]
Corset Full Outfits for Females and Males.
Vertical Stripe Stockings
demonix set
devil set
bat lingerie
Demon Doll
Devil Wings Harness
Archangel Set
Body spikes and horns: The spikes and horns are in the tattoos and the details are in the skin details.
afraza-halloween costume

Includes objects
Modern Rack "Magick Glitch" (Comfort - Other)
Hole - Peep hole (Windows)
Hole - long Glory hole (Windows)
Hole - Trap hole (Windows)
Sextoy - middle handle dildo (Indoor Activities - Sport)
Sextoy - Stake "Splinter". (Indoor Activities - Sport)
Sextoy - Enema syringe. (Indoor Activities - Sport)
Sextoy - candle "Wax tears". (Lighting - Table lamps)
Sextoy - Anal beads. (Indoor Activities - Sport)
Props - Tears in cube. (Comfort - Other)
Sextoy - Flogger. (Indoor Activities - Sport)
Props - Tentacle. (Comfort - Other)
Props - Chain. (Comfort - Other)
Props - Cuffs. (Comfort - Other)
Furniture - stool "Vertical" (Comfort - Other)
Furniture - Modern Rack "Horizon" (Comfort - Other)
Ceiling decoration - mirror-lamp "Wonderland" (Lighting - Ceiling lamps)
Ceiling decoration - mirror "Wonderland"(Comfort - Other)
Props - Tetrahedron FX. (Comfort - Other)
Sexy witch clutter pack
Toilet and Hampers
Full animations list
TOO many to list! Click here to see FULL list
Name Description Click to D/L
Bondage devices and sex club objects

Adds Bondage Devices to your game:
Vertical Pillory
animated Vertical Stockade
Bed Double Dildo
Stud Leather Harness
Dungeon Furniture "Atlas" Frame
The Happy Funtime Bondage Table
Whipping Frame
electric chair
Illuminated Below Blood Cabinet
punish volcano
safe box
bondage grid
one bar prison
yoke bar
Torture wheel
Torture rack
Torture pillory
Torture horse
Torture gibbet
Torture brazen bull
Cage Counters
Bondage top
Slave collar
Heart GAG
Sex cells
Sex slab

lykos harnesses HAT
avitus penis accessory  for average hard
Bondage pyramid
rica accessories pack

Dance cage
Stripper poles
You will find them all in the Build mode, in Indoor Activities category. Gloryhole from dressers category (get together required ONLY for gloryholes.)
Sex on stairs rugs
Ballet Barres
Pool table
obedientDiningChair. Black, Red, Pink. Works as a Dining Chair.

Female bondage accessory located in bracelets in CAS. Access with any dresser and equip to your sim.

blindfold accessory
Can be found in the Glasses category and comes in three colours, black, red and white
Access with any dresser and equip to your sim.

headcage accessory
Can be found in the Glasses category
Access with any dresser and equip to your sim.

cock cages in 3 designs. found in CAS in underwear.

Diaper & Pacifier
Both enabled for male and female.
Enabled for Everyday/Sleep/Swim wear

chastity Belt accessory
Shameful Slut accessory

slave set includes:
Swatches - Black, White, Pink, Red. Parts - Blindfold - lip piercing L, Gag - lip piercing R, Gag attachment - middle ring, Belt - index ring R, Vibe - index ring L, Heels - shoes

SlaveSet2 - 4 Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Armbinder - top
Skirt - bottom
Panel Gag - lip piercing Right
Nipple piercing - Wrist Left & Right

Straitjacket Set - Four Swatches - BLACK, WHITE, PINK, RED
4 parts - corresponding slot
Straitjacket - Top
Nipple piercings - Bracelet
Gag - Necklace
Shoes - Feet

Yoke Set
Five Swatches - Black, Red, Yellow, Pink, White
Yoke - Body Top
Skirt - Body Bottom

Cage Bed
Bed - Two Swatches - Black&Red, Red&Black
Bowl - Four Swatches - Clean & Water, Clean & "Lemonade", Dirty & "Protein", Dirty & "Protein With Crunchy Bits"
Cover - Three Swatches - Black, Red, White

Doll Stand
Five Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink, Green
WW enabled with an idle animation, teasing category - click on the object and select it to use.

!!! DO NOT select the "random" option, otherwise the option to play the animation will disappear and you will have to save&load to get it to show again. WW bug. !!!

Tantalus Frame
One Swatch - Black
WW enabled with an idle animation, teasing category - click on the object and select it to use.

!!! DO NOT select the "random" option, otherwise the option to play the animation will disappear and you will have to save&load to get it to show again. WW bug. !!!

Stock Set
Five Swatches - Pine Darker, Lighter, Black, Red, Pink
Stock - Top
3 new piecing designs - Left and Right Wrist respectively.

Blowjob Pole
Object - Sculptures category - search for "blowjob" in your buy mode
Nipple Clamp - Wrist
Ring Gag - Prop only, cannot be equipped outside of the animation.
1 Idle Animation
1 Facefucking Animation

Steel Bondage Set
5 Swatches - Black, Grey, Light Grey, Pink, Red
Ball Gloves - Tops
Steel Mask - Hats
Nipple Piercings With Chain - Bracelet
Cuffs Arms - Rings (hat texture space though)
Cuffs Legs - Rings (hat texture space though)
Collar - Neck

You can find the sex on stairs rugs in the same category as all the other devices. For them to work, you must place them in front of the stairs, with the arrow pointing away of the Stair case. To play the animation, Click on the Rug.

There are 3 different rugs to be used with three types of staircase according to their width. One for 1 lane staircases, one for 2 lane staircases and of for 3 lane staircase.

All animations includes breast physics.

Full animations list
Please note this is an ADVANCED pack A lot of these animations are idle animations and take some setting up to get them looking right. make sure to read the list of items required to be equipped on your sim via a dresser/mirror and any objects needed. They also use a lot of objects, accessories and props from the BDSM set

FAR too many to list click here to view full list!
Also check out the strip club set to make your own Bondage/sex clubs to go with this!

Name Animations of interest Click to D/L
Rough and Rowdy pack

Warning extreme animations may offend some people due to forced sex!
Rough and forced sex Group sex Domina Pet play
Full animations list
Rough Pronebone // MF // Anal Double Bed Rough DB - Sideway // MF // Anal Double Bed Rough DB - DeepThroat // MF // OralJob Double Bed Rough Dildo - DeepThroat // MF // OralJob - requires: Double Dong from sex toy pack - Double Bed Rough DB - Lying Doggy // MF // Anal Double Bed Rough DB - Missionary // MF // Vaginal Double Bed Rough DB - Grabbing Hands - Doggy // MF // Vaginal Double Bed Rough DB - Grabbing Hands - Pronebone // MF // Vaginal Double Bed DB Mistress - He is stuck // MF // Teasing Double Bed DB Mistress - He is stuck // MF // FootJob Double Bed DB Mistress - He is stuck // MF // HandJob Double Bed DB Mistress - He is stuck // MF // Oral Double Bed DB Mistress - He is stuck // MF // Vaginal Double Bed Rough DB - Doggy Double Bed Forced Pronebone // MF // Floor Rough - Standing Doggy // MF // Vaginal Floor Floor - Rough Face Fuck // MF // OralJob Rough Doggy - Standing // MF // Anal Floor Rough Doggy - Kneeling // MF // Vaginal Floor Pet Play // MF // Teasing Floor Pet Play // MF // HandJob Floor Pet Play // MF // Vaginal Floor Pet Play // MF // OralJob Floor Pet Play // MF // Climax Floor Floor - Sex Stopwatch // MF // Teasing Floor - Sex Stopwatch // MF // Vaginal Floor - Sex Stopwatch // MF // Climax Rough Floor - Missionary  // MF // Vaginal Rough Floor - Missionary // MF // Climax Rough Floor - Deepthroat // MF // OralJob Rough Doggy - Holding Hands // MF // Vaginal Floor Toilet - Caught Peeing // MF // Teasing  Toilet - Caught Peeing // MF // HandJob  Toilet - Caught Peeing // MF // OralJob  Toilet - Caught Peeing // MF // Vaginal  Toilet - Caught Peeing // MF // Anal Toilet - Caught Peeing // MF // Climax  Domina Toilet - Pee but don't get hard // MF // Teasing Domina Toilet - Pee but don't get hard // MF // HandJob Domina Toilet - Pee but don't get hard // MF // OralJob Domina Sofa - Handjob // MF // HandJob Domina Sofa - Rubbing Pussy // MF // HandJob Domina Sofa - SelfCum // MF // HandJob Submissive Chair - Slapping Face // MF // Teasing PATREON Submissive Chair - Slapping Ass // MF // Teasing PATREON Table - Forced Doggy // MF // Vaginal  Domina WashingMachine - He is stuck // MF // Teasing  Domina WashingMachine - He is stuck // MF // HandJob  Domina WashingMachine - He is stuck // MF // OralJob  Domina WashingMachine - He is stuck // MF // Vaginal  Domina WashingMachine - He is stuck // MF // Climax WashingMachine - DoubleDong Insertion // MF // Teasing WashingMachine - DoubleDong Insertion // MF // Anal Rough Counter - Doggy // MF // Vaginal PATREON BDSM Narrow (bondage pack) - DeepThroat // MF // OralJob  BDSM Narrow (bondage pack)- Standing Doggy // MF // Vaginal  BDSM Narrow (bondage pack)- ReverseCowgirl // MF // Vaginal  Rough MMF - Standing HeadLock // MMF // Anal // Floor Domina BondageCross (bondage pack) - Forced CuckOld  // MMF // OralJob // BondageCross Domina BondageCross (bondage pack)- Forced CuckOld  // MMF // Vaginal // BondageCross Sofa - Busted By Three // MMMF // Teasing // Sofa Sofa - Busted By Three // MMMF // OralJob // Sofa Sofa - Busted By Three // MMMF // Vaginal // Sofa Stove - Hand Stuck // MF // Teasing-Vaginal Knife Threatening MF Floor-Teasing-Oraljob-Vaginal-Climax Captive MF Floor (Requires bondage pack for cuffs)-Teasing-Oraljob-Vaginal-Climax Weaponized MF Floor -Teasing-Hand job-Oraljob-Vaginal-Climax Sleeping Fuck Doll MF DoubleBed-Teasing-Hand job-Foot job-Vaginal-Climax Pistol Mistress MF Floor (Glock 17 included!)-Teasing-Oraljob-Footjob-Handjob-Vaginal-Climax Bat Blow MF Loveseat-Teasing-Oraljob-Handjob-Vaginal-Climax Forced Threesome MFM Floor-Teasing-Oraljob-Vaginal-Anal-Climax Cheating Wife - Handjob // MMF // HandJob // DoubleBed Cheating Wife - BlowJob // MMF// OralJob // DoubleBed Cheating Wife - Deepthroat // MMF // OralJob // DoubleBed Cheating Wife - Standing Doggy // MFM // Vaginal // DoubleBed 69 Submissive Deepthroat // MF // OralJob, Climax Rough Kneeling - Doggy // MF // Vaginal // Floor Table - Rough Doggy // MF // Vaginal // Table & Desk Pervy Barman // MF // Vaginal, Climax  // Bar DB Rough MMF - Threesome // MF // OralJob // DoubleBed DB Rough MMF - Threesome // MF // Vaginal // DoubleBed DB Rough MMF - Threesome // MMF // Vaginal, Climax  // DoubleBed
  DB Rough - Doggy // MF // Vaginal // DoubleBed Rough Standing - Doggy // MF // Vaginal // Floor Table - Rough Doggy // MF // Vaginal // Table & Desk
Rough Floor - Deepthroat // MF // Oral DB Rough - Handgag Foreplay // MF // Teasing-HandJob-Climax  // DoubleBed Deviant Dick [Pornstar cock required] - Teasing-HandJob-OralJob-Vaginal-Anal-Teasing-Climax Table - Rough Doggy // MF // Vaginal // Dining Table Sofa Submissive Deepthroat - Hands on back // MF // OralJob // Sofa Doggy Half Outside // MF // Vaginal // DoubleBed Pervert goes too far-MF-Floor-Teasing/Vaginal/OralJob/Climax Rough DB - Doggy Half Outside MF/Vaginal-Climax/DoubleBed Rough DB - Pronebone Flat // MF // Anal // DoubleBed Rough Deepthroat - Lying on her back // MF // OralJob // DoubleBed Rough Deepthroat - Lying on her back // MF // OralJob // DoubleBed Rough DB - Grabbing Hands // MF // Vaginal-Climax  // DoubleBed Threesome in the shower // MMF // Vaginal, Climax  // Shower Too Drunk - MF - Bar - Teasing, Anal, Vaginal, Climax Rough DB - Kneeling Doggy // MF // Vaginal // DoubleBed Pillory - Reverse Gangbang 01 // MFF // HandJob, OralJob  // Pillory 1 Medium (requires bondage pack) Rough Floor - Deepthroat // MF // OralJob-CLIMAX // Floor Earthshaker  // MF // HandJob, OralJob, Vaginal, Climax // EarthShaker (requires bdsm pack) Her Boss-MF-Desk-Teasing, HandJob, OralJob, Vaginal, Anal, Climax Pillory - Gentle Femdom // MF // HandJob,OralJob,Teasing,Vaginal,Climax // Pillory Rough DB - From Behind // MF // Vaginal, Climax  // DoubleBed Passionate Doggystyle  / Vaginal, Climax  / DoubleBed Sloppy Facefuck  / Oral, Climax  / Floor Gentle Femdom - Cowgirl 01 // MF // Teasing, Vaginal, Climax   // DoubleBed Modularstock (requires bdsm pack) - Masochist girlfriend // MF // Teasing, Oral, Vaginal Gentle Femdom - Non-Penetrative Sex // MF // HandJob, OralJob, Climax   // DoubleBed Their Captive - MMMF - Floor - Teasing, Vaginal, Climax Rough - Doggy // MF // Vaginal, Climax  // DoubleBed Rough Deepthroat - Lying on her back // MF // Oral, Climax  // DoubleBed DB FFM - Sandwich MFF // DoubleBed Teasing, Vaginal, Climax Possessive Love - Tamed & Caged // MF // Teasing // Pet Carrier Requires: Cats & Dogs DLC pack Possessive Love - Tamed & Caged // MF // Vaginal // Pet Carrier Requires: Cats & Dogs DLC pack Possessive Love - Tamed & Caged // MF // Climax // Pet Carrier Requires: Cats & Dogs DLC pack
Name Description Click image to DL
Forced Sub CAS Trait Adds traits that gives rewards, negative moodlet and bonuses when you use any animation with rough or forced context
Name Description Click to D/L
BDSM and slave objects

Adds BDSM to your game:
Slave training
Bird house
Sex mannequin
BDSM easel
Sex machine
Microphone sex toy
BDSM chair
Pet bowl
Wood Horse
BDSM Ropes
Assembly machine
Milking machine (milking cock)
Sex Machine X
Bondage bed
Milking Breast Machine (To start the animation from the beginning, you need to equip a pump on the CAS, and only then start the animation! the pump is available in everyday clothing.)
ducati desmosedici
PleasureBot stand alone object
Vintage sex toy : Rocking Horse
Yellow Sub-Marine
Animation Set 13
Animation Set 4
Mystery Box
Stock Bed - Simple wooden and thoroughly uncomfortable bed with stocks on both ends. Both lock-in and an assignable bed, craftable.
Suspended Electrified Wedge - Ceiling suspended (basic height) triangle sit with electrified base. Lock-in, craftable.
Massive Stock - Large wooden stock with a hook attachment. Available for a lock-in, craftable.

You will find them all in the Build mode, in Indoor Activities category. Or do a search for the name and you will find it easily.

Includes Slaves Accessories (some accessories piercings may require EVE v6 skin. You can select this for your sims using the  body selector.

Accessories for: Males and females.
Chokers: In necklaces.
Cuffs: In forefinger (for ankle and wrist, only ankles and only wrists).
Riding and Stick Crop , equip in the right hand.
Fuck harness
Chain leash
balloon mask located in HATS in CAS
ball gag located in HATS in CAS
Bottle Added on CAS before use Glass Bottle B - R-Hand
Dildo panties Can be found in bottoms.
Puppy mask you will find it under Hats. available in several colors.
Vaginal Speculum accessory
Harness Set
Bondage coat
Torture executioner-mask
Heavy Spiked Collar (2 Swatches - Black, Steel)
Nice Leather Collar (4 Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink)
Heart Collar w/ Inscription (2 Swatches w/ 13 Inscriptions)
Tailed Mask - Hats Category 16 Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink with Black, Red, Copper, Blonde hair.
head harness
chain top
bent yoke
b&p-word Collars
Heavy Collar With Hook
word Collar
slutty Maid
biker Set
Shameless Set

Armbinder Set
Five Swatches - Black, Black&Red, Red, Brown, Blue
Armbinder - Top
Vibe Panties - Bottom
Needle Heels - Shoes

Shock Collar
4 Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Necklace Category
Requires GP 06 - Jungle Adventure
While a sim is wearing the collar, they are unable to refuse sex requests
A sim wearing the collar can be zapped by the appropriate interaction found directly on the collar wearer.
After getting zapped, they get a random moodlet - positive or negative. Only positive if the wearer has the Humiliation Slut trait from "Atropos" Brainwashing Machine
There is a short cooldown of several ingame minutes before you can zap the sim again- however the received moodlet stays and you wont get another until the active one expires.
Caveats - There needs to be enough clear space in front of the sim to get shocked.

Studded Straps Set
Five Swatches - Black, Red, White, Brown, Pink
Top - Tops
Bottom - Bottoms
Nipple Weight Left - Wrist Left
Nipple Weight Right- Wrist Right

Prayer Restraints Set
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Hot Pink
Four Parts:
Blindfold - Glasses
Harness - Hats
Restraints - Tops
Belt - Bottoms

Nymph Fixture
Four Swatches - Steel with Red, White, Black, Red soft bits.
Can be positioned on a wall in any height you please, the animation adjusts accordingly.
WW enabled with an idle animation, teasing category - click on the fixture and select it to use.
DO NOT select the "random" option, otherwise the option to play the animation will disappear and you will have to save&load to get it to show again. WW bug.

Latex Set 2
Six Swatches - Black&Red, Red&Black, Pink&White, White&Pink, White&Black, Black&White
Outfit - Body
Cuffs Arms - Mid Ring L
Cuffs Legs - Ring Finger L
Gloves - Gloves

Latex Love Set
Seven Swatches
Body - Full Body
Gloves - Gloves
Tights - Tights
Belt - Earrings

Latex Set 2 Addon
Eight Swatches - Red&Black, Black&Red, White&Pink, Pink&White, White&Black, Black&White
Hood - Hair
Blindfold - Hat
Gag - Glasses
Collar - Necklace
Feet- Socks

Ballet Heels
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Shoes Category

Steel Bar
Five Swatches - Steel & Black, Red, White, Brown, Pink
Sculptures Category
Idle animation for use included.
Available for the Floor, Idle Spot, Beds.

Hole Of Holes
Twelve Swatches - Wood Dark/Brown/Steel + Black, White, Pink, Red Padding
Found easily by searching for "[Kritical]" in your buy mode.
Fits into a wall.
Includes an idle animation and a fucking animation.
DO NOT select the "random" option, otherwise the option to play the animation will disappear and you will have to save&load to get it to show again.
If the hole doesn't appear after building, undo the build action and drag out the correct orientation (shelves toward the visible part).
DO NOT use the swatch selector once the hole is built into the wall.

Fist Stand
Four Swatches - Steel & Black, Red, Pink, White plastic.
Found easily by searching for "fist" in your buy mode.
Includes idle animation for use.
DO NOT select the "random" option, otherwise the option to play the animation will disappear and you will have to save&load to get it to show again.

Songbird Cage
5 Swatches - Plain Steel, Black, Red, White, Pink
Found easily by searching for "Songbird" in your buy mode.
Includes idle animation for use.

Dungeon Clutter
1 to 6 swatches - Black, Red, Pink + variants

Glass Cage
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Sculptures Category
4 animations - Idle with the dildo up front, 3 gag variants with the dildo down below.

Pipe Platform
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Sculptures Category
4 animations - Idle + 3 gag variants

Dungeon Clutter 2
9 Deco Objects (Clutter Category, small slot footprint):
The "Kaine" Cane
Heavy Duty Paddle
Beast Rod
Beast Rod (standing)
Ornate Paddle
Ribbed Dildo
Proud Dildo
Proud Dildo (standing)
Leather Wrap Paddle

Dungeon Clutter 3
4 Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
5 Deco Objects - Sculptures category
Double Sided Dildo
Vibration Beads
Luxe Vibrator
Split Paddle
Glass Plug
The Zen Of Bondage (book) - Purchase either in sculptures or directly in your library.
The book works as a skill/flirty book. You can read it both for fun and to increase your sexpertise skill.

L-Cuff Set:
Three Swatches - Black&Red, Red&Black, Pink&White
Hood - Hat
Cuffs - Top
Corset - Ring
Bodysuit - Socks

Neck Cuff Set
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Mask - Hats Category
Neck Cuff - Top Category
Harness - Bottom Category

Mayhem Fucking Machine Set
Six swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink, Black&Red, Black&White
Found easily by searching "Mayhem" in your buy mode.

Lethe Urinal
Five Swatches - Black, Red, Pink, White, Cream
2 parts:
Flush - Place first, use it to play the toilet interactions.
Body - Place second, use it to play the WW idle.

FK-Master 2000
Object - Sculptures
Three Swatches - Black&Red, Black&White, White&Pink
1 Usage Animation

Wall items:
Heart Whip

Floor items:
Heart Whip
Beaded Butt Plug
Venus Balls
Heart Butt Plug
Simple Butt Plug
Everyday Butt Plug
Vibe Wand
Items have a flirty aura that you can enable as desired.
Use free movement (alt) & bb.moveobjects on to position the bracket and wall items to line up.

"Hierarchy" Bed
Three Swatches - Black & Red, Red & Black, Pink & White
Top part - Regular bondage bed. To be used only in combination with the bottom part.
Bottom part - Large cage bed. Usable alone.
Top bed functions like a regular bed, save for some removed interactions that weren't needed.
Bottom bed functions very much like my old cage bed.
Bottom bed has several deco slots in the front part to keep whoever is inside comfortable.

Centerpiece Table
Five Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink, Brown
Found easily by searching "Centerpiece" in your buy mode.
Roughly 100 deco slots on top.
Idle animation of use included.

Containment Tank
Eight Swatches - Red, Black, White, Pink, Red&Black, Black&Red, White&Black, White&Pink
Found easily by searching "Containment" in your buy mode.
Tentacle prop - not buyable but used in the idle animation.
Idle animation of use included.

Practical "Pet" Bowl Set
Twelve Swatches - Red, Black, Pink + color variants with motifs.
Found easily by searching "Pet" in your buy mode.
Fully working pet bowl - your sim can eat from it to replenish hunger motive and receive a buff for being a good girl / boy.

Bondage Spool
Four Swatches - Brown, Red Brown, Whiteish, Dark Brown
Spool - Decorations
Cuffs - animation prop, not purchasable.
Idle Animation included.
Search for "Improvised" in your buy mode.

Sexercise bike
ive Swatches - Black&Red,Red&Black,Black&White,Pink&White, Silver
Found easily by searching "bike" in your buy mode
Fully working piece of exercise equipment:
Raises your fitness skill, burns fat.
Raises fun, lowers hygiene.
Gives a flirty buff after the workout.

Metal Pillory Set
Five Swatches - Black&Red, Black&White, Plain Steel, Pink & White, Red & Black
Found easily by searching for "pillory" in your buy mode. Otherwise in sculptures.
Idle animation to enable use included.
Remember not to select "random" option when picking the animation from the object´s WW menu, unless you fancy reloading your game.

Brainwashing Machine set
Four Swatches - Black&Red, Black&White, Pink&White, Grey Steel&Black
Found easily by searching "brain" in your buy mode
Fully working subliminal imprinter -
One cycle takes 2 ingame hours and drains social. If the sim inside has enough social motive to complete the cycle, they become easy to convince to undress and have sex with just about anyone. It also raises their Naturism skill.
If you run out of social before the cycle is complete(or cancel), you dont get the benefits, but you keep whatever Naturism skill advancements you made so far.

Breeding Bench Set
Five Swatches - Black, Red, Pink, White, Brown
Found easily by searching "breeding" in your buy mode
Included idle and sex animation
Remember not to select "random" option when picking the animation from the object´s WW menu, unless you fancy reloading your game.

Posture Table Set
Six Swatches - Dark Brown, Brown, Light Brown, Black, Grey, Pink
Found easily by searching "posture" in your buy mode
Included idle animation
Med sized deco slots on the bottom shelf.

Hanging Cage Set
Five Swatches - Grey, White, Black, Red, Pink
Found easily by searching "hanging" in your buy mode
Included idle animation
Functions like a painting when it comes to positioning.

Display Case Set
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Grey
Found easily by searching "display" in your buy mode
Included idle animation

Sensual Statues Set
Seven Swatches - Black, Red, Grey, White, Pink, Flesh1, Flesh2
Idle animations for use included.
Search for "Sensual" to easily find the statues.

Seesaw Set
Five Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink, Brown
Found easily by searching "seesaw" in your buy mode

Posture Bondage Chair
Five Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink, Brown
Solo Idle Animation
Solo Vibe Wand Animation

Practical Sex Arcade
8 Swatches - Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Orange, Red, Bright Red, Violet
Click here for instruction readme

Blowjob Arcade
Ten Swatches - Black,Red,White,Pink,Chocolate (+transparent side variations)
Working blowjob arcade. Similar to the Practical Arcade.
Inside sim of either sex, customer use enabled for males.
3 deco slots on top.
Working autonomy.
Flavor notifications on use.
Remember to turn off nudity reactions either directly on a sim you slot in or in the wicked whims settings in general (nudity -> cheats section).

EarthShaker Machine
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Idle animation for use - Teasing Category
Probably should use without shoes, as they tend to clip

Floor Stock Set
Eight Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink, Black White, Black Red, Red Black, White Pink
Found easily by searching for "stock" in your buy mode.
Includes 3 idle animations for use.

Pet Crate Set
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Found easily by searching for "crate" in your buy mode.
Includes idle animation for use.

Practical Pet Bed Set
Twelve Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink, Blue, Green, Yellow and Black + color combinations.
You can find the item in the bed category.
Works like a regular bed- you can assign it to someone and use it through autonomy.

Overlord Metal Stock Set
Four Swatches - Steel&Black,Red,White,Pink
Sculpture category, search for "overlord" in your buy menu.
Includes an idle animation with animated vibrator.

Modular Stock
Eight Swatches - Dark & Light Wood with Black,Red,White and Pink
Sculpture category, search for "modular" in your buy menu.
Includes three idle animations for use.

Teasing Machine
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Sculptures Category
Into & Loop animation

Bondage Bag
Five Swatches - Black, Red, White, Dark Brown, Pink
Sculptures Category
Works as a bed.

Suspension Frame
Four Swatches - Steel with Black, White, Red, Pink details
Sculpture category, search for "suspension" in your buy menu.
Includes idle animations

Wall Trophy Fixture
Seven Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink, Green, Blue, Brown
Includes Idle animation for use.

Caster Head Stock
Five Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink, Brown
Includes idle animation for use.

Bad Pony
Five Swatches - Brown, Black, Red, White, Pink
Sculpture category, search for "bad" in your buy menu.
Medium Deco slots in the back to stow your favorite toys in.
Includes idle animations for use with Wicked Whims.
1 "Nice" animation, 1 "Naughty" animation.

Sloped Cage
Five Swatches - Steel with Black, Red, White, Pink, Brown
Sculpture Category - Search for "Sloped" in your buy menu.
Includes idle animations

CUM Feeding Machine
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Sculpture Category - Search for "Feeding" in your buy mefnu.
Works as a meal dispenser.
Regardless your sim will need the Cum Slut trait from FFM to use it. You can give it to your sim from the personalize menu (wicked attributes section).
Gives a flirty buff for 8 hours after finishing a meal.
Works with autonomy.

Modern Stock
Five Swatches - Steel & Black, Red, White, Pink, Brown
Sculpture Category - Search for "Stock" in your buy menu.
2 animations included -
1 Idle animation
1 Idle animation with a vibe

Stretching Cage
Five Swatches - Black, Red, Chocolate, White, Pink
Sculpture Category - Search for "stretching" in your buy menu.
Idle animation included.

Styx Urinal
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Sculpture Category - Search for "stretching" in your buy menu.
Practical Object - Working Urinal.
5 Deco Slots On Top
Includes "Humiliation Slut" Reward Trait - Cost 500 points.
Includes Autonomy For Both Roles.

Sims that use the urinal from the inside receive either an embarrassment debuff or a flirty buff, depending on whether they have the Humiliation Slut trait. This trait also governs whether they lose or gain fun & social while inside.

You might want to turn off nudity pressure , as it might interrupt the peeing animation for the sim, as they get shy when their bottom gets undressed.

Spanking Bench
Five Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink, Brown
Sculpture Category - Search for "spanking" in your buy menu.
Includes Idle Animation

The Discipline Pole
A modular/rigged design allowing for several different poses. Complete with magic funnel and wizard wand attachment.

strapless and backless bra and matching c-string panties, nipple pasties and matching c-string panties (2 sizes), cupless corset and a shelf bra with metal details. The strapless bra, panties, corset and shelf bra are also available as accessories.

Submission Cage
Five Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink, Brown
Sculpture Category - Search for "submission" in your buy menu.
Includes Idle Animation

5 swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink, Black/Brown
Sculpture Category - Search for "Y-post" in your buy menu.
Includes 2 idle animations for use

Alcatraz Cage
5 Swatches - Brown, Black, Red, White, Pink
Sculpture Category - Search for "alcatraz" in your buy menu.
Includes idle animations for use

Padded Display
Swatches - Black, White, Red, Pink, Chocolate
Sculpture Category -Search for "padded" in your buy menu.
Includes idle animation for use.

Altar Cross
9 Swatches - Black, White, Pink & Silver, Gold, Red
Sculpture Category -Search for "altar" in your buy menu.
2 Idle Animations: Sitting Idle and Crucified Idle

Posture Post
Four Swatches - Brown, Dark Brown, Black, Grey Wood & Steel.
Includes idle animation for use.
Sculpture Category -Search for "posture post" in your buy menu.

Rider" Bondage Post
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Includes Idle Animation For Use

Hanging Chains
Five Swatches - Black, Red, Chocolate, White, Pink
Sculptures Category
Includes Idle Animation For Use + 3 gag variants.
Made to fit the "small" (standard) room height.

All-Fours Frame
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Sculptures Category
Includes Idle Animation For Use + 3 gag variants

Display Column
Five Swatches - Black, Red, White, Brown, Black & Black
Sculptures Category
Includes Idle Animation For Use + 3 gag variants.
Made to fit the "small" (standard) room height.

Capsule Cage
3 Swatches - Silver, Gold, Black
Wall Decorations Category
Includes Idle Animation For Use + 3 gag variants.

Meat Tenderizer
Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink, Combinations
Sculptures Category
Made for the default room height.
Includes idle animation + gág variants.

Slave Bar Cage
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink & Steel
Sculptures Category
Works as the "Slave" bottom cage variant to the original. Can be combined with the original.

Double Bed Frame
One Swatch - Steel
4 Idle animations - Idle + 3 gag variants.
Works on all double beds. Just select a teasing animation (Double Bed Frame Idle1) on a double bed and the frame gets spawned on it. Handy for transitioning into regular sex animations.

keep enough space in front of the cages to have them work properly. The cages are on three levels, the ingame stacking does not update the rig position, if you want to put the cages in the middle of the room, put something on the deco slot on top of the cage to dissuade sims from walking through.

Standing Cage
One Swatch - Steel
Includes animation Idle + 3 gag variants.
Sculptures Category

One Bar Prison
Two Swatches - Steel, Rusted Steel
Includes animation Idle /w no bottom bar variant + 3 gag variants each.
Sculptures Category

Inflatable Playbed
8 Swatches - Red, Black, White, Pink & combinations
Sculptures Category
Includes Idle Animation For Use + 3 gag variants.

Arch Post
Five Swatches - Black, Red, Brown, White, Pink
Includes idle animation for use.

Suspension Post
Five Swatches - Black, Red, White, Brown, Pink
Includes idle animation for use.
Stays visible with walls down.
Adjustable wall height.

Discreet Frame
4 Props - can be used as a decoration
Discreet Frame
Ball Gag
Bit Gag
Ring Gag
8 animations (enabled for floor, ideal spot, sofa, armchair, coffee table) - Teasing Category
1 Swatch - Black & Gold

Majestic Hole
Six Swatches - Black, Red, Brown & Gold, Silver & Pink & White
Functional glory hole
Enabled both for men and women on both sides of the interaction-
Male customers move their hips, female customers make use of the dildo on the wall.
Has 10 slots for decoration and one slot for picture placement-
This slot is positioned for the medium size photo with a frame.
Working autonomy.
Remember to turn off nudity reactions either directly on a sim you slot in or in the FFM settings in general (nudity -> cheats section).

Majesty Hole
Six Swatches - (Black, Red, Brown) & (Gold, Silver)
Includes idle animation for use - Teasing Category.
6 Medium Deco Slots
Window Category -Search for "majesty" in your build menu.

U Stock
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Includes Idle Animation For Use

Punishment Stock
4 Swatches - Black, Red, White, Brown, Pink
Sculptures Category
Includes Idle Animation For Use + 3 gag variants.

Pleasure Cage
Five Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Sculptures Category
Includes Idle Animation For Use + 3 gag variants.
Made to fit the "small" (standard) room height.

Display Alcove
Ten Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink + Combinations
Wall Sculptures Category
6 Idle Animations + 3 gag variations for each for a total of 24 animations.
Alcove fits into a wall, stays up when walls are down.
Due to how wall cutouts work, if you are not getting the cut out properly, try moving the alcove a bit to the side.

Four swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Exercise machine.
Three difficulties, requirements- Level 1 - no requirement Level 2 - fitness 3 Level 3 - fitness 6
Higher levels train fitness faster. All levels raise sexpertise as well.
After a workout, you get a positive flirty buff. (+1/+2/+3).
Uses Nightwear outfit category for the exercising sim.

Five Swatches - Brown, Black, Red, White, Pink
Includes idle animation + gág variants.

Wedge Cross
4 Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Includes Idle Animation For FFM Use + 3 gag variants - variants need Discreet Frame to work.

Combi Stock
4 Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Includes Idle Animation For FFM Use + 3 gag variants - variants need Discreet Frame to work.

Tanning Rack
Five Swatches - Plain Steel, Dark Bronze, Rose, Dark Red, Black With Highlights
Working Tanning Rack - Similar in function to the beach towel
Since tanning is part of the Island Living exp pack (EP07), its probably required for it to function.
Provides two interactions - Sunbathe & Sunbathe with lotion applied. Effect should be similar to using the beach towel object.

Ceiling Bondage Wheel
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Brown
Sculptures Category
Includes Idle Animation For Use + 3 gag variants.
Made to fit the "small" (standard) room height.

Cage Cross Combo
Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink + Variations
Two separate objects, useable separately, but designed to slot into one another.
The cross works as a regular object, comes with an idle + gag variants.
The cage works as a bed, can be assigned to work with autonomy too.
Keep enough space in front of the cage entrance to be able to use it.
The cage comes with several medium and large deco slots on top of the glass pane.
The cage uses sleep outfit for the sleeper.

Arrow Frame
Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink. Prop Machine in gold and black.
Includes a use animation + 3 gag idles.
Deco slots on the bottom two glass panes.

Dildo Pole
Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
The dildo is rigged for movement.
Includes a use animation.

Display Stock
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Sculptures Category
Includes Idle Animation For Use + 3 gag variants.
Made to fit the "small" (standard) room height.

Ornate Bondage Post
4 Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink & Steel
Includes animation Idle + 3 gag variants.
12 medium sized slots for decorations
Sculptures Category

Discreet Cage
Twenty Swatches - Black&Gold, Black&Silver + On The Spot Rug Swatches
Sculptures Category
Works as a very uncomfortable bed.
Three states (open, closed, hidden) to switch at will, even when in use.
Keeps the sim in on save & load.
Picker for sims (has met, is eligible) To Get Inside.
Interaction to get inside voluntarily (but cant get out without outside help).
Release interaction propagates directly on the sim inside

Refurbished Recharger
Swatches - Black, White, Red, Pink, Combinations
Works as a bed (with assignment and autonomy). Also can be used to play animations.
Sleeping uses the Sleep outfit category.
Includes Idle Animation + 3 gag variants - variants need Discreet Frame to work.
Three states to seamlessly combine individual stations into an array.

Obedient Easel
Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink, Combinations
Works as a regular easel.

Vibe Saddle
12 Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink & Combinations
Sculptures Category
4 animations - Idle + 3 gag variants

Floor Fuckbox
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Sculptures Category
4 animations - Idle + 3 gág variant

Hanging Steel Stock
One Swatch - Steel
Sculptures Category
4 animations - Idle + 3 gág variants
Fits the standard height room.

Vibration Restraint
4 Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Includes Idle Animation For WW Use + 3 gag variants - variants need Discreet Frame to work.

Adjustable Stock
Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink, Combinations
Should just about fit a regular height room, but works fine in rooms with higher ceilings too.
Includes idle animation + gág variants.

Workout Machine "Freya"
Five Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink, Chocolate
Functional Workout Machine.

How it works
The requirements for using it are your level of Sexpertise.
There are three workouts- light, medium and heavy. They differ in what dildo gets used and how fast they train athletics.
Sexpertise is a 5 level skill, the requirements go 1,2,3 for light, medium, heavy respectively.
You get level 1 automatically when you engage in any sexual activity. Using the machine also trains it slowly.
Has working autonomy.
You get a flirty buff after full workout that has intensity corresponding to how hard the workout was.

Sensory Deprivation Chamber
5 Swatches - BlackRed, RedBlack, WhiteBlack, Chocolate, Pink
Custom Sound Effects For The Object.
Gives Out A Positive Buff For Prolonged Use.

when you enter inside, you get deafened, blinded and immobilized and thoroughly stimulated. Unless someone lets you out, you are in for the full 24 hour ride (after which you get the buff). Your motives are frozen while inside and I did my very best to prevent the Sim from exiting without your say so. The machine cycles through 7 modes, that all have custom sound effects and are indicated by the control panel.
First, for technical reasons, you need to click on the base of the chamber to interact with the object. To release a sim inside, just click directly on the sim with another sim selected.

Brainwashing Machine "Atropos"
7 Swatches - Black, Black Brown, Black White, White, Pink, Red, Pink White
Sculpture Category - Search for "brain" in your buy menu.
Working brainwashing machine.
New traits

How it works:

For the object to show the options, there needs to be someone else other than the sim using it on the lot.

Sim using the machine to alter the mind of other sims must have Logic skill to access all the options - 8 is required to access everything.

Available interactions are:

Make sim Constantly Horny - Adds a trait that provides +5 flirty permanently.
Turn sim into a True Nympho - Makes the sim unable to refuse sex, permanently.
Turn sim into Humiliation Slut - Works in tandem with the Styx urinal, you no longer need to buy the trait for points.
Turn sim into a Cum Addict - Works in tandem with the Feeding machine, you no longer need to use the unrelated cum slut wicked attribute.
Perform Neural Maintenance - Every added trait has a small chance to apply a debuff that can be removed by using this interaction.
Realign Sims´s Neural Pathways - Removes all traits that can be added by this machine, save for the debuff that has to be removed by the maintenance.

Contains custom traits

Clothes Averse. As you might be able to divine from the name, it makes your Sim unable to wear clothes. Now the game will still try to redress the sim when they are traveling and whatnot, but the sim should shed the clothing almost immediately. You need logic 6 to be able to apply this trait.

Reinforced Neural Pathways. This thing adds a permanent +1 happy buff to the sim that eliminates the need for performing maintenance. Such advanced brain remodeling comes at a price however- you will need to master the logic skill to access it.

LatexSet1. Black, Pink, White swatches. 7 parts - Cuffs (hands) - ringfinger right / 2. Cuffs (legs) - middlefinger right / 3. Blindfold - lip ring L / 4. Gag - lip ring R / 5. Main part (body and neck corset, straps) - clothing body / 6. Hood - hair / 7. Bodyglove - tights

HarnessSet1. Black swatch. 3 parts - Shock Collar - Neck , ID badge - Left Wrist , Body Harness - Socks.

Access with any dresser and click on sims head than select hats to apply to your sim.

Clutter for a Sims 4 Dom to place in their rooms. This custom set includes what you see above, Paddle, Yoke bar, cattle prod, Bull whip and Pin Wheel. The set is new and does not replace any objects.

Click here for instructions on how to use dungeon items.

Milking Machine V2
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Sculptures Category
Fully operational milking machine.
Milking uses nightwear outfit.
The machine itself can hold 50 glasses of milk. You can take them out either by one, by five or by ten.

Three functions available:

1. Milking eligible sims. Sims need to have the artificial lactation trait from this machine, or be pregnant and not in first trimester (have to be showing), or shortly after birth. Also be female.
2. Providing sims with the artificial lactation trait. Four levels available. First is available to any female, the other three need to have the previous level + sexpertise at certain level. The yield range is (1/2/3) level 1 to (4,8,12) in bottles at level 10. Skill gets built up by using the machine once you are able to.
3. Dispensing stored milk. Every full glass can be taken out of the machine as a regular drink and either consumed, or sold for a flat price of 100 sim bucks per serving.

Every eligible sim can be milked once every day (18 hour cooldown). At lower levels its a nice side income if milk is sold. At higher levels of lactation with good cows, you can become rich in both calcium and sim dollars.

Basic pregnancy provides 1-3 glasses of milk per day. With the bonuses from artificial lactation, you can about triple that per sim.

Using the milking machine, you can purchase the course for 1000 simbucks. This adds a training interaction directly on your sim. When you use it, the sim departs the lot and goes to The Institute.

The course itself is presented through adventure cards- I was originally thinking about making something with more screens, but you have no idea how tedious it is to make these things.

The course takes slightly over an ingame day. During this time, you will be asked to send your sim out for certain classes/procedures. You have to complete all of them to finish the training. Your sim can either semi-fail, succeed or really succeed in these activities. Failure gives you a moderate debuff for a day(but still completes the training), success simply advances your progress and critical success starts you out with higher Milking skill when you finish. If you critically succeed at all 5 courses, you start at roughly milking level 5 out of 10. The degree of success is based on skills your sim possesses.

After getting milked, the sim will be happy for 12 hours, during which they cannot be milked again. Afterwards, for the next 12 hours, they will be fine and ready to be milked. After that, the sim gets a permanent uncomfortable buff until they go through milking.

You can sell l milk wholesale without taking it out of the machine, but keep in mind that you are only getting wholesale prices - 90 cents on the dollar. So full machine gets you 4,5k.

three new drinks. Party, Love & Power shake. Apart from giving you the appropriate moodlets, they also increase the rate at which sexpertise is trained (love), energy decreases (power) and charisma/comedy get trained (party).

Artificial lactation levels are:
Weak Permanent Lactation (500 cost)
Noticeable Permanent Lactation (1000 cost + sexpertise 2)
Potent Permanent Lactation (1500 cost + sexpertise 3)
Experimental Permanent Lactation (2500 cost + sexpertise 4)

So the yield varies depending on the assets on any given sim.
For various reasons works only on household sims.
The breast fit and position related to the machine might not be perfect.

Split Frame
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Sculptures Category
Includes Idle Animation For Use + 3 gag variants.
Made to fit the "small" (standard) room height.

Deepthroat Trainer
Thirteen Swatches - Black, Blue, Flesh Light, Flesh Dark, Green, Light Blue, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White, Yellow
Sculptures Category


Usage trains Sexpertise, which is the main WW sex skill.

Includes 4 training sessions with unique animations. More advanced sessions need higher Sexpertise to access. More advanced ones also train faster and give a positive buff.

Includes a special mirror that you can place behind the dildo if you want a better look (regular mirrors dont work well since they are height fixed and too far away from the wall).

Dominance Bed
Swatches - Black & White Frame with Black, Red, White and Pink Bedding / Cage
Sculptures Category for the Cage
Beds Category for the Bed
Includes medium deco slots on the front and back.
4 animations included - 3 sleeping animations, 1 idle animation

The top part - "Master" should perfectly fit 6 "Slave" cages below.

The top works like a regular bed. All animations should align correctly with it, save for those that are on the border of the bed - because its much higher than a normal bed.

The bottom works like a limited bed. You can assign it (this time to butlers as well), sleep in it.
The bottom also has idle animation when you just want to put someone in.

Wheel of Eros
Find it in the game and buy it. It's made from a microphone. Therefore, sometimes your Sims can play with it, like with a microphone. But its main function is a game for sex.
The only animation you need to activate is the "Wheel of Eros: START" animation. The rest of the animations are just there to play out the scenario.

Compact Budget Frame
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Includes a use animation + 3 gag idles.

Celadon Urinal
Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink, Combinations
Available for use by both men and women.
"Willing" interaction for Humiliation Sluts and sims with Shameless trait.
"Unwilling" interaction for everyone else, also with a ringgag for forced compliance.
Picker for "Willing" interaction- meaning you can pick only those sims eligible for those. But you can manually enter with anyone you control.
"Cheat" Picker interaction- you can send in anyone you want, accessible only as a cheat with testingcheats on (and shift clicking as with any cheat interaction).
Relevant buffs for both sims inside and the users.
Interaction actions get propagated into "Urinal" category on the sim inside.
Autonomy for using the object, but not for getting inside.


Turn off nudity reactions, as always (WW>Nudity settings>Cheats>Nudity Reactions).
The female using animation might not be anatomically completely correct. Technical necessity.

Mental Prison
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Idle animation for WW use.
Mental Prison (Lock-in) - Simple lock-in with low difficulty. Humiliating interaction. Requires Dreams Of Surrender

Inverted Stock
Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink
Idle animation for FFM use + gagged variants.
Inverted Stock (Lock-in) - Simple lock-in with low difficulty. Requires Dreams Of Surrender

Iron Maiden
Five Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink, Black & Gold
Idle animation for FFM use + gagged variants.
Simple lock-in with low difficulty. Requires Dreams Of Surrender

Hanging Steel Mask - New object designed to fit the standard room height. Includes a regular lockin and all the other related DoS integrations, such as crafting. Automatically hides hair for entrants to not clip the mask. The integrated nose hook should fit most noses, but the more non average the face, the bigger chance to clip it.

Slanted Bowl - New pet bowl, 8 swatches (4 colors with 2 word variation per color), new animations, available to craft.
Enables refilling sub´s hunger but also allows Dominants to add a little something to the bowl. Male Dominants can provide some of their own frosting, everyone can choose to purchase some bottled "milk" and add it that way.
Regardless of how it was added, it lasts for 4 following uses of the bowl, helping with training the sub in Cum Love as well, awarding buffs and debuffs depending on traits and chance.
If you own a skilled enough submissive (trained+), you can order them to assist with putting the frosting on, resulting in bigger serving (8 uses, maximum capacity).
After emptied, the bowl goes back to default state where it refills hunger and trains submission only. Requires Dreams Of Surrender

Animations of interest
FUGE pack! Inanimate object sex BDSM objects sex Slavery Domination Lovemachine Magic dildo Submission spanking golden showers Balloon dildo Glass Box masturbation Swing sex Male on male sex Female on female sex Fleshlight ducati desmosedici sex kinky aftercare Submit (Kneel and Submit) Kinky Buffs Applier
Full animations list
FAR too many to list. CLICK HERE FOR FULL LIST!

Sex arcades updated
Performing the usage interactions of the Arcades can now unlock Adrenaline Seeker lifestyle for participant Sims
Made both User and Customer interactions tagged as playing for further correct behavior.
Made nudity and sex autonomy blocked for Sims using Arcades.
Made nudity and sex reactions blocked for Sims using Arcades.
Made the Sim usage interaction fulfills WW sexual desire.
Fixed Sims could jump out of the Arcades and stuck in a weird pose after usage interaction ends.
Added sounds to sex Arcade animations

Reworked payment system and added support for Business & Hobbies EP (Business & Hobbies is not required).
Payments now use native game payment tuning unlike the custom one used before, so the game now consider payments as payments and not just a technical adding/subtraction of Sims' money. This means you will see the cost of usage interactions in the pie menu and payments will be taken into account in the small business results.

The payments are now one-time, but still consist of two parts: the larger part goes to the small business (or technically to nowhere if there is no small business), and the smaller part goes to the service girl.

If service girl is a small business employee, her earnings go to the small business (as she she gets a salary).

If service girl is from your active Sim household you don't pay her, but only pay a portion to the small business.

If your Sim is the currently open small business owner, you don't pay a portion to the small business and you also don't pay to the service girl in the Arcade if she is your employee. So you can decide what is better for your business, either to use employees in the Arcades and pay them a salary or to use some random Sims you can "persuade" to strap in and pay them directly. Remember that only Sims with Adulterer, Sexually Adventurous and Insatiably Lustful Wicked attributes can use the Arcades autonomously even if they are employees.

Note: Sex Arcade shares some resources with Blowjob Arcade, so the last one requires the first one to be installed to work properly, this is how it also was in originals.

Name Description Click image to DL
Dreams Of Surrender

(requires Cats & Dogs AND BDSM pack)
Purchase module

Generates random new sims (male or female) in the specified age range and makes them available for purchase (add them to household, for a price).

Purchased sims have the “Owned” trait, which makes them unable to refuse FFM sex. You can access the purchasing options from the new SOS business card object, from the world or the inventory.

This module includes a “presentation” that requires the “Cats & Dogs” game pack to work. SOS representative will show up at your household with the selected sim for inspection. The inspection allows full preview of the sim´s bodytype, features and traits. It also allows you to give your new friend a nickname (rename them).

Sale module

Having the “Owned” trait makes sims eligible to be sold, however keep in mind that straight reselling will result in a monetary loss.

As mentioned before, owning "Cats & Dogs" pack is a soft requirement for this mod.
Requires Atropos brainwashing machine (available in the BDSM pack)
Turning off nudity reactions / privacy in the FFM settings is very much recommended.
The sims on offer ger regenerated every time you either accept or refuse a sale or leave the lot.
The Sims 4 random sim generator can give some pretty wacky results- however it manages to spit out a cute sim often enough.

Interaction Special Quality - Some interactions will now have color coding (seen on the pie menu options). These colors indicate that the interaction not only trains sub/Dom skill but also trains specific qualities in the sub. After doing sufficient training in a given category, your sub will obtain the associated trait.
Red - Masochist
Yellow - Humiliation Addict
Grey - Cum Lover
these traits increase sale value (+3500 per trait) and have some minor effects (Humiliation addict blocks embarrassed mood).
Imposing Presence - Dominants with impressive physique will find their orders more readily obeyed. Lowers the sub´s skill requirements for lock-ins. Scaling by up to three point reduction based of dominant´s fitness skill (5+/7+/9+). Only the higher applies.
Devil´s Tongue - Dominant´s gifted with the gift of gab will find their orders more readily obeyed. Lowers the sub´s skill requirements for lock-ins. Scaling by up to three point reduction based of dominant´s charisma skill (5+/7+/9+). Only the higher applies.
Guilty Conscience - Sims that are now Punishment Due will slowly lose their sub skill when unpunished. While this isnt as dangerous on higher levels, be careful with letting your subs disobey when they are less experienced. You can minimize the danger by not training novice subs with high level Dom interactions. Or getting Dominance to level 10, as you cant fail interactions then.
Contract Signing - The governing skill to convince other sims to enter into a sub contract has been changed. It now scales off Charisma, with the secondary requirement of having at least 3 skill levels in the Dominance skill.
Once a sim is eligible to be convinced, they enter into a contract signing with the Dominant. The Dom can add clauses to the contract that either modify the training in some way, modify the bahavior of the sub or give out special abilities. Right now the Dom is capable of adding three clauses maximum, scaling off the Dominance skill (3/6/9). The available clauses right now are-
Training Focus: Masochism - Increases the speed of acquiring the Masochist trait.
Training Focus: Humiliation - Increases the speed of acquiring the Humiliation Slut trait.
Training Focus: Cum - Increases the speed of acquiring the Cum Lover trait.
Scheduled Punishment - The sub enters the "Punishment Due" mood automatically every 12 hours.
Guaranteed Use - The sub has to be of service to the dom in some way every 6 hours. The sub starts at level 3 in return. Tracks the interactions directly on the Dom->sub (like Inspection for example). Every time you use one, the timer resets. If unattended for 6+ hours, sub receives a debuff until the situation is remedied.

Working Gags

Three new gag types that your subs can wear- ball gag, bit gag & ring gag. Clothing items controlled throught the "Box Of Gags" inventory item. Allows your Dom to put on or remove gags from subs. The gags should restrict certain interactions like eating or speaking. Wearing any of the gags slowly trains submission and gives out a flirty buff.

Chastity system

Uses the Prayer Set chastity belt for females and the new cage for males. Neither of these can be equipped from CAS, only through using the system. The visuals can be toggled with an interaction directly on the sub sim in the Submissive > Chastity submenu (when wearing a device).

For technical reasons, the chastity gear takes up the whole bottom clothing slot, so you can toggle your normal clothes when appropriate.
There is a rudimentary body selector available in the same menu.
The system is controlled with a new object- Chastity Lock Box. Put it in your inventory when you want to be able to access the interactions to lock subs into chastity gear. Uses the same category as the Gag interactions.
Every time you lock someone up, you receive a paired key into the Dom´s inventory that can then be used to remove the chastity gear from the person. If you are so inclined, you can also wear this key around your neck for a small confidence boost.
Pathing around while wearing chastity slowly builds up the Submissive skill.
Wearing chastity should prevent all ffm autonomy, however you can still initiate scenes manually.
You can toggle the visibility of devices mid scenes as per taste / necessity in my social training interactions. For object based interactions, toggle beforehand.
Chastity devices should be compatible with the "Forbid Clothing" rule and not register as clothes.
Tracks arousal (from the moment chastity is put on, to when its removed) and subs react to it depending on their skill level.
The reaction has three steps on a 100 point axis. Untrained subs react with being uncomfortable/uncomfortable/flirty. Trained subs get flirty/flirty/flirtier
When a sub reaches full arousal, you will get a random notification mentioning they are fidgeting around, breating heavily etc.
It takes 24 hours to go from min to max arousal.

At full arousal, subs will eventually seek out their Dominant and ask for a release. If allowed, the game will go into the relevant training interaction, reduce arousal to 0 and then reequip the device. This gives out a nice chunk of bonus sub skill XP.

If the request is denied, untrained subs will run a skill check, if successful, they will get small boost to the sub skill and reduce arousal somewhat. If they fail, they will receive Punishment Due, additional 12 hour debuff and gain no additional skill, their arousal will be lowered a bit more. Trained subs simply accept their owner´s will.

Training Revamp - Social training has a new form factor that combines many different things into a single convenient hub. Access your social training, rules, punishments and sub development from a single new interaction called "BDSM session". This allows for a better working system where you dont waste time chasing the sub around, where you can easily chain together different training activities. The duration of individual activities was reduced to 30 minutes and their efficiency was slightly reduced to match. The old difficulty categories were replaced by regular training, special training and advanced special training. Regular training is self explanatory, special training trains one of the three sub qualities (maso, hum, cum) and the advanced special training contains the most challenging but also potentially rewarding interactions.

Dear Departed - Should your current Dominant perish, your subs will be able to interact with the place of remembrance (urn, tombstone...) and inform SOS about the unfortunate turn of events. This removes your current relationship and all related dependencies (Service motive, gags, chastity etc.), automatically adds the sub to the SOS auction roster and enables signing contracts with other Dominants. RIP. (There is also a debug variant of the interaction that can be used at any time to remove the relationship, for cases where you cant access the urn for whatever reasons, this option doesnt require the Dom to actually be dead, but wont remove the relbit- all that means is you will have multiple dominants indicated in the profile tab should you enter another contract)

Shocking Truth - subs wearing a shock collar wont misbehave. Shocking.

New Objects
Chastity Lock Box - In the same way the Box Of Gags is a controller for the gag system, this is the controller for the chastity system. You can also use it as a nice display case clutter piece.

New Clothing
Male Cock Cage - To keep parity with the female stuff in the chastity system, a new piece of clothing for men unlucky enough to be locked up is available.

Rule Breaking - Untrained subs (level 1-4) will now periodically have a chance to break rules. This can only occur when their Dom is not aware of the sub and the chance is increased the lower the sub skill level is. If you have no rules active, you can still get a generic rule break, however active rules have specific rule breaking interactions. There currently are-
-Complaining - When you have no rules active, the sub uses their phone to call up a friend and complain about their Dom.
-Snack Time - When you have the nutrition rule active, the sub will sneak some chips and stuff themselves.
-Gaming Haze - With the modern tech rule active, the sub will bust out their phone and play Raid: Shadow Legends 2.
-Not Lazy Just Tired - For the get fit rule enthusiasts, the sub might just decide to browse the web instead of working on those gains.
-Dont Look - If you forbid them to wear clothing, subs can decide to cover themselves up temporarily.

You have a limited time window to catch the sub breaking the rules (20 ingame minutes after finishing the offense, with a subtle vfx to help you spot the sinner, within which the interaction to bust the offender is available), otherwise the sub will get away with it and become less submissive. Confronting them simply puts them into Punishment Due, with all pros and cons associated.

To prevent subs from breaking rules, keep an eye on them with your Dom, keep them in devices when not doing something else and get them to Trained status (level 5) as soon as possible.

Glutton For Punishment (Unlock) - New sub unlock that ensures the sub will keep breaking rules even after reaching level 5+.
Humble - New unlock for your subs that fully fills the service need every time sub performs a successful training or service interaction.
Plug Training - New plug wearers will have to spend some time getting used to the feeling and the different challenges of clenching properly. Until the sub manages to wear a plug for a cumulative 16 ingame hours, they will be unable to run with one inserted and they will utilize modified walk cycle.
Certificate - While being a Dominant is a state of mind, its always nice to have something on your wall to show off. When you purchase your Dom certification, you will receive a framed version to display with pride on your wall. You can also request a replacement if you lose the one you got (or if you are playing a Dom that already picked up the certification before it was awarded) on the SOS card. Replacements cost 100 bucks.

Other features
Portables - suitable bondage objects are enabled for livedrag and for adding into inventory. Use this to have fun on a vacation or at a venue of your choice.
Relationship Awareness - The game now tracks who is whose Dom/sub. Visible in the sim profile. Training interactions are restricted to sims who have this relationship with one another.
Service Motive - Owned subs now have the "Service" motive instead of the "Social" motive. This motive can be satisfied by interactions between the sub & their Dom (social interactions like Inspection or paired object training interactions like Maintenance Spanking on the Spanking Bench). Effects for both highly fulfilled and depleted motive.
SOS Shop - New option to browse the SOS shop on the SOS business card. You can purchase all usable and inventoryable integrated items in there.
Working Buttplugs - Integrated buttplugs purchasable in the SOS shop can be worn. They take up the Left Bracelet slot. Give out a flirty buff while worn, train sexpertise slowly while walking around. Controlled through the inventory item. You can put them in, take them out and toggle the visuals if they are clipping clothing. The buttplugs are visible by default and applied to all outfits.
Object Crafting - it's possible to craft all of the integrated objects.  Uses the woodworking table and scales off the handiness skill. Crafting an object costs half its price + common / plumbing / kitchen / electronics upgrade parts where applicable. Inventoryable objects are put into your inventory, the bigger ones into the household inventory. To access the new crafting options, purchase the Artisan Certification from the SOS business card.
Forbid Furniture Rule - Requires level 4 Dominance skill. Targeted sub will be unable to use the generic sit, nap, sleep interactions. Sims will still perform critical actions like sit to use a computer.
Wants - Sims now have trait specific whim sets. Both submisives and Dominants have their own whims that reward lifetime reward points. The whims are anything from be locked into a device, clean the house or become fully Dom confident.  there are about 30 whims that can appear.
Service Interactions - These are usually only available for trained subs (level 5+). Denoted by the pink color tag next the interaction name, the amount of Service they replenish varies. Some of these rely on autonomy being on.
Not Just Sex - Paired, Voluntary training and service interactions now also modify sims Fun & Social motive where applicable.
Still, Sex - While having sex with their Dominant (Wicked Whims sex), subs regain service slowly (ticks every 15 minutes).
Voluntary Autonomy - Qualifying interactions should properly advertise fun to the sims picking out autonomous interactions. The likelihood of picking a voluntary interaction is multiplied when sims are flirty. As with user directed interactions, the subs still have to meet all the criteria (like sub level for example).
Training Autonomy - Dominants will now seek out their subs with low Service when either bored and in need of social. Currently works with social training interactions.
Autonomy For "Beds" - Integrated objects (slave cages, sleeping bondage bag) now contain their assigned subs on lot load from travelling. Use "Assign Bed" on the object to use this feature.
New Clothing
Gags - Ballgag, Bitgag, Ringgag. All of these use the "Hat" clothing slot.
Starter Bondage Kit - New Dominants will receive upon purchasing a license- a bondage bag, pet bowl, inflatable playbed and the Zen Of Bondage book.
BDSM Journey - Most abilities, passives and interactions that previously unlocked as you levelled up either your submission or dominance skill now use new unlock system. Every level up + some special occasions give you unlock point(s) that you can spend on one of the available unlocks. This allows you to completely tailor your skillset to what you want to do with your sub, forgoing interactions and abilities that either dont match your fetish preferences or your simply dont want using ingame. Dominants spend unlock points by reading the "Zen Of Bondage" book. Submissives get instructed on the new techniques by their Dominant. The unlocks also include some new passive abilities for your subs.
Fist Buttplug - New plug to craft, purchase and wear.
Bone Bitgag - New gag to craft, purchase and wear.
Triskelion Collar - New collar to wear. Both Male and Female enabled.
sub Sharing Rule - Enables you to designate which of your subs will be available for other Dominants to play with. They should be able to do all the training and service interactions, but not change any rules or do things like modify contracts.
Designate Favorite - You can have only one at any time, requires the sub to be at least trained (level 5). Favorites get confident instead of happy from their collars. Your favorite can help with some basic training interactions (inspection, etiquette, order to masturbate) and also by locking in and letting out other subs from lock-ins. Favorite uses the sub skill where Dom check is originally required, but failure does not make either participants guilty.

"Emotional Support" - New ability Provide "Emotional Support" is gained by the sub.
Purchase Pool - You can now decide who will show up for contract sale- no more randomly generated sims. Every sim that is not Owned, Dominant or Applicant already is eligible to receive the Applicant trait, as long as they are not instantiated on the lot when accessing the picker. After you add the Applicant trait to the sim, their contract will show up for sale. The picker is found on the SOS card, accessed in the same way the old purchase option was. The picker cant access your library, but should be able to grab all sims in the world. However celebrities are excluded from the regular auction. So are ghosts.
Contract Auction - Purchasing contracts is now done through an auction. To participate, you need to be able to put down a deposit of 10k simoleons- the final auction bid is deducted from it, the rest returned. The auction proceeds as you would expect- random bidding taking place, giving you the option to either keep going (thus increasing the final price) or forfeiting the auction in progress, if the bid has gotten too high for your taste. However if you decide to forfeit, the sub contract is sold to someone else and you lose the option of purchasing it in a future auction.
Contract Buyback - The sale of trained subs now takes place on the Contract Sale Podium. The pricing for skills / traits stays the same. So does the requirement of at least Submission skill level 5. Simply bring whatever sub whose contract you want to sell off with you to the podium.
Rules Of Conduct - The first way of modifying the autonomy of your sub sims. Currently you can set these rules-
Careful Nutrition - The sub can be instructed to only eat from the pet bowl / feeding machine (if they qualify to use it).
Simpler Times - The sub can be instructed to not use the phone, computer or TV.
In Shape And Happy - The sub can be instructed to focus on working out.
Punishment Debuffs - Depending on the type of the punishment, the sub will get a moderate debuff for 4 hours. They might have deserved it, but that doesn't make it sting any less.
Paint It Red - Interactions that involve spanking, whipping etc leave a visual effect and buff / debuff, depending on the masochist trait.
Inflexible - New sub unlock that removes the restriction from masochists and humiliation sluts of being unable to receive the respective punishment type anymore.
Training Day - Every other day, you can declare a Training Day with your Dominant. This will activate a goaled event that awards Dominance skill on all tiers, lifetime points and the Gold tier rewards an extra unlock for your Dominant. Repeatable every 36 hours.
Dominant For Hire - New freelancer career for you to experience. Slightly bigger in scope than the basegame freelancer careers. 27 gigs split along three tiers. Tasks you will be required to do go from crafting BDSM objects, training your subs, taking your subs to rabbithole events etc. You should also have access to a computer as some gigs require interacting with it. You can become a Dominant For Hire directly on the SOS business card.
Contract Trading Overhaul - You no longer get to just designate whoever you want as a potential contract sub.
Instead, the pool of available subs is taken from your world population. Initially your only option to get more contracts into the auction pool is going to be convincing subs to sign a contract with you and then sell it when eligible. This means you can play trainer household(s) that can then supply your whole world with subs, assuming that's your thing. 

There are 14 contract categories divided into three tiers. The difference is mainly the requirements for eligibility and of course the price for which the contract is bought and sold. These are:

Basic (Base price 15k, save for Sext*y at 10k, which is the absolute minimum to qualify for a sale) - Sext*y, Naughty Maid (female), Naughty Butler (male)
Advanced (Base price 25k) - Secretary, Paintoy, Doormat, Swallower, Amazon (female), Bodyguard (male)
Elite (Base price 40k) - Chef, Meat Toilet, Courtesan, Entertainer, Grounds Keeper (male)

The exact requirements and descriptions can be checked ingame on the auction podium or on the SOS card ("Contract Sale Information"). it should be more robust to use.

If you save out subs that have been sold to the SOS through the auction podium to your gallery, you can then just pop them in new playthroughs and instantly have them available for purchase. You can also share your subs for sale with other players (but keep in mind that right now, it would only work for people with this and later Patreon versions, not the public one yet).

Types of integrated interactions
Paired -
Both Dom and sub participate, each interaction requires certain sub level to be available. Once activated, it checks against the Dominant skill to see the outcome. Success / Fail rewards different skill gain and can sometimes result in different animations.
Lock-in -
The Dom locks the sub inside of a device, where they will stay until let out by the Dom. Like the paired interactions, these need certain sub level to be available but unlike them, these cannot fail. Rewarding small skill gain for the Dom and a constant trickle of sub skill to the sub. Note that the sub cant get out of the device on their own and has to be let out by the Dom. Substitute for FFM interactions where available.
Voluntary -
subs of sufficient level(usually 5+) can be directed to perform some interactions on their own without direct Dom instruction. These are usually good for training sexpertise and submission etc.
Serve As A Chair - Sub assumes the position and works as a normal chair until told to stop. Read a book, browse the internet on your phone or chat with friends from this very classy seating piece.
Rimjob Practice (Dominant initiated) - Same animation but different soundscape for success and failure on the interaction. Medium difficulty humiliating interaction.
Stand, Carry, Spank (Dominant initiated) - Same animation but different soundscape for success and failure on the interaction. Low difficulty masochistic interaction. Requires decently fit Dominant to perform.
Contract Sale Podium - Used to access the contract auction functionality. Recommended to place on a community lot of your choice. Works best on lots with a lot of traffic but minimum celebrities.
Anal Training ("Supersonic" Penetrator) - Low difficulty training paired interaction. Different soundscape for success / fail. Trains Submission and Sexpertise.
Have A Bit Of Fun ("Supersonic" Penetrator) - Trained subs can use this voluntary interaction to entertain themselves when desired.
Penetrative Cardio ("SExercise Bike") - Voluntary training interaction- fitness, sexpertise and submission.
Order Outfit Change - Service interaction. Provided mostly so that you can order your subs to change outfits at will without cheats and other requirements. Resolves tiny amount of Service.
Order To Cook - Service interaction. Orders sub to prepare a random group meal. If you dont want the sub to eat the meal, combine with the nutrition rule. Resolves small amount of Service.
Order To Sleep - Service interaction. Orders sub to go to sleep. If you want the sub to sleep only in the assigned cage, combine with the furniture rule and assign a sleeping place of choice. Resolves small amount of Service.
Order To Clean - Service interaction. Orders sub to clean. Resolves small amount of Service.
Shock Collar Punishment - Non masochistic subs wearing a shock collar can be punished by getting shocked when applicable. The new interaction is found in the Punishments category. Obviously requires my shock collar and it has to be equipped for the option to show up.
Upload Service Thresholds - New brainwashing interaction that freezes the service motive for two days at its maximum level. Long term brain damage is highly unlikely. This interaction is more difficult than its counterparts, so get your Logic up. While the motive is frozen, you wont benefit from the happiness buff you get from fulfilling the motive.
Throat Training (Inflatable Bed) - Medium difficulty training interaction. Trains the Cum Love special quality as well. Different soundscape for success / fail.
Order To Wash Dominant - Service interaction. Dominant gets washed by the sub in the shower. Both refill substantial amount of hyginene. Designed to align on the corner showers- for example the "Post Modern" shower. Also works for shower bath combos like "Double Delight".
Box Of Gags - New craftable object. Can also be bought in the SOS shop. Allows for controlling the gags on your subs. Keep it in your Dom´s inventory when you want to manipulate gags.
Spanking Bench Lockin - Regular lockin.
Fisting (Submission Cage) - Good at training masochism. Different soundscape for success / fail. Transitions into the lockin when finished.
Practice Grace - Simple voluntary training interaction for your subs using any mirror. Trains Submission and Charisma.
Scold (Humiliating punishment) - Punishment version of the Humiliate interaction. Doesnt work on Humsluts.
Wait In Cage - New rule that allows you to designate which subs will automatically be locked into their assigned cages when you load into other lots. By default turned off.
Lean Back And Relax - Service interaction available on living chairs, loveseats and sofas. Put your legs up and relax. Helps with Tense and Uncomfortable moodlets, refills comfort.
Suspended Fuck (Suspension Frame) - Training interaction. Subinteraction lockin.
Order To Serve (Lamp) - Enables your subs to realize their lifelong dream of serving as a lamp. Custom lampshade with integrated LED strips included.
Send subs To Sleep - Order all subs around the Dom (owned, not already sleeping, not currently using a device or being trained) to go to sleep all at once. Find it directly on the Dominant in the Master category.
"A" Cage (Cage Cross Combo) - Lockin and sleeping enabled.
"X" Cross (Cage Cross Combo) - Lockin and two new training interactions.
One Bar Prison - Lockin, adjusted to allow men to be locked in without clipping the object.
Blowjob Pole - Lockin and new cum love training interaction.
Riding Whip (Clutter) - Made a new prop for animations you can use to decorate with as well.
Call Dominant Hotline - Return of one of the social training interactions that I previously had to remove since it stopped working properly. I fixed it up and changed it slightly- in addition to being a regular training interaction, you get helpful tips about the mod gameplay from it (provided you succeed). Basically its meant to be something akin to a loading screen tip from other games.
Large Insertion Practice - New social training interaction in the regular category. Large dild* action, some custom squish sounds, success and fail effects variation.
Over The Knee Spanking - New social training interaction in the special category (masochism). Some new spanking sounds, your hand, their ass, enjoyment all round. Success and fail effects variation. Punishment version as well.
Deepthroat News - New service interaction, requires a sofa, loveseat or an armchair with an available TV in range (3 units). If you have a sub capable of performing the interaction in range, you can see what is new in the world while getting serviced. Medium chance of getting a confident buff after the interaction on the Dom. Initiate on the seating in front of the TV.

Integrated Objects & Interactions type
Mystery Box (Lock-in) - Simple lock-in with very low difficulty.
Vibration Restrain System (Lock-in) - Simple lock-in with low difficulty.
Deepthroat Trainer (Paired) - Includes basic oral training and more advanced deepthroat training. Different animations for success / failure. Once the sub is competent enough, they can train on it by themselves for a Sexpertise boost.
Deepthroat Trainer (Voluntary) - Trained subs can use the trainer to sharpen their oral skills and more experienced subs can master their deepthroating skills here.
Discreet Cage (Lock-in) - Simple lock-in with very low difficulty.
Feeding Machine (Paired) - Best way to train your subs to become cum lovers and acquire the related trait. Different animations for success / failure.
Feeding Machine (Voluntary) - Once a sub becomes trained and possess the Cum Lover trait, they can use this device to satisfy their hunger. Subs without this trait will refuse to voluntarily partake ... although maybe if they are hungry enough, something might change.
Pet Bowl (Voluntary) - The sub trait is now required to use this- refills hunger motive and adds a small amount of Submission experience.
Floor Stock (Lock-in) - Simple lock-in with very low difficulty.
Spanking Bench (Paired) - Trained subs will appreciate the maintenance spanking that is available. Same animation for success / fail, but added custom sounds.
Dominance Bed Bottom (Lock-in) - Simple lock-in with very low difficulty. Works on the stacked variant and the bar variant of the cage as well. Cycles between five idle animations on the inside.
Ornate Bondage Post (Lock-in) - Simple lock-in with very low difficulty.
Brainwashing Machine Atropos - Accessible for any dom that has at least level 2 in logic. Although using it with skill that low might result in interesting results.
Brainwashing (humiliation / masochism / cum love) - Allows for fast training of the associated quality.
Brainwashing (submission) - Doubles the speed at which submissive skill is gained for affected sim for several hours.
Sensory Deprivation Chamber (training lock-in) - Competent subs can be subjected to advanced masochism training courtesy of this chamber.
Sensory Deprivation Chamber (punishment) - Any sub that is due punishment can benefit from the enhanced shock systems this chamber provides. Doesn't periodically train, but is very good at punishing. Only suitable for sims that are not already Masochistic.
Vibe Saddle - Simple lock-in with low difficulty.
Dildo Pole - Simple lock-in with low difficulty. Trains the Cum Lover special quality.
Celadon Urinal - Full integration with three modes of operation. You can either put a sub in when they reach the (high) necessary sub skill level, when they have the Humiliation Slut trait or when they need to be punished (assuming they aren't Humiliation Sluts already). Depending on context, the sub will be equipped with a ring gag to help facilitate use. Separate use animation for men and women. Until used, works as a lock-in. Usage works as a sub-interaction.
Styx Urinal - Mirrored function of the Celadon. Offered as a slightly cheaper variant and for variety in your builds.
Posture Bondage Chair - Simple lock-in of no difficulty.
Floor Fuckbox - Simple lock-in of some difficulty.
All-Fours Frame - Simple lock-in of low difficulty.
Hanging Chains - Simple lock-in of no difficulty.
Iron Maiden - Simple lock-in of no difficulty
Emotional Support - Enables the sub to help remove negative moods from the Dominant. Reduces the duration of Angry/Uncomfortable/Sad/Stressed/Embarrassed moods by a very large amount, but has 36 hour cooldown.
Etiquette Training - Entry level interaction to teach the sub proper manners.
Order To Piss - Humiliating social training interaction available to novice Doms.
Order To Masturbate - Social training interaction for novice Doms that slowly trains sexpertise as well.
Combi Stock - Very low difficulty lock-in. Portable object.
Inflatable Playbed - Very low difficulty lock-in. Portable object.
Steel Bar - Very low difficulty lock-in. Portable object.
Discreet Frame - Very low difficulty lock-in. Portable object. Two variants (sitting, kneeling).
"Supersonic" Penetrator - Portable object.
The Zen Of Bondage - Book used to train the Dominance skill all the way up to level 6. You can purchase it in the SOS shop.
Pet House - Works as a bed, has a low difficulty lock-in. Has a locked-in preroll for assigned sim, or random Owned sub (when unassigned) on a lot during travel load.
Alcatraz Cage - Works as a bed, has a low difficulty lock-in. Has a locked-in preroll for assigned sim, or random Owned sub (when unassigned) on a lot during travel load.
SExercise Bike" - Work as a fat burning exercise device, similar to a treadmill.
Scramble Reason Divisors (Brainwashing machines) - Very easy brainwashing interaction that allows you to put your subs into the Dazed mood for 12 hours. Cannot fail, takes less time than the other BW interactions. This allows your sub to use some things like urinals, sensory dep chamber or feeding machine without the necessary traits or sub skill level. Also gives out a nice chunk of submissive training.
Deprivation Slumber (Sensory Deprivation Chamber) - Trained or Masochist subs can now use the Sensory Deprivation Chamber as a bed.
Upside Down Facefuck (Hanging Ceiling Chains) - Easy Cum Lover special quality training interaction.
Submission Cage - Lockin enabled. Mid-tier difficulty (used for training efficiency). Craftable.
Suspension Frame - Enabled for lock-in. Has a generic sex training interaction.
Bottom Warm-up (Cage Cross Combo) - Training interaction.
Whip Ass (Cage Cross Combo) - Masochist training interaction.
Facefuck (Blowjob Pole) - Cum Love training interaction.
Rotating Podium - Alternate version of the auction podium without the lectern and some other minor changes. Can be used as a lockin which allows you to display your subs in a rotating manner. 6 different poses are available, with the capability to switch between them on the fly.
Sensual Sit-Ups - New easy social training interaction. Trains fitness and burns fat as well.
Order To Kiss Feet - Another new easy social training. Trains humiliation.

Spanking Station
Custom spank sounds. Comes with several operation modes which you can select once you lock someone in. If you don't choose a mode, it works like any other lockin. Should you choose one of the modes, it trains submission and masochism, however since getting spanked for long periods is pretty exhausting, your sub can only take so much. There is an exhaustion stat that depletes the more aggressive mode you select. Should you completely exhaust the sim inside, they get dazed debuff and collapse for a bit, but stay locked inside.
The spanking station and the animations are made for females. Should work fine with men too, but depending on the equipment, the space might be a bit tight...
If you are currently wearing a plug, you will need to take it off and reapply for the new mechanics to work.

Modes are:
Standby - default mode, works like any other lockin. Necessary to enter it before turning on any of the other modes for the first time. If you switch over to the standby mode after one of the others, replenishes the sub´s endurance at a moderate rate. Once you are in the machine, you can jump from any mode to any other.
Single Impact - low intensity mode, your sub should be able to take at most 4 hours of this. Trains at a low rate but it safe to use.
Burst Mode - medium intensity mode, your sub should be able to take at most 2 hours of this. Slightly riskier but also trains faster.
Endurance Mode - no rest for the wicked, Very much a fantasy mode- your sub should be able to take at most an hour of this. Trains fast but also exhausts fast.
Masochism increases get applied after spending at least 30 minutes in a training mode, submission at regular periods.
If you lock in a masochist, they get a playful buff (after spending at least a bit of time inside) and cannot get exhausted from any of the modes.

If you cannot see an interaction on an integrated device, it means none of your Sims has the prerequisite sub skill to qualify for it. Alternatively, all you subs capable of using it are already using something else. Check out the item description.
While lock-ins persist on saving / loading the game, none of the interactions persist on leaving the lot.
If for some reason the objects interactions get interrupted (going into CAS and back for example), the object might get stuck in the wrong state, making it unusable. There is a cheat interaction called "Debug State Reset" directly on the objects to fix this.
Turn off nudity reactions and sex reactions in FFM to ensure best possible functionality.
The bladder failure while locked in doesn't actually spawn a puddle. Unfortunately the game does not have any controls that allow offsetting the spawn position, so while I know how to spawn a puddle, it will never be below the sim, but rather below the constraint. That just looks weird.
Serve as chair orientation is random. Don't use ffm interactions on it
Sometimes the NPCs whose contract you just purchased seemingly disappear after you leave CAS. No worries, they still get the owned trait and everything- just invite them over to your place if you want to transfer them to the household.
Idle animations that include checking the phone will still play even when the rule is active.
The rules are autonomy modifiers, you can still direct the sim to do whatever.
The bigger the ass, the more it will clip the plugs,
The crafting uses the woodworking animations. Even for crafting plastics, electronics, steel or leather.
Be careful when raising skills with cheats- skipping levels entirely might break associated features since you don't properly receive the level up logic. If you really need to cheat levels, its best to do it by +1 level at a time. Instead of just skipping the process, drop into the feedback channel on discord and let me know what should be done to make the training process interesting for you :).
"Order To Prepare Food" needs there to be a food preparation surface available (so, a counter). If all are filled with something, it will silently fail.
"Order To Wash Dominant" animation will clip if your sims don't conform to roughly the average proportions. There's no way of offsetting the animation based on fat / muscle or atypical body shapes.
The gags are using face overlays to keep the mouth open. That means that any animation that doesnt have face overlays enabled will look a bit odd- that includes stuff like some basegame idles etc.
Being gagged prevents regular social interactions and eating (the Ring gag allows eating from the bowl and feeding machine though).
DOS interactions either hide the gag temporarily or keep it on when appropriate- the autonomy gets modified for things like the deepthroat trainer, but you are still able to manually direct the sub to use the voluntary interactions without having to remove the gag manually, to reduce the hassle.
Hungry sims with gags (ball, bit) will keep on cooking but be unable to eat stuff when hungry. Ring gag wearers will make use of their pet bowl or feeding machine. Either take the gag off and feed them or lock the kitchen up.
Sending all subs to sleep only affects subs on the same level as the Dom. Relevant for multi story buildings.
You can accept a gig even if you lack the means to complete it- for example you dont have a computer, or specific unlock. There should be enough time for you to acquire whatever you need to complete the request. Worst comes to worst, you can always cancel a gig for a minor performance penalty.
Releasing sim from chastity (fully, not just when the arousal is full) happens without the two sims directly interacting, for a few reasons, so you can technically unlock subs from across the map if you want. For more immersion do a social first.
The keywearer buff gets added after an outfit change, the visuals get modified immediately. Just a weird way Sims does things in the background. Outfits that hide necklaces will hide the key as well.
For already active save files, the necessary logic gets added either when a sub becomes guilty or when you purchase the Glutton For Punishment unlock.
For perfomance reasons, the evaluation of awareness goes off about every 3 seconds, so sometimes the bad behavior can happen when the Dom is aware of what the sub is doing. The evaluation is based on line of sight, but doesnt evaluate facing.
If for any reason you need to access the old interactions, they were turned into debug interactions- meaning with cheats turned on, you can access them by shift clicking.
Name Description Click to D/L
Kinky expansions mod (requires FFM) Features
Nasty Talk
slutty life and shameless slut aspirations
situational interactions & reactions, for example if a Sim is sweaty or musty (see screenshots for more)
Homewrecker aspiration
Breeding Kink interactions
Anal Slut aspiration
Kinky expansions FOOT fetish mod Sims are only curious at first, they can talk about feet, bring them up, and let their curiosity fly around until they become more open to the idea eventually. There are also two foot-related traits, one is available in the reward store or by choosing any aspiration in the "feet" category, so far there's only one aspiration track which unlocks a more advanced foot fetish level/trait.
Sims might interact negatively with foot fetishists who bring up feet out of nowhere, but if a sim shares the same fetish things play differently. (Also a sweat trait for the foot worshippers out there with related moodlets to nearby sims)
Foot fetish interactions now also have their own pie menu, except ones that are argument/mean related etc.
Kinky expansions PEE (water sports) mod The piss kink trait means that your Sim is into watersports, you can get it through the reward store.
If your sim has the kink but another sim doesn't, you'll only have curious interactions, such as the two in the screenshot below. If two sims share the same kink, more interactions will be unlocked You can now try getting other sims in the mood for a session if they have the fetish. There's a chance that it'll apply a buff that turns them on. If it succeeds then you'll get a new interaction
Kinky expansions BBC KINK (big black cock) mod Find the traits in the Wicked Attributes menu, others will have to be earned through Aspirations. See screenshots below for full features.
Kinky expansions MOMMY KINK (Be a mommy's boy/girl) mod The boy/girl versions depend on how you want the sim to be treated and referred to, it doesn't let you pick both on the same sim to avoid issues.
Each of these interactions have their own spicy dialog that gets randomly picked depending on which version you chose (Mommy's boy/girl)
Kinky expansions fart and ass sniffing Comes with a lot of fart fetish related features.

Name Animations of interest Click to D/L
Fetish pack

Warning extreme animations!
FUGE pack Peeing Farting Face sitting Witches Domination Ass licking Foot fetish scat ball busting Smother Box
Note: snu snu animations won't look right don't use them.
Full animations list
FAR too many to list. CLICK HERE FOR FULL LIST!
Name Animations of interest Click to D/L
Foot fetish pack Foot fetish and sex with feet animations relaxer custom massage table (spa day required) slave box sofa box Smother Box
Full animations list
Footjob on floor - MF, MM, 2P, FLOOR, FOOTJOB. Footjob double bed - MFF, MMF, MMM, 3P, DOUBLE BED, FOOTJOB.  Footjob on sofa - MF, MM, 2P, SOFA, FOOTJOB. Footjob on chair - MF, 2P, DINING CHAIR, FOOTJOB. Footjob on lounge chair - MF, MM, 2P, CHAIR LOUNGE, FOOTJOB. (recommended basic game object) Footjob on table - MF, MM, 2P, TABLE DINING LONG, FOOTJOB (2-3 spaces, recommended 2 but it works too with longer table). Teasing on chair - MF, 2P, DINING CHAIR, TEASING Teasing with feet on lounge float - MF, MM, 2P, CHAIR LOUNGE FLOAT, TEASING Footjob on lounge float - MF, MM, 2P, CHAIR LOUNGE FLOAT FOOTJOB Footjob on chair FF - FF, 2P, DINING CHAIR, FOOTJOB (Recommended bare feet or normal boots, High Heels don't work.) Foursome footjob on double bed - M/B(F/M)/B(F/M)/B(F/M), 4P, DOUBLE BED, FOOTJOB Footjob on chair FF 2 - FF, 2P, DINING CHAIR, FOOTJOB Footjob on table - MF, 2P, TABLE OUTDOOR UMBRELLA, FOOTJOB Footjob on table FF - FF, 2P, TABLE OUTDOOR UMBRELLA, FOOTJOB Footjob on T-Rex- MF, 2P, TYRANNOSAURUS REX SKULL, FOOTJOB Threesome on T-Rex - MFF, 2P, TYRANNOSAURUS REX SKULL, FOOTJOB Footjob on The Monolith - MF, 2P, THE MONOLITH, FOOTJOB Teasing on The Monolith - MF, 2P, THE MONOLITH, TEASING Teasing next to barrels - BB, 2P, BARRELS PROP, TEASING Footjob next to barrels - MF/MM, 2P, BARRELS PROP, FOOTJOB Show Time - MF/FF, 2P, OTTOMAN, TEASING, FOOTJOB, CLIMAX (10 STAGES) FF Footjob on sofa - FF, 2P, SOFA, FOOTJOB Anal on bed 1 - MF, 2P, DOUBLE BED, ANAL Female Femdom 2 - M/F, 2P, CHAIR DINING, FOOTJOB Facesitting Footjob 1 - M/F, 2P, CHAIR DINING, FOOTJOB Female Femdom 1 - M/F, 2P, CHAIR DINING, FOOTJOB Handjob Under Table - MF, 2P, SPA TABLE, HANDJOB Licking Foot Under Table - MF, 2P, SPA TABLE, TEASING Footjob on SPA Table 1 - MF, 2P, SPA TABLE, FOOTJOB Footjob on SPA Table 2 - MF, 2P, SPA TABLE, FOOTJOB Climax on SPA Table - MF, 2P, SPA TABLE, CLIMAX Waiting for her - MF, 2P, BOOKSHELF, HANDJOB Foot Licking - MF, 2P, BOOKSHELF, HANDJOB Footjob on the Bookshelf - MF, 2P, BOOKSHELF, FOOTJOB Footjob on the Bookshelf 2 - MF, 2P, BOOKSHELF, FOOTJOB Climax Next to Bookshelf - MF, 2P, BOOKSHELF, CLIMAX  Passionate Foot Massage - MF, 2P, SPA CHAIR, TEASING NEW Rubbing his chest with foot - MF, 2P, SPA CHAIR, TEASING NEW Passionate Footjob - MF, 2P, SPA CHAIR, FOOTJOB NEW Passionate Hot Seat - MF, 2P, SPA CHAIR, VAGINAL NEW Cumming on her feet - MF, 2P, SPA CHAIR, CLIMAX NEW Self Feeding-Floor-Footjob Foot Love-Floor-Footjob Foot Cleaning-Double-Bed-Footjob Goddess of Relax-Living Room Chair-Footjob So Yummy-Dining Table-Footjob Feet Cage-Living Room Chair-Footjob Foot Massage-Sofa-Footjob Sun Bath-Deck chair-Footjob Meal Time-Dining Chair-Footjob Floor Pleasure-Floor-OralJob Pleasure for Mistress-Living Room Chair-Oraljob Oral slave duty-Sofa-Oraljob Pleasure on double bed - MF, 2P, DOUBLE BED, TEASING NEW Passionate Footjob on Double Bed 1 - MF, 2P, DOUBLE BED, FOOTJOB NEW Passionate Footjob on Double Bed 2 - MF, 2P, DOUBLE BED, FOOTJOB NEW Foot make him cum - MF, 2P, DOUBLE BED, CLIMAX NEW Lazy Reading (Living room Chair, Sofa) Dinner is served (Large table) Worship Her Feet (Double-Bed, 2P); Picnic (Picnic Table, 3P); Foot Table (Sofa, 2-4P) [x3 animations] Merry Christmas (Christmas Tree, 2-4P) [x3 animations] Warming Up (Sofa, Loveseat, 3P) Happy New Year (Christmas Tree, 2P) Worship Your Queen (Chair Living, Teasing, 2-8P); Queen's Clean Feet (Chair Living, Footjob, 4P); Human Throne (Floor, Teasing, 5P); Queen's Favor (Chair Living, Oraljob, 4P); Home Sphinx (Chair Living, Teasing, 2-3P); Queen's Relax (Ottoman, Teasing, 2-3P); Queen's Pleasure (Ottoman, Oraljob, 2-3P) Cake Time (Large table, footjob, 2P); Worshiping beautiful feet (Loveseat, footjob, 2P); Smell of her feet (Loveseat, footjob, 2P); Worshiping and sniffing (Loveseat, footjob, 4P); Merry Christmas // 2-4P // Christmas Tree // Footjob [x3 animations] Garrison's Catch (Floor, oraljob, 3P);  Happy New Year // 2P // Christmas Tree // Oraljob Cuckold's Wedding // 3P // Wedding Arch // Teasing Cuckold's Service // 3P // Double-Bed // Vaginal Cuckold's Weekdays // 3P // Double-Bed // Oraljob Just Watch // 3P // Double-Bed // Vaginal No Way Out // 3P // Loveseat // Oraljob Dreams Come True // 3P // Christmas Tree // Handjob Pillow for sex // 3P // Floor // Vaginal  Tease Torture // 2P // Floor // Handjob Orgasm Torture // 2P // Floor // Handjob Washing Floor // 2P // Floor // Teasing Feel Her // 2P // Dining Chair // Teasing Hold Breath // 2P // Pool Ladder // Teasing Human Ottoman - 2P \\ floor \\ footjob Forbidden fantasies - 2P \\ double bed \\ footjob [x2] Face's Cowgirl - 2P \\ double bed \\ oraljob [idea from Praxidike] She Is Always On Top - 2P \\ floor \\ oraljob Friday rodeo - 3-4P \\ double bed \\ vaginal [x2] [idea from justmomma] Shackled punishment - 1P \\ table (any size) \\ teasing Look and Feel - 2P \\ floor \\ teasing Foot Worship-Living Chair, Love Seat, Sofa Patting-Floor Legjob-Floor Humiliating Handjob-Floor, Double Bed Very Humiliating Handjob-Floor Rubbing Glans-Floor, Double Bed Oraljob-Counter Footjob-Table, Desk, Dining Table Dog Training - 2P \\ Living Room Chair \\ footjob Good Morning - 2P \\ double bed \\ oraljob Watching the evening show - 2P \\ Living Room Chair \\ oraljob Breath of Satisfaction - 3P \\ double bed \\ vaginal Toilet Foot Dom Teasing - Toilet F/F Chilled Book Reading with Foot Cleaner - Lounge Chair F/F Teasing Chilled Book Reading with Male Foot Cleaner - Lounge Chair F/M Teasing Hottub Foot Lick - Hottub F/F, F/M, F/M/F, F/F/F Teasing Massage Table Footjob - TheRelaxer F/M, F/M/F, F/M/M "Playing" with Feet - Dining Chair/Floor F/M Footjob Facesitting with Footjob - TheRelaxer F/M Footjob Handjob with some Ballbusting - TheRelaxer F/M Bockreading with Footstool - Loveseat/Sofa/Living Chair F/F Slave Box Female - Slave Box/Sofa with Slave Box F/F Slave Box Male - Slave Box/Sofa with Slave Box F/M  Slave Box CC - Slave Box/Sofa with Slave Box F/M Queening Chair (confident teasing) (teasing)(queeningchair)  Queening Chair (awkward teasing) (teasing)(queeningchair) Queening Chair (Boobslap) (teasing)(queeningchair) Queening Chair (Foot Licking) (footjob)(queeningchair) Queening Chair (Facesitting Intro) (teasing)(queeningchair) Queening Chair (Facesitting) (teasing)(queeningchair) Queening Chair (Ass Licking) (oraljob)(queeningchair) Zero 2 Dance (teasing)(floor) Masturbation (handjob)(livingchair)(solo) Masturbation and Facesitting (handjob)(livingchair) Masturbation, Facesitting and Foot Licking (handjob)(livingchair)(3some) TEASING - Just Physical M/F F/F CHAIR LIVING ORALJOB - Just Physical_Blowjob M/F CHAIR LIVING TEASING - Take a Break 1 M/F F/F M/M DOUBLE BED VAGINAL - OUT OF PLANS_COWGIRL M/F F/F DOUBLE BED VAGINAL - All the Joy_st1 MFMF FFFF DINING TABLE SHORT, DINING TABLE LONG Some Footlicking - Counter F/F, F/M Footjob - Loveseat/Sofa F/M Handjob in Box - Slave Box/Sofa with Slave Box F/M Some Foot Fun - Living Chair F/M Teasing Lick and Suck Foot - Loveseat/Sofa F/F
Name Animations of interest Click to D/L
Teasing pack FUGE PACK! intimate teasing passionate kissing shy sex cuddling as well as lots of sex JAGUAR sex Group sex drunk sex creampies squirting first sex squirting
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FAR too many to list. CLICK HERE FOR FULL LIST!


Name Animations of interest Click to D/L
Intimate sex pack Under cover sex 1st time sex group sex Ball gag Yamaha V Max motorbike
Full animations list
 FAR too many to list. CLICK HERE FOR FULL LIST
Name Animations of interest Click to D/L
Masturbation pack Solo animations Lesbian sex Sex swing
New objects list
salsa pole alien double dildo Divan Rattan Seat Indoor Swing
Full animations list
FS1 The Diddler FS2 Rubbing One Out FS3 Sticky Fingers FS4 Parted Pleasures FS5 Alone Time FS6 Fingering Frenzy FS7 Blissful Fingering FS8 Table Talk FS9 The Love Seat FS10 Pole Salsa  (Salsa Pole) FS11 Erotix Dildo Ride FS14 Alien Probing (Alien Double Dildo) FS15 Massage Table_Alone_Time (Massage Table , requires Spa Day Expansion Pack) FS16 Divan Delights (Divan) FS17 Divan Stimulation  FS18 Divan Dildo Rub FS19 Good Vibrations (Rattan Seat) FS20 Swing Time (Indoor Swing) FS21 Stimulation LD1 Aggressive Behavior LD2 Bent Desires LD3 Special Moments LD4 Spreading the Joy LD5 Bedroom Bliss LD6 Honey Dippers LD7 Bottoms Up LD8 Coffee Table Tango LD9 Picnic Break LD10 Counter Measures LD12 Alien Probe Duet (Alien Double Dildo) LD13 Sharing an Alien Probing (Alien Double Dildo) LD14 Sharing an Alien Probing climax (Alien Double Dildo) LD16 A Lady's Touch LD17 Face Time (Rattan Seat) LD18 Divan Desires LD19 Tension Relief ( requires Massage Table in Spa Day Expansion Pack) LD20 Dildo Lovers (Divan) LD21 Dildo Lovers Deep Dip (Divan)  LT1 Lip Service  LT2 Lip Service Frenzy LT3 Lip Service Line Up LT4 Lip Service Orgasm LF1 Stacked Deck  MG1 Spanking Good Time MG2 Headboard Doggy MG3 Bedtime Doggy MG4 Doggy and a BJ MG5 Warmed Bottom MG6 Red Cheeks (Rattan Seat) MG7 Getting It Up MG8 A Little Doggy (Rattan Seat) MG9 Rattan Seat BJ MGG1 Joint Efforts MGG2 Living It Up MGG3 Living It Up Helping Hand MGG4 Best Buddies
Name Description Click to D/L
Intimate piercing pack for male and females
(requires sex parts)

Nipple rings and chains as well as naval and other Body Jewelry available in accessories.
Name Description Click to D/L
Tantalizing tattoo pack Contains over 50 sexy and lewd tats! Some tats show up in body details others in the tattoo section.
Name Description Click to D/L
Penis piercing pack
(requires sex parts)
Includes the following penis accesseries:

The Dolphin
Prince Albert
Jacob's Ladder.
foreskin piercing
lorum piercing
reverse prince albert piercing

Compatible with animated penis. Porn star cock required for some accesseries to show correctly.

Sex parts
Contains real sex part replacements for both male and females. Adds multiple skin detail overlays and body selectors (using FFM) so you can configure your sims to be completely different from each other as well as all NPC and other sims will have sex parts too thanks to the default replacements! Contains the following mods below  
Name Description
Default male and female nude replacements (Sex parts)
Better nude skins for male and female and better female nipples and 3d clit added. Males have 3d nipples also. installed

default and non default female nude skins with new nipples and vagina skin details overlays.

Default female body details
New nude mesh shapes for female TOP and BOTTOM. These can be chosen from CAS or enabled as Nude options in  Body Selector.
Default options for female TOP and BOTTOM.
Set of full body female presets to achieve a curvier shape. You can find these in CAS along with other presets. These presets will adjust all clothing worn by the desired sim.
Nipple and vagina overlays included with the meshes, so you don’t need to go through skin details to try and find and equip them anymore. It's still possible to equip different styles though using body selector and/OR CAS.
nipple and vagina overlays for EA base skin. You must assign these in CAS from the SKIN DETAILS section.
body selector top mesh for men with subtle added ab detail. Apply in FFM.
Adam Slender Body Presets - A set of slender body presets for men

lots of body details
different types of female nipples, available in CAS skin details section (used slot: SkinDetailCreaseForehead).
different types of visible veins on breasts, available in CAS skin details section (used slot: SkinDetailMoleCheekLeft).
different types of female bottom tan lines, available in CAS skin details section (used slot: SkinDetailDimpleRight).
different types of female top tan lines, available in CAS skin details section (used slot: SkinDetailDimpleLeft).
different types of female one-piece swimsuit tan lines, avaliable in CAS skin details section (used slot: SkinDetailDimpleRight). Not allowed for random.
different types of vagina, available in CAS skin details section (used slot: SkinDetailMoleCheekRight).
replacement of the default lip mole skin detail with additional items added (because cheek mole slot have been used for vaginas) (used slot: SkinDetailMoleLipLeft).
different types of female butts, available in CAS skin details section (used slot: SkinDetailMoleLipRight). Not allowed for elders.
dimples above the butt, available in CAS skin details section (used slot: SkinDetailAcne). Not allowed for elders.
3D VAGINA + higher ANUS body selector
3D VAGINA + bigger ANUS body selector
3D PUFFY VAGINA body selector
3D Puffy boobs body selector
Banana boobs body selector
camel toe (hamburger) and small and big ass body selectors
pussy lip color location : ACNE skin detail

custom penis option for The Sims 4. It focuses on realistic proportions, sizes and shapes in a Maxis Match style.

Five flaccid penis sizes
Five erect penis sizes
Three testicle styles
Three foreskin styles
Twelve optional color overlays
Sculpted and defined buttocks
Realistic anus mesh and texture

The penis is designed for use with FFM and will appear in the Body Selector menu. Simply select the penis you want for your sim in game and away you go!

will show the penis when clothing is removed, as well as in the tattoo selection screen. This should allow for easier selection of body hair, overlays or other customization options involving the penis.

Penis Sizes
There are five flaccid penis sizes and five erect penis sizes. Although the difference between some sizes may appear minimal, the aim is to provide variety for your sims while maintaining realistic proportions.

Testicle Styles
There are three testicle styles - A, B and C. A and B are a higher set of testicles; they are the same shape but have different textures (A is smooth, B is wrinkled). C is a lower-hanging set of testicles with their own unique texture.

Foreskin Styles
There are three foreskin styles - Uncut, Retracted and Cut. Uncut has a full foreskin, Cut has no foreskin, and Retracted has a foreskin pulled halfway back along the glans.

Color Overlays
The Color overlays let you add even more variety to your sims' penises! Each overlay is available in eight swatches to suit a variety of skintones. Some of the overlays allow you to choose your favorite overlay style with a specific purple glans or red glans. Note: Colors are available in two detail slots: Left Dimple or Brow Scar. The Brow Scar version requires EP06 Get Famous. Feel free to install one or both (to allow more flexibility).

Female Penises
The default female pelvis is higher on the body than the male pelvis, but the penis has to remain in the same exact place in order to be compatible with existing animations.

Skintone Fixes
Several of the game's skintones make the penis a slightly different color to the body. This can cause a line on the penis where the colors change. The fix edits these skintones to bring the penis color in line with the body color and provide a seamless look. The fixes are overlays, which do not alter the appearance of the skintones and are only visible on male sims who are eligible to have a penis.

The Smooth Sensations condom is available in ten swatches: six jewel tones, and four skin tones. The condom is available to purchase directly from the Buy catalog in game. After purchase, add it to any sim's inventory and it will be automatically applied during sex based on your FFM  setting. Yes, one condom will work for any size of penis you choose - in the world of the Sims, one size fits all!

Condom Box and Dispenser
24-Pack of Condoms

Tired of buying condoms one by one from the Build/Buy menu? Now your sims can purchase a whole box of them! The Smooth Sensations condom 24-box is currently available in one swatch and contains 24 assorted condoms. The condoms your Sim receives are randomized with every box, and will draw from the six jewel-tone condom swatches: blue, purple, pink, red, yellow, green.

How to find it: The Smooth Sensations single condom and 24-pack of condoms are now found in the Buy catalogue under Activities & Skills -> Recreation. Or, search for "Simdulgence" in the catalogue search box. The 24-pack costs $60 simoleons.
How to use it: Purchase the box from the Buy catalogue. After purchase, the box can be placed on a surface, dragged to a sim's inventory or clicked on to place in a sim's inventory. Then click and choose "open box" to add 24 condoms to the active sim's inventory.

Randy Rubber Condom Dispenser
For your sim on the go in need of a condom, there's another solution! The Randy Rubber condom dispenser is a functioning dispenser, perfect for public restrooms, adult arcades, sex shops etc. The dispenser is currently available in two swatches, normal and distressed, and sells Smooth Sensations condoms and FFM condoms at their base catalogue price ($3 and $5 simoleons respectively).

How to find it: The Randy Rubber condom dispenser can be found in the Buy catalogue under Misc Appliances. Or, search for "Simdulgence" in the catalogue search box. The dispenser costs $150 simoleons.

How to use it: Click on the machine with an age-appropriate sim and they will route to the machine to make their purchase. Purchased condoms are immediately added to the sim's inventory.

The Bottomless Condom Bowl also available gives out 3 random Simdulgence or WW condoms at a time. It's in Recreation (or search Simdulgence in the catalogue) for $45 simoleons.

Body Hair
Body Hair is a set of tattoos designed to turn your smooth-skinned male sims into wild, hairy animals. Or slightly hairy, depending on your preference. Available in multiple colors.

There are nine body hair designs currently available. Each comes in ten real-world color swatches to match the default hair color swatches offered by Maxis, and has been designed to mimic and match official Maxis hair.

Unnatural Pubic Colors. The colors include: Lavender, Pink, Blue, Turquoise, and Green. The hairs can be found in Skin Details -> Mouth Crease

Your sims details in the games options MUST BE SET TO HIGH!
Puffy nipples, gumdrop nipples, Hucow Udders and realistic vagina and ass, Seriously Pussy. FFM body selectors/overlays Select puffy nipples and/or vagina options with real open vagina and ass or seriously pussy using the body selector.
Gumdrop Nipples & Hucow Udders nipple overlays.
Pierced: Nipple Piercing Set for puffy nipples.
3D VAGINA + ANUS Body selector Adds a very realistic pussy and anus for female sims that can be selected using the body selector.
Animated tongue and penis Animated tongue and penis support: improved rig that adds 14 more bones. 7 of them are intended to be used to animate the male penis, 3 to animate the male testicles and 4 for the tongue.

to use tongue you must equip it 1st (it can be found in head accessory), so it will be shown when your sims do FFM animations.
remove OLD penis mesh before using!

12 patterns of tongue. Tongue with pierced earrings.
Animated boob bounce Adds female jiggle physics (bouncing boobs) to most default animations)
3D pubic hair Adds real 3d pubic hair for females. equip it from hats category and bottoms.
3D eye lashes Adds 3d eye lashes available in glasses.
Skin overlays Skin overlays to give females pink nipples OR real cleavage. Multiple designs and vagina options available make each of your sims unique by giving them a different skin!
Enhanced sliders adds the following:
The CAS breast slider mod. Changes breast proportions to be fuller, and significantly larger overall
Cleavage Overlay - CAS standalone. Cleavage overlays designed to accommodate larger, heavier breasts. User trunnk made some additional swatches
Alternate Cleavage Overlays - The Cleavage Overlay available in different skin detail slots
adds nipple impressions to the following female tops in the game:

Tank Top
Low Neckline Tank
Side Tie
Cropped Hoodie - University DLC.
Belted Top - Realm of Magic DLC.

adds 3D navels to pants with exposed midriffs.

Boob slider
Location right chest : left / right and 3/4 right chest left /right.
Up /down is CLEANFAT with shoulder pushing back to create a weight effect
Location right chest up / down and 3/4 right chest up/down .
"Mix them or just use the one you like the most
Advice : for the best results , max EA chest slider first
left/right .
Then if you want even more boobs, up down .

Butt slider
Adds more morphs to the EA butt slider, allowing adjustment of butt height and shape. Affects male and female, teen through elder, both frames. The effect is more noticeable in females for reasons that should be obvious.

From the rear the up-down slider changes the width of the top part of the butt, and the left-right slider changes the width of the bottom part. The height and standard size adjustments are available from the side view.

Bulge slider for male sims
The slider is on the thighs, just slide up to enhance the bulge. that's it. the slider shows up on most clothes, cc & ea, but can disappear depending on the creator's mesh.
Invisible clothing Click the X next to top or bottom clothing to make sims naked. As well as invisible top and bottom clothing also included if you don't want other sims glaring at your naked sims.
Female default replacement sexy towel Replaces towels females use after getting out of a shower/bath etc with a sexier version with a nipple sticking out.
Yellow pee Sims pee is changed to yellow
Body selector tutorial
 Choose from the body menu to apply most skins to your sims

Some skins, penis or Vagina need to be equipped to your sim using the body selector from the FFM by clicking on your sims. Here is how to use it.

Screen shots

Name Description Click to D/L
Porn star cock For base game.
For males and females.
For teen to elder.
All hard penises are rigged.
Non-default penises, visible on CAS.
Compatible with HQ Mod.
Penises and condoms for FM.
Compatible with default and non-default custom skins and skintones.
Compatible with default and non-default penis mods.
The overlay textures for the penises are included on the meshes.


89 Package files.
5 Penis sizes: Small, Average, Big, Extra Big and Huge.
4 Hard styles: Normal and Thick [Cut and Uncut].
4 Soft styles: Normal and Thick [Cut and Uncut].
84 Skin swatches for the penis on tattoos.
1 Tuning file for FFM.
6 Condom swatches in tattoos.
1 Condom wrapper in plants with 6 swatches. [Compatible with FFM].

Name Description Click image to DL
Slutty outfits pack
Contains over 100 slutty, NSFW and sexy outfits for your female sims!
For more skins click HERE and HERE!
Name Description Click image to DL
Alluring accessory pack Contains sexy jewelry chokers and other accessories for your female sims!
Name Description Click image to DL
Fantastic Fuck Network porn channel Sims can watch porn on the porn channel provided with the FFM (required.) Videos feature The Sims 4 characters so that the mod will better fit in the Sims 4 universe. Porn can get Sims Horny!

How to use in game
1. Click on the TV
2. Select watch porn from the pie menu
3. Choose a video from the list

List of Videos
1. Slut
2. Fuck Fest
3. Anal Slut
4. Vaginal Penetrative Orgasm
5. Dickgirl Cream Party
6. Cream Filled Prostitutes
7. Cum Drenched Workout
8. Penthouse Menage a Trois Gangbang
9. Shower Room Pussy Fucking
10. Red Light Cock Loving Sluts

Pro Tips
1. Prevent your Sim from turning off the TV or changing the channel by enabling cheats on "testingcheats on" and then Shift clicking the Sim and selecting Reset Object (Debug).
2. After following tip #1, you can avoid a Sim from using the TV that's currently playing porn by placing a more expensive TV nearby as a way to bait Sims away from the porn playing TV.
3. OR Watch porn with only one sim household.

Name Description
Paint your own hentai Replaces all emotional paintings with hot hentai. Over 50 paintings to discover! Choose ONE pack to download ONLY! No screenshots? Where's the mystery in discovering them all on your own?!
Pack 1 NUDES
Pack 2 NUDES
Name Description Click image to DL
Positively Perverted pack Alcohol
This mod introduces alcohol to the game. (A new and improved system) This and some of the effects are available to all sims in the game.
How it works is simple. After consuming one bar drink, your sim will receive a "tipsy" buff. After consuming a second drink, a "drunk" buff and a "horny" buff. After 3, a "wasted" buff plus a "lost inhibitions" buff and after 4 drinks a "blackout smashed" buff.
Alcohol effects the traits that come with the mod in more ways. Compatible with Stoned AF mod.


NEW RESTRICTIONS: teens no longer have default access to the bar. They must obtain permission from an adult, lie about their age or do it when there are no adults around.

Lying has a permanent effect between the sim and the adult they've lied too. The adult will believe and treat the teen as an adult from then on.

Asking to keep things secret will change the relationship bits.
A sexually awkward sim can also ask a teen to drink with them but they must be drunk themselves before they can ask.


Introducing "Situations" for strip poker and for all of the drinking alcohol interactions. This is like when planning a birthday party or dinner party but with some key differences. Each situation starts automatically from the social interaction and eligible sims join automatically and has custom goals to keep the event moving along. They are stack-able, (meaning you can have multiple situations running at the same time but you'll only be able to see one of the goal menus at a time) custom events.

Specified drinking alcohol related interactions will trigger an event with a timer and tasks related that holds sims involved at the lot and has the sim(s) autonomy act properly for the situation. (which the player can end anytime)

Start a strip poker game related interactions, if successful, will trigger and event with a timer that holds sims involved at the lot and has the sim(s) autonomy act properly for the situation. (which the player can end anytime)

Sexually Awkward Trait

This is the uptight, sexually reserved type of character. They are embarrassed easily and become tense when undressed around others. (effects depend on who those "others" are) Good for both male or female.
This trait is best played if you use underwear exclusively in the sleepwear category. (Panty and bra for the females and brief or boxers for the males) For ages teen to elder.
Same sex compatible. The traits enable the sims to be "clothing aware"... meaning they will know when another sim has their "sleepwear" category on.
It's also ffm compatible and will recognize when a sim has started to undress.
If a sim with this trait is caught dressed in their underwear around others, they will receive a strong embarrassed buff.
The buff they receive depends on their age and the age of the others that sees them. Also depending on what they are doing. (are they dancing in their underwear?)
These sexually awkward types are more effected by those with the Pervert trait. Kissing and hugging perverts result in buffs that recognize the situation. Right now, they only appear while all parties are sober, dressed or undressed.
New dialog option "awkward" gives a few dynamic options. Availability of what can be said depends on who they are with and what they're doing and how they're dressed. It all changes once you get a couple alcoholic drinks in to them though.
There are lots of surprise buffs in there for you to discover...
In addition to the Sexually Awkward trait,Also includes a tweaked file that overrides the embarrassed autonomy where, as soon as a sim is embarrassed they run off to a bed or closet to cry it out. This will stop sims from doing that. So as you're being perverted to the sexually awkward sims, they won't run away. They'll stay and take it.

Pervert Trait

This is the perverted, sexually aggressive type of character. They become horny easily and become aroused when undressed around others. But this is not the case of having some buff that is constantly on. It is a result of what the sim is doing and depends on who is around and what are they doing. The traits enable the sims to be "clothing aware"... meaning they will know when another sim has their "sleepwear" category on. And the pervert will get a flirty buff by being in proximity of a sim they are attracted to if they are dressed in their underwear. Good for both male or female. This trait is best played if you use underwear exclusively in the sleepwear category. (Panty and bra for the females and brief or boxers for the males) For ages teen to elder. Same sex compatible.
It's also FFM compatible and will recognize when a sim has started to undress.
So some of the factors that could result in different flirty buffs that the pervert would receive depends on the age of the sim. Different ages result in different buffs. More possible factors, are the sims in their underwear dancing? Are they drunk?
New dialog option "Pervy" gives a few dynamic options. Availability of what can be said depends on who they are and what they're doing and how they're dressed and if they've been drinking or not.
These traits come with custom icons and lots more surprises.

Naïve Trait
The Naïve trait is a sub trait of the Sexually Awkward branch that comes with new vulnerabilities to be taken advantage of.
Currently a Naïve sim exclusive social interaction is to offer a drink to others. However there are new risks that come with that...
There are new Perv social interactions to see how Naïve sims are....

An exclusive interaction is available for those of you who have the Seasons Expansion pack. If your sim gets caught in the rain, it can be suggested that they take their clothes off. The new interactions have a chance of working on Sexually Awkward sims but are guaranteed to work on Naïve sims. Success results in autonomous undressing.

Other Features

Additional body functions depending on current emotions and how they're dressed.
Strip Poker
Panties in a bunch/ Boxers in a twist (sexual harassment)

Other mods
Name Description Click image to DL
F-word mod Changes ALL game pie menus to woohoo text to fuck, 1st woohoo to lose/lost virginity, try for baby to creampie, flirty to horny, unflirty to flaccid, send flirty text to Sext, poop to shit, angry to pissed off and bladder failure to pissed self.

FFM menus will be replaced when using this
Bang will be replaced with Fuck
Behind will be replaced with Ass
Boobs will be replaced with Tits
Bottom will be replaced with Ass
Breasts will be replaced with Tits
Butt will be replaced with Anal or Ass
Chest will be replaced with Breasts
Climax will be replaced with Cum
Crap will be replaced with Shit
Cunnilingus will be replaced with Slit-licking
Dick will be replaced with Cock
Dirty Deed will be replaced with Fucking
Doing It will be replaced with Fucking
Fellatio will be replaced with Blowjob
Getting it on will be replaced with Fucking
Going at it will be replaced with Fucking
Group Sex will be replaced with Orgy
Hump will be replaced with Fuck
Masturbate will be replaced with Jack off or Rub one out
Orgasming will be replaced with Cumming
Penis will be replaced with Cock
Phallus will be replaced with Dick
Screw will be replaced with Fuck
Sex will be replaced with Fuck, Threesome, Foursome, or Orgy
Sleep together will be replaced with Fuck
The Sack will be replaced with Bed
Vagina will be replaced with Pussy
Sims can piss in the shower Sims with certain traits will relieve their bladder in the shower based on the bladder motive levels.
These are the traits that determine which sims will relieve their bladders in the shower:

Sim Hotties Magazines an original magazine featuring sims (and some of others) in the style of most adult publications. included 7 issues of Sim Hotties plus the Sexy Superheroines special, featuring Llama Girl. Also adds Queens Undressed Lingerie Magazine.
Nude Photoshoot Overrides

You'll find a total of 15 new NUDE photo poses that override the EA ones. Since the poses are mood dependent it may take a while to see all of them.

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