The super nude patch is a self installing
program that installs all the necessary mods to make your sims game
fully nude! if your just looking to remove the blurs in the game
than you can download the normal nude patch by
clicking here.
Only subscribers can
download the super nude patch check out it's list of
features below each be be chosen to be installed or not.
- Remove the blurs from the game when sims are naked or
on the toilet.
- Your sims males and females can walk around in the nude.
Includes clothing for topless and full body nude for both males,
females and teens.
- Adds real sex animations and allows your sims to have sex
anytime on a bed, floor or couch in several positions!! Created by XTC keep up the good
work mate!
- The f-word mod is a special mod that will change woohoo in the
game to F**K. Changes all menus where woohoo appears
including the text
in sims wants menu and moodlets. Changes had 1st woohoo with
to lost virginity.
- Special sliders that allow you to adjust your
female sims nipples.
must be installed for these to work)
Special meshes included that will make males grow some balls (and c**k) And finally add an option in the game to instantly
make males get erections.
Adjust the size of sims breasts in the game IN CAS no need to
keep installing bigger tit meshes.
Add an option to Get Naked to all sims Toddler and above. They
will change to their naked outfit immediately, with no clothing
spin. Warning it makes them nude permanently.Allows mermaids to
be topless and with adjustable nipples (island paradise required.)Allows maids to be
Enable the following which will be available in CAS via the
super CAS mod: Makes the Naked outfit visible for editing in the CAS, Dresser, and
Stylist game functions. Doubles the facial slider range. Allows tattoos to be placed on pubic and nipple regions. Enables tattoos for teens. Enables base game body hairs for teens. Expands skin tone picker and increases the range of fat/thin, fit,
and breast body sliders. Makes sims go nude in the tattoo screen. Enables a few base game rings, earrings, and watches for the Naked
Fully automated just select the options you want installed the
program will scan for the correct folders and install everything
where it's supposed to go. Than when finished it will even clear
your cache files for you so the new skins will show up!
